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Some utility builtins, e.g. the one for supporting configuration via
cindex(builtins, utility)
The tt(zsh/zutil) module only adds some builtins:
xitem(tt(zstyle) [ tt(-L) ])
xitem(tt(zstyle) [ tt(-) | tt(-)tt(-) ] var(pattern) var(style) var(strings) ...)
xitem(tt(zstyle -d) [ var(pattern) [ var(styles) ... ] ])
xitem(tt(zstyle -g) var(name) [ var(pattern) [ var(style) ] ])
xitem(tt(zstyle -s) var(context) var(style) var(name) [ var(sep) ])
xitem(tt(zstyle -b) var(context) var(style) var(name))
xitem(tt(zstyle -a) var(context) var(style) var(name))
xitem(tt(zstyle -h) var(context) var(style) var(name))
xitem(tt(zstyle -t) var(context) var(style) [ var(strings) ...])
xitem(tt(zstyle -T) var(context) var(style) [ var(strings) ...])
item(tt(zstyle -m) var(context) var(style) var(pattern))(
This builtin command is used to define and lookup styles. Styles are
pairs of names and values, where the values consist of any number of
strings. They are stored together with patterns and lookup is done by
giving a string, called the `context', which is compared to the
patterns. The definition stored for the first matching pattern will be
returned. For this, the patterns are ordered from most specific to
less specific and patterns that are equally specific keep the order in
which they were defined. A pattern is considered to be more specific
than another if it contains more components (substrings separated by
colons) or if the patterns for the components are more specific, where
simple strings are considered to be more specific than patterns and
complex patterns are considered to be more specific than the pattern
The first form (without arguments) lists the definitions in the order
tt(zstyle) will test them. If the tt(-L) option is given, listing is
done in the form of calls to tt(zstyle).
In the second form this defines the given var(style) for the
var(pattern) with the var(strings) as the value.
The third form can be used to delete such definitions. Without
arguments all definitions are deleted, with a var(pattern) all
definitions for that pattern are deleted and if any var(styles) are
given, then only those styles are deleted for the var(pattern).
The fourth form allows to retrieve definitions. The var(name) will be
used as the name of an array in which the results are stored. Without
any further arguments, all var(patterns) defined are returned. With a
var(pattern) the styles defined for that pattern are returned and with
both a var(pattern) and a var(style), the value strings of that
combination is returned.
The other forms can be used to look up or test patterns. With the
tt(-s) option, the value of the style is returned as a string in the
parameter var(name). For this, the strings from the value are
concatenated with spaces (or the var(sep) string if that is given)
between them. The tt(-b) option makes the value be returned as a
boolean, i.e. as the string tt(yes) if the value has only one string
and that is equal to one of tt(yes), tt(true), tt(on), or tt(1). If
the value has more than one string or only one but that is different
from the strings mentioned, the parameter will be set to tt(no). The
tt(-a) option makes the value be returned as an array and the tt(-h)
makes it be returned as an associative array (with the first, third,
etc. string being used as the keys and the other strings being used as
the values).
The tt(-t) options can be used to test the value of a style, i.e. it
only sets the return value. Without any var(strings) arguments it is
zero if the style is defined for at least one matching pattern, has
only one string in its value and that is equal to one of tt(true),
tt(yes), tt(on) or tt(1). If any var(strings) are given the return
zero if and only if at least one of the var(strings) is equal to at
least one of the strings in the value. If the style is not defined,
the return value is tt(2).
The tt(-T) option is like tt(-t) but returns zero if the style is not
set for any matching pattern.
