#! /usr/bin/env python3 from pathlib import Path import platform import shutil import subprocess import sys ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent RUST_TARGET = sys.argv[1] subprocess.run(["cargo", "build", "--target", sys.argv[1], "--release"], cwd=ROOT / "b3sum") if platform.system() == "Windows": original_exe_name = "b3sum.exe" else: original_exe_name = "b3sum" if platform.system() == "Windows": new_exe_name = "b3sum_windows_x64_bin.exe" elif platform.system() == "Darwin": new_exe_name = "b3sum_macos_x64_bin" elif platform.system() == "Linux": new_exe_name = "b3sum_linux_x64_bin" else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected platform: " + platform.system()) # Copy the built binary so that it has the upload name we want. out_dir = ROOT / "b3sum/target" / RUST_TARGET / "release" original_exe_path = str(out_dir / original_exe_name) new_exe_path = str(out_dir / new_exe_name) print("copying", repr(original_exe_path), "to", repr(new_exe_path)) shutil.copyfile(original_exe_path, new_exe_path) # This lets the subsequent upload step get the filepath. print("::set-output name=bin_path::" + new_exe_path)