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mirror of git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code synced 2024-05-20 06:56:05 +02:00
2019-05-06 17:03:59 +02:00

127 lines
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#compdef mr
# A zsh completion script for myrepos (http://myrepos.branchable.com/)
# This script does not handle user defined alias nor user defined actions (lib,
# plugins)
local curcontext="$curcontext" state state_descr line ret=1
local -a arguments
typeset -A opt_args
typeset -g mr_subcommands mr_alias
'(-d --directory)'{-d,--directory}'[specify the topmost directory that mr should work in]:directory:_files -/'
'(-c --config)'{-c,--config}'[use the specified mrconfig file]:mrconfig:_files'
'(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[force mr to act on repositories that would normally be skipped]'
'--force-env[force mr to execute even though potentially dangerous env variables]'
'(-v --verbose)'{-v,--verbose}'[be verbose]'
'(-m --minimal)'{-m,--minimal}'[minimise output]'
'(-q --quiet)'{-q,--quiet}"[suppress mr's usual output]"
'(-k --insecure)'{-k,--insecure}'[accept untrusted SSL certificates when bootstrapping]'
'(-s --stats)'{-s,--stats}'[expand the statistics line displayed at the end]'
'(-i --interactive)'{-i,--interactive}'[start a subshell if a repository fails to be processed]'
'(-n --no-recurse)'{-n,--no-recurse}'[specify the recursivity depth into repositories]::number'
'(-j --jobs)'{-j,--jobs}'[number of jobs run in parallel]::number'
'--cache[save the command result to ~/.mrcache/]'
'--cached[process cached commands]'
'--uncache[remove the cached output]'
'--top[cd to the top of the repo before running any commands]'
'(-t --trust-all)'{-t,--trust-all}'[trust all mrconfig files]'
\!{-p,--path} # this obsolete flag is ignored
':mr commands:->subcommand'
'*::: := ->option-or-argument'
_arguments -C $arguments && ret=0
case $state in
"checkout:check out any repositories that are not already checked out"
"update:update each repository"
"status:display a status report for each repository"
"clean:print/remove ignored or untracked files and other cruft"
"commit:commit changes to each repository"
"record:record changes to the local repository"
"fetch:fetch from each repository's remote repository"
"push:push committed local changes to remote repository"
"diff:show a diff of uncommitted changes"
"log:show the commit log"
"grep:search for a pattern in each repository"
"run:run the specified command in each repository"
"bootstrap:use a 'source' as .mrconfig file"
"list:list the repositories that mr will act on"
"register:register an existing repository in a mrconfig file"
"config:get and set value from a mrconfig file"
"offline:advise mr that it is in offline mode"
"online:advise mr that it is in online mode"
"remember:remember a command to be run later"
"help:display this help."
"co:check out any repositories that are not already checked out"
"ci:commit changes to each repository"
"ls:list the repositories that mr will act on"
_describe -t commands 'command' mr_subcommands -- mr_alias && ret=0
case $line[1] in
_arguments \
'-f[allow removing the files]' \
'*: :' && ret=0
_arguments \
'-m[allow specifying a commit message]' \
'*: :' && ret=0
_message 'search pattern'
_message 'command to run'
if [[ $CURRENT -eq 2 ]]; then
_alternative \
'urls:URL:_urls' \
'local:local file or stdin:_files'
elif [[ $CURRENT -eq 3 ]]; then
case $CURRENT in
(2) _message -e section 'section name';&
(3) _message -e setting '"setting" or "setting=value"';&
_describe -t commands 'command' mr_subcommands -- mr_alias && ret=0
_message 'no arguments'
_default && ret=0
return ret