The tt(-m) option can be used to match a value. It returns zero if the
var(pattern) matches at least one of the strings in the value.
xitem(tt(zformat -f) var(param) var(format) var(specs) ...)
item(tt(zformat -a) var(array) var(sep) var(specs) ...)(
This builtin provides to different forms of formatting. The first form
is selected with the tt(-f) option. If this is given, the var(format)
string will be modified by replacing sequences starting with a percent
sign in it with strings from the var(specs). Each var(spec) has to be
of the form `var(char)tt(:)var(string)' and this will make every
appearence of the sequence `tt(%)var(char)' in var(format) be replaced
with the var(string). The `tt(%)' sequence may also contain optional
minimum and maximum field width specifications between the `tt(%)' and
the `var(char)' in the form `tt(%)var(min)tt(.)var(max)tt(c)',
i.e. the minimum field width is given first and if the maximum field
width is used, it has to be preceded by a dot. Giving a minimum field
width makes the result be padded with spaces to the right if the
var(string) is shorter than the requested width. Padding to the left
can be achieved by giving a negative minimum field width. If a maximum
field width is given, the var(string) will be truncated after that
many characters. After all `tt(%)' sequences for the given var(specs)
have been processed, the resulting string is stored in the parameter
The second form, using the tt(-a) option, can be used to get aligned
strings. Here, the var(specs) are of the form
`var(left)tt(:)var(right)' where `var(left)' and `var(right)' are
arbitrary strings. These strings are modified by replacing the colons
with the var(sep) string and padding the var(left) strings with spaces
to the right so that the var(sep) strings in the result (and hence the
var(right) strings after them) are all aligned if the strings are
printed below each other. All strings without a colon are left
unchanged and all strings with a empty var(right) string have the
trailing colon removed. In both cases the lengths of the strings
are not used to determine how the other strings have to be aligned.
The resulting strings are stored in the var(array).
This implements the internals of the `tt(_regex_arguments)'.
item(tt(zparseopts) [ tt(-D) ] [ tt(-a) var(array) ] [ tt(-A) var(assoc) ] var(specs))(
This builtin simplifies the parsing of options in the positional
parameters. Each var(spec) describes one option and should be of the
form `var(name)[tt(+)][tt(:)[tt(:)][tt(-)]][tt(=)var(array)]'. The var(name)
is the name of the option (without the leading `tt(-)'). If only that
is given, the option takes no argument and if it is found in the
positional parameters it will be placed in the var(array) given with
the tt(-a) option. If the optional `tt(=)var(array)' is given, it will
be put into that array instead. If one or two colons are given, the
option takes an argument. With one colon, this argument is mandatory
and with two colons it is optional. The argument will be inserted into
the var(array), too. For mandatory arguments it is added as a separate
string and for optional arguments it is put into one string together
with the option name unless the `tt(-)' option is given. In this case
the argument will be put into the same word even for mandatory
arguments (note that this makes empty strings as arguments
indistinguishable). Finally, if the `tt(+)' is given and the option
appears more than once in the positional parameters, it will be
inserted more than once in the var(array), too. Without the `tt(+)'
the option will be inserted only once in the var(array) with arguments
of later options overwriting earlier once. If any of the special
character needs to appear in the option name it must be preceded by a
If the tt(-A) option is given, the options and their values will also
be put into an associative array with the option names as keys and the
arguments (if any) as the values. Note that it is an error to give
var(specs) without a `tt(=)var(array)' and not use either the tt(-a)
or tt(-A) option.
If the tt(-D) option is given, all options found are removed from the
positional parameters leaving only the strings from the first one that
was not described by any of the var(specs) to the last (note that this
is the usual rule used by tt(zparseopts) to find out when to stop
processing options).
For example, calling `tt(zparseopts a=foo b:=bar c+:=bar)' with the
strings `tt(-a)', `tt(-bx)', `tt(-c)', `tt(y)', `tt(-cz)', `tt(baz)'
and `tt(-cend)' as positional arguments will set the array tt(foo) to
contain the element `tt(-a)' and the array tt(bar) to the strings
`tt(-b)', `tt(x)', `tt(-c)', `tt(y)', `tt(-c)', and `tt(z)'. The
`tt(baz)' and all strings after it will not be used.