use crate::{ counter_high, counter_low, CVBytes, CVWords, IncrementCounter, BLOCK_LEN, IV, MSG_SCHEDULE, OUT_LEN, }; use arrayref::{array_mut_ref, array_ref}; #[inline(always)] fn g(state: &mut [u32; 16], a: usize, b: usize, c: usize, d: usize, x: u32, y: u32) { state[a] = state[a].wrapping_add(state[b]).wrapping_add(x); state[d] = (state[d] ^ state[a]).rotate_right(16); state[c] = state[c].wrapping_add(state[d]); state[b] = (state[b] ^ state[c]).rotate_right(12); state[a] = state[a].wrapping_add(state[b]).wrapping_add(y); state[d] = (state[d] ^ state[a]).rotate_right(8); state[c] = state[c].wrapping_add(state[d]); state[b] = (state[b] ^ state[c]).rotate_right(7); } #[inline(always)] fn round(state: &mut [u32; 16], msg: &[u32; 16], round: usize) { // Select the message schedule based on the round. let schedule = MSG_SCHEDULE[round]; // Mix the columns. g(state, 0, 4, 8, 12, msg[schedule[0]], msg[schedule[1]]); g(state, 1, 5, 9, 13, msg[schedule[2]], msg[schedule[3]]); g(state, 2, 6, 10, 14, msg[schedule[4]], msg[schedule[5]]); g(state, 3, 7, 11, 15, msg[schedule[6]], msg[schedule[7]]); // Mix the diagonals. g(state, 0, 5, 10, 15, msg[schedule[8]], msg[schedule[9]]); g(state, 1, 6, 11, 12, msg[schedule[10]], msg[schedule[11]]); g(state, 2, 7, 8, 13, msg[schedule[12]], msg[schedule[13]]); g(state, 3, 4, 9, 14, msg[schedule[14]], msg[schedule[15]]); } #[inline(always)] fn compress_pre( cv: &CVWords, block: &[u8; BLOCK_LEN], block_len: u8, counter: u64, flags: u8, ) -> [u32; 16] { let block_words = crate::platform::words_from_le_bytes_64(block); let mut state = [ cv[0], cv[1], cv[2], cv[3], cv[4], cv[5], cv[6], cv[7], IV[0], IV[1], IV[2], IV[3], counter_low(counter), counter_high(counter), block_len as u32, flags as u32, ]; round(&mut state, &block_words, 0); round(&mut state, &block_words, 1); round(&mut state, &block_words, 2); round(&mut state, &block_words, 3); round(&mut state, &block_words, 4); round(&mut state, &block_words, 5); round(&mut state, &block_words, 6); state } pub fn compress_in_place( cv: &mut CVWords, block: &[u8; BLOCK_LEN], block_len: u8, counter: u64, flags: u8, ) { let state = compress_pre(cv, block, block_len, counter, flags); cv[0] = state[0] ^ state[8]; cv[1] = state[1] ^ state[9]; cv[2] = state[2] ^ state[10]; cv[3] = state[3] ^ state[11]; cv[4] = state[4] ^ state[12]; cv[5] = state[5] ^ state[13]; cv[6] = state[6] ^ state[14]; cv[7] = state[7] ^ state[15]; } pub fn compress_xof( cv: &CVWords, block: &[u8; BLOCK_LEN], block_len: u8, counter: u64, flags: u8, ) -> [u8; 64] { let mut state = compress_pre(cv, block, block_len, counter, flags); state[0] ^= state[8]; state[1] ^= state[9]; state[2] ^= state[10]; state[3] ^= state[11]; state[4] ^= state[12]; state[5] ^= state[13]; state[6] ^= state[14]; state[7] ^= state[15]; state[8] ^= cv[0]; state[9] ^= cv[1]; state[10] ^= cv[2]; state[11] ^= cv[3]; state[12] ^= cv[4]; state[13] ^= cv[5]; state[14] ^= cv[6]; state[15] ^= cv[7]; crate::platform::le_bytes_from_words_64(&state) } pub fn hash1>( input: &A, key: &CVWords, counter: u64, flags: u8, flags_start: u8, flags_end: u8, out: &mut CVBytes, ) { debug_assert_eq!(A::CAPACITY % BLOCK_LEN, 0, "uneven blocks"); let mut cv = *key; let mut block_flags = flags | flags_start; let mut slice = input.as_slice(); while slice.len() >= BLOCK_LEN { if slice.len() == BLOCK_LEN { block_flags |= flags_end; } compress_in_place( &mut cv, array_ref!(slice, 0, BLOCK_LEN), BLOCK_LEN as u8, counter, block_flags, ); block_flags = flags; slice = &slice[BLOCK_LEN..]; } *out = crate::platform::le_bytes_from_words_32(&cv); } pub fn hash_many>( inputs: &[&A], key: &CVWords, mut counter: u64, increment_counter: IncrementCounter, flags: u8, flags_start: u8, flags_end: u8, out: &mut [u8], ) { debug_assert!(out.len() >= inputs.len() * OUT_LEN, "out too short"); for (&input, output) in inputs.iter().zip(out.chunks_exact_mut(OUT_LEN)) { hash1( input, key, counter, flags, flags_start, flags_end, array_mut_ref!(output, 0, OUT_LEN), ); if increment_counter.yes() { counter += 1; } } } #[cfg(test)] pub mod test { use super::*; // This is basically testing the portable implementation against itself, // but it also checks that compress_in_place and compress_xof are // consistent. And there are tests against the reference implementation and // against hardcoded test vectors elsewhere. #[test] fn test_compress() { crate::test::test_compress_fn(compress_in_place, compress_xof); } // Ditto. #[test] fn test_hash_many() { crate::test::test_hash_many_fn(hash_many, hash_many); } }