#include #include #include void print_menu(){ printf("\n[*] guess a number from 0 to 10\n"); printf( "[*] press:\n" "\t1 to play\n" "\t2 to try again\n" "\t...or anything else to exit\n\n"); } int lemmego(){ printf("[*] you wished to go, quitting...\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } int get_rand(){ int ar [10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int dat_num = 1+ (rand() % 10); ar[i] = dat_num; } int r = ar[rand() % 10]; return r; } int get_userguess(){ int x = -1; int ok = -1; while( ok != 1){ ok = scanf("%d", &x); if(ok == EOF){ printf("[*] please, come on...\n"); } if(ok == 0){ while (fgetc(stdin) != '\n'){ } printf("[*] give me a correct value\n"); printf("[*] stop gibbering around\n my guess >>> "); } } return x; } void compare_guess_with_reality(int userguess, int reality){ if(userguess == reality){ printf("[*] you won because you've got luck. try me next time!\n"); }else if(userguess < reality){ printf("[*] you lost!\n"); printf("\thint: your guess was just a tad lower than the secret number\n"); }else{ printf("[*] you lost!\n"); printf("[i] hint: your guess was just a tad higher than the secret number\n"); } } void guess(){ srand(time(0)); int userchoice = -1; int nurand = -1; printf("\nwelcome to the guessing game\n"); while (userchoice != 3){ int userguess = -1; int ok = -1; print_menu(); while(ok != 1){ printf("[*] you >>> "); ok = scanf("%d", &userchoice); if(ok == EOF){ printf("[*] please, come on...\n"); } if(ok == 0){ while (fgetc(stdin) != '\n'){ } lemmego(); return; } } switch( userchoice ) { case 1: nurand = get_rand(); printf( "[?] what is your guess then? pick a number from 0 to 10\n" ); printf(" my guess >>> "); userguess = get_userguess(); compare_guess_with_reality(userguess, nurand); break; case 2: if(nurand == -1){ printf("[!] there wasn't a first time yet, mate...\n"); break; } printf("[*] guess again\n"); printf( "[?] what is your guess then? pick a number from 0 to 10\n" ); printf(" my guess >>> "); userguess = get_userguess(); compare_guess_with_reality(userguess, nurand); break; default: userchoice = 3; lemmego(); } } } void print_rand_bs(){ printf("\n\n[*] printing rand\n"); printf("seed\trand1\trand2\trand3\trand4\trand5\trand6\trand7\n"); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 6; i++){ unsigned int seed = i; srand(seed); printf("%d\t", seed); for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++){ printf("%d\t", rand() % 101); } printf("\n"); } } int main() { guess(); print_rand_bs(); return 0; }