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mirror of https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3 synced 2024-04-28 17:55:08 +02:00

simplify the security notes, avoid referring to entropy

This commit is contained in:
Jack O'Connor 2022-03-02 18:51:39 -05:00
parent 153d46e11a
commit b3c06e46ed
2 changed files with 14 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -196,21 +196,13 @@ BLAKE3 output is intended to provide N bits of first and second preimage resista
bits of collision resistance, for any N up to 256. Longer outputs don't provide any additional
[_Block-Cipher-Based Tree Hashing_ by Aldo Gunsing](https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/283) shows
that an extended BLAKE3 output doesn't protect the secrecy of its offset — that is the number
of output bytes that came before, or the argument to
[`seek`](struct.OutputReader.html#method.seek) or
[`position`](struct.OutputReader.html#method.position) — as well as it ideally could. Callers
who rely on secret output lengths or offsets need to pay attention to this, but the vast
majority of callers use constant and/or public lengths and offsets and aren't affected.
The underlying issue is that the BLAKE3 compression function is invertible if an attacker
already knows the message and the key and also observes an extended output. In particular,
inverting the compression function doesn't require knowing the internal `t` parameter that
represents the offset. In other words, an output offset doesn't contribute any entropy towards
protecting its own secrecy or the secrecy of other inputs. However, the offset does benefit
from the entropy of the message and the key, so for example a caller using a 256-bit secret key
is also not affected.
Don't rely on the secrecy of the output offset, i.e. the number of output bytes read or the
arguments to [`seek`](struct.OutputReader.html#method.seek) or
[`set_position`](struct.OutputReader.html#method.set_position). [_Block-Cipher-Based Tree
Hashing_ by Aldo Gunsing](https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/283) shows that an attacker who knows
both the message and the key can easily recover the offset. Callers with uniformly random keys
aren't affected in practice, but relying on the secrecy of the offset is a [design
smell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_smell) in any case.
For comparison, AES-CTR has a similar property. If you know the key, you can decrypt a block
from an unknown position in the output stream to recover its block index. However, the Salsa

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@ -1351,21 +1351,13 @@ impl std::io::Write for Hasher {
/// bits of collision resistance, for any N up to 256. Longer outputs don't provide any additional
/// security.
/// [_Block-Cipher-Based Tree Hashing_ by Aldo Gunsing](https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/283) shows
/// that an extended BLAKE3 output doesn't protect the secrecy of its offset — that is the number
/// of output bytes that came before, or the argument to
/// [`seek`](struct.OutputReader.html#method.seek) or
/// [`position`](struct.OutputReader.html#method.position) — as well as it ideally could. Callers
/// who rely on secret output lengths or offsets need to pay attention to this, but the vast
/// majority of callers use constant and/or public lengths and offsets and aren't affected.
/// The underlying issue is that the BLAKE3 compression function is invertible if an attacker
/// already knows the message and the key and also observes an extended output. In particular,
/// inverting the compression function doesn't require knowing the internal `t` parameter that
/// represents the offset. In other words, an output offset doesn't contribute any entropy towards
/// protecting its own secrecy or the secrecy of other inputs. However, the offset does benefit
/// from the entropy of the message and the key, so for example a caller using a 256-bit secret key
/// is also not affected.
/// Don't rely on the secrecy of the output offset, i.e. the number of output bytes read or the
/// arguments to [`seek`](struct.OutputReader.html#method.seek) or
/// [`set_position`](struct.OutputReader.html#method.set_position). [_Block-Cipher-Based Tree
/// Hashing_ by Aldo Gunsing](https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/283) shows that an attacker who knows
/// both the message and the key can easily recover the offset. Callers with uniformly random keys
/// aren't affected in practice, but relying on the secrecy of the offset is a [design
/// smell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_smell) in any case.
/// For comparison, AES-CTR has a similar property. If you know the key, you can decrypt a block
/// from an unknown position in the output stream to recover its block index. However, the Salsa