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mirror of https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3 synced 2024-04-19 07:53:48 +02:00
Jack O'Connor 54930c9522 version 1.5.1
Changes since 1.5.0:
- The Rust crate is now compatible with Miri.
- ~1% performance improvement on Arm NEON contributed by @divinity76 (#384).
- Various fixes and improvements in the CMake build.
- The MSRV of b3sum is now 1.74.1. (The MSRV of the library crate is
  unchanged, 1.66.1.)
2024-03-12 00:34:53 -07:00

83 lines
2.6 KiB

#ifndef BLAKE3_H
#define BLAKE3_H
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#if !defined(BLAKE3_API)
# if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
# if defined(BLAKE3_DLL)
# if defined(BLAKE3_DLL_EXPORTS)
# define BLAKE3_API __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define BLAKE3_API __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# else
# define BLAKE3_API
# endif
# elif __GNUC__ >= 4
# define BLAKE3_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
# define BLAKE3_PRIVATE __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
# else
# define BLAKE3_API
# endif
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define BLAKE3_VERSION_STRING "1.5.1"
#define BLAKE3_KEY_LEN 32
#define BLAKE3_OUT_LEN 32
#define BLAKE3_BLOCK_LEN 64
#define BLAKE3_CHUNK_LEN 1024
#define BLAKE3_MAX_DEPTH 54
// This struct is a private implementation detail. It has to be here because
// it's part of blake3_hasher below.
typedef struct {
uint32_t cv[8];
uint64_t chunk_counter;
uint8_t buf[BLAKE3_BLOCK_LEN];
uint8_t buf_len;
uint8_t blocks_compressed;
uint8_t flags;
} blake3_chunk_state;
typedef struct {
uint32_t key[8];
blake3_chunk_state chunk;
uint8_t cv_stack_len;
// The stack size is MAX_DEPTH + 1 because we do lazy merging. For example,
// with 7 chunks, we have 3 entries in the stack. Adding an 8th chunk
// requires a 4th entry, rather than merging everything down to 1, because we
// don't know whether more input is coming. This is different from how the
// reference implementation does things.
uint8_t cv_stack[(BLAKE3_MAX_DEPTH + 1) * BLAKE3_OUT_LEN];
} blake3_hasher;
BLAKE3_API const char *blake3_version(void);
BLAKE3_API void blake3_hasher_init(blake3_hasher *self);
BLAKE3_API void blake3_hasher_init_keyed(blake3_hasher *self,
const uint8_t key[BLAKE3_KEY_LEN]);
BLAKE3_API void blake3_hasher_init_derive_key(blake3_hasher *self, const char *context);
BLAKE3_API void blake3_hasher_init_derive_key_raw(blake3_hasher *self, const void *context,
size_t context_len);
BLAKE3_API void blake3_hasher_update(blake3_hasher *self, const void *input,
size_t input_len);
BLAKE3_API void blake3_hasher_finalize(const blake3_hasher *self, uint8_t *out,
size_t out_len);
BLAKE3_API void blake3_hasher_finalize_seek(const blake3_hasher *self, uint64_t seek,
uint8_t *out, size_t out_len);
BLAKE3_API void blake3_hasher_reset(blake3_hasher *self);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* BLAKE3_H */