use std::env; fn defined(var: &str) -> bool { env::var_os(var).is_some() } fn target_components() -> Vec { let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap(); target.split("-").map(|s| s.to_string()).collect() } fn is_x86_64() -> bool { target_components()[0] == "x86_64" } fn is_armv7() -> bool { target_components()[0] == "armv7" } // Windows targets may be using the MSVC toolchain or the GNU toolchain. The // right compiler flags to use depend on the toolchain. (And we don't want to // use flag_if_supported, because we don't want features to be silently // disabled by old compilers.) fn is_windows_msvc() -> bool { // Some targets are only two components long, so check in steps. target_components()[1] == "pc" && target_components()[2] == "windows" && target_components()[3] == "msvc" } fn new_build() -> cc::Build { let mut build = cc::Build::new(); if !is_windows_msvc() { build.flag("-std=c11"); } build } const WINDOWS_MSVC_ERROR: &str = r#" The "c_avx512" feature is enabled, but your version of the MSVC C compiler does not support the "/arch:AVX512" flag. If you are building the "b3sum" or "bao_bin" crates, you can disable AVX-512 with Cargo's "--no-default-features" flag. (Note that this also disables other default features like Rayon-based multithreading, which you can re-enable with "--features=rayon".) Other crates might or might not support this workaround. "#; const GNU_ERROR: &str = r#" The "c_avx512" feature is enabled, but your C compiler does not support the "-mavx512f" flag. If you are building the "b3sum" or "bao_bin" crates, you can disable AVX-512 with Cargo's "--no-default-features" flag. (Note that this also disables other default features like Rayon-based multithreading, which you can re-enable with "--features=rayon".) Other crates might or might not support this workaround. "#; fn check_for_avx512_compiler_support(build: &cc::Build) { if is_windows_msvc() { if !build.is_flag_supported("/arch:AVX512").unwrap() { eprintln!("{}", WINDOWS_MSVC_ERROR.trim()); std::process::exit(1); } } else { if !build.is_flag_supported("-mavx512f").unwrap() { eprintln!("{}", GNU_ERROR.trim()); std::process::exit(1); } } } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // "c_avx512' is a no-op for non-x86_64 targets. It also participates in // dynamic CPU feature detection, so it's generally safe to enable. // However, it probably won't build in some older environments without // AVX-512 support in the C compiler, and it's disabled by default for that // reason. if defined("CARGO_FEATURE_C_AVX512") && is_x86_64() { let mut build = new_build(); check_for_avx512_compiler_support(&build); build.file("c/blake3_avx512.c"); if is_windows_msvc() { // Note that a lot of versions of MSVC don't support /arch:AVX512, // and they'll discard it with a warning, hopefully leading to a // build error. build.flag("/arch:AVX512"); } else { build.flag("-mavx512f"); build.flag("-mavx512vl"); } build.compile("blake3_avx512"); } if defined("CARGO_FEATURE_C_NEON") { let mut build = new_build(); // Note that blake3_neon.c normally depends on the blake3_portable.c // for the single-instance compression function, but we expose // over FFI instead. See build.file("c/blake3_neon.c"); // ARMv7 platforms that support NEON generally need the following // flags. AArch64 supports NEON by default and does not support -mpfu. if is_armv7() { build.flag("-mfpu=neon-vfpv4"); build.flag("-mfloat-abi=hard"); } build.compile("blake3_neon"); } // The `cc` crate does not automatically emit rerun-if directives for the // environment variables it supports, in particular for $CC. We expect to // do a lot of benchmarking across different compilers, so we explicitly // add the variables that we're likely to need. println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=CC"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=CFLAGS"); // Ditto for source files, though these shouldn't change as often. for file in std::fs::read_dir("c")? { println!( "cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", file?.path().to_str().expect("utf-8") ); } Ok(()) }