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mirror of https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3 synced 2024-04-20 05:04:04 +02:00
Jack O'Connor 54930c9522 version 1.5.1
Changes since 1.5.0:
- The Rust crate is now compatible with Miri.
- ~1% performance improvement on Arm NEON contributed by @divinity76 (#384).
- Various fixes and improvements in the CMake build.
- The MSRV of b3sum is now 1.74.1. (The MSRV of the library crate is
  unchanged, 1.66.1.)
2024-03-12 00:34:53 -07:00
build_b3sum.py add another retry loop to upload_github_release_asset.py 2022-11-20 17:18:35 -08:00
ci.yml version 1.5.1 2024-03-12 00:34:53 -07:00
tag.yml replace unmaintained actions-rs/toolchain action in CI 2023-12-30 02:28:33 -05:00
upload_github_release_asset.py add another retry loop to upload_github_release_asset.py 2022-11-20 17:18:35 -08:00