mirror of git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code synced 2024-10-02 08:51:18 +02:00
1999-04-15 18:05:38 +00:00

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# Generic .zshrc file for zsh 2.7
# .zshrc is sourced in interactive shells. It
# should contain commands to set up aliases, functions,
# options, key bindings, etc.
# Search path for the cd command
cdpath=(.. ~ ~/src ~/zsh)
# Use hard limits, except for a smaller stack and no core dumps
limit stack 8192
limit core 0
limit -s
umask 022
# Set up aliases
alias mv='nocorrect mv' # no spelling correction on mv
alias cp='nocorrect cp' # no spelling correction on cp
alias mkdir='nocorrect mkdir' # no spelling correction on mkdir
alias j=jobs
alias pu=pushd
alias po=popd
alias d='dirs -v'
alias h=history
alias grep=egrep
alias ll='ls -l'
alias la='ls -a'
# List only directories and symbolic
# links that point to directories
alias lsd='ls -ld *(-/DN)'
# List only file beginning with "."
alias lsa='ls -ld .*'
# Shell functions
setenv() { export $1=$2 } # csh compatibility
# Where to look for autoloaded function definitions
# Autoload all shell functions from all directories
# in $fpath that have the executable bit on
# (the executable bit is not necessary, but gives
# you an easy way to stop the autoloading of a
# particular shell function).
for dirname in $fpath
autoload $dirname/*(.x:t)
# Global aliases -- These do not have to be
# at the beginning of the command line.
alias -g M='|more'
alias -g H='|head'
alias -g T='|tail'
manpath=($X11HOME/man /usr/man /usr/lang/man /usr/local/man)
export MANPATH
# Filename suffixes to ignore during completion
fignore=(.o .c~ .old .pro)
# Hosts to use for completion
hosts=(`hostname` ftp.math.gatech.edu prep.ai.mit.edu wuarchive.wustl.edu)
# Set prompts
PROMPT='%m%# ' # default prompt
RPROMPT=' %~' # prompt for right side of screen
# Some environment variables
export MAIL=/var/spool/mail/$USERNAME
export LESS=-cex3M
export HELPDIR=/usr/local/lib/zsh/help # directory for run-help function to find docs
# Watch for my friends
#watch=($(cat ~/.friends)) # watch for people in .friends file
watch=(notme) # watch for everybody but me
LOGCHECK=300 # check every 5 min for login/logout activity
WATCHFMT='%n %a %l from %m at %t.'
# Set/unset shell options
setopt notify globdots correct pushdtohome cdablevars autolist
setopt correctall autocd recexact longlistjobs
setopt autoresume histignoredups pushdsilent noclobber
setopt autopushd pushdminus extendedglob rcquotes mailwarning
unsetopt bgnice autoparamslash
# Setup some basic programmable completions. To see more examples
# of these, check Misc/compctl-examples in the zsh distribution.
compctl -g '*(-/)' cd pushd
compctl -g '*(/)' rmdir dircmp
compctl -j -P % -x 's[-] p[1]' -k signals -- kill
compctl -j -P % fg bg wait jobs disown
compctl -A shift
compctl -caF type whence which
compctl -F unfunction
compctl -a unalias
compctl -v unset typeset declare vared readonly export integer
compctl -e disable
compctl -d enable
# Some nice key bindings
#bindkey '^X^Z' universal-argument ' ' magic-space
#bindkey '^X^A' vi-find-prev-char-skip
#bindkey '^Z' accept-and-hold
#bindkey -s '\M-/' \\\\
#bindkey -s '\M-=' \|
# bindkey -v # vi key bindings
bindkey -e # emacs key bindings
bindkey ' ' magic-space # also do history expansino on space