citizen-VM a6b87453ff
merge: finally bring in 'feature-ng' greatness
* this merge concludes the works on a next-gen (ng) version of this
program (kry-0x04 - dsa).
* added
  * keygen capabilities (from kry-0x03)
  * sha256sum autocompute on msg text changed
* fixed
  * signature creation
  * signature verification
  * zip/unzip functionality
  * clear_all function
* further included
  * design and ux enhancements
  * code cleanup for improved legibility
  * design-logic decoupling

* feature-ng: (25 commits)
  chore: add "keygen running" indicator label
  feat: add the option to save keys to a folder
  chore: add Rsa.cs for keygen capabilities
  feat: unzip functioning correctly
  refactor: get rid of the using
  chore: clear msgbox first, sha256sumbox after that
  chore: zip creation parameter tweaks
  chore: smarten do_zip(); use disposable workirs
  feat: legibility++; bugginess-- in do_zip()
  chore: delete the folder after the fact
  chore: creating a zip with at least the msg inside
  chore: refactor do_zip()
  chore: rm unused method
  chore: show sha256sum even for an empty string
  fix: handle the label when loading a new message
  chore: refactor LogicHandler
  feat: refactor do_verify()
  feat: autocompute sha on text changed
  chore: rm border style handling
  chore: rm checksum loading capability + renames
2021-01-11 03:55:03 +01:00

92 lines
3.8 KiB

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