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* mem.c - memory management
* This file is part of zsh, the Z shell.
* Copyright (c) 1992-1997 Paul Falstad
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
* license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any
* purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following
* two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
* In no event shall Paul Falstad or the Zsh Development Group be liable
* to any party for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential
* damages arising out of the use of this software and its documentation,
* even if Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group have been advised of
* the possibility of such damage.
* Paul Falstad and the Zsh Development Group specifically disclaim any
* warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
* merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The software
* provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and Paul Falstad and the
* Zsh Development Group have no obligation to provide maintenance,
* support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.
#include "zsh.mdh"
#include "mem.pro"
There are two ways to allocate memory in zsh. The first way is
to call zalloc/zcalloc, which call malloc/calloc directly. It
is legal to call realloc() or free() on memory allocated this way.
The second way is to call halloc/hcalloc, which allocates memory
from one of the memory pools on the heap stack. Such memory pools
will automatically created when the heap allocation routines are
called. To be sure that they are freed at appropriate times
one should call pushheap() before one starts using heaps and
popheap() after that (when the memory allocated on the heaps since
the last pushheap() isn't needed anymore).
pushheap() saves the states of all currently allocated heaps and
popheap() resets them to the last state saved and destroys the
information about that state. If you called pushheap() and
allocated some memory on the heaps and then come to a place where
you don't need the allocated memory anymore but you still want
to allocate memory on the heap, you should call freeheap(). This
works like popheap(), only that it doesn't free the information
about the heap states (i.e. the heaps are like after the call to
pushheap() and you have to call popheap some time later).
Memory allocated in this way does not have to be freed explicitly;
it will all be freed when the pool is destroyed. In fact,
attempting to free this memory may result in a core dump.
The pair of pointers ncalloc and alloc may point to either
zalloc & zcalloc or halloc & hcalloc; permalloc() sets them to the
former, and heapalloc() sets them to the latter. This can be useful.
For example, the dupstruct() routine duplicates a syntax tree,
allocating the new memory for the tree using alloc(). If you want
to duplicate a structure for a one-time use (i.e. to execute the list
in a for loop), call heapalloc(), then dupstruct(). If you want
to duplicate a structure in order to preserve it (i.e. a function
definition), call permalloc(), then dupstruct().
If we use zsh's own allocator we use a simple trick to avoid that
the (*real*) heap fills up with empty zsh-heaps: we allocate a
large block of memory before allocating a heap pool, this memory
is freed again immediately after the pool is allocated. If there
are only small blocks on the free list this guarantees that the
memory for the pool is at the end of the memory which means that
we can give it back to the system when the pool is freed.
/* != 0 if we are allocating in the heaplist */
int useheap;
/* Current allocation pointers. ncalloc() is either zalloc() or halloc(); *
* alloc() is either zcalloc() or hcalloc(). */
void *(*ncalloc) _((size_t)), *(*alloc) _((size_t));
# ifndef DEBUG
# define DEBUG 1
# endif
#if defined(ZSH_MEM) && defined(ZSH_MEM_DEBUG)
static int h_m[1025], h_push, h_pop, h_free;
#define H_ISIZE sizeof(long)
#define HEAPSIZE (8192 - H_ISIZE)
#define HEAP_ARENA_SIZE (HEAPSIZE - sizeof(struct heap))
#define HEAPFREE (16384 - H_ISIZE)
/* set default allocation to heap stack */
int luh = useheap;
alloc = hcalloc;
ncalloc = halloc;
useheap = 1;
return luh;
/* set default allocation to malloc() */
int luh = useheap;
alloc = zcalloc;
ncalloc = zalloc;
useheap = 0;
return luh;
/* heappush saves the current heap state using this structure */
struct heapstack {
struct heapstack *next; /* next one in list for this heap */
size_t used;
/* A zsh heap. */
struct heap {
struct heap *next; /* next one */
size_t used; /* bytes used from the heap */
struct heapstack *sp; /* used by pushheap() to save the value used */
#define arena(X) ((char *) (X) + sizeof(struct heap))
/* list of zsh heap */
static Heap heaps;
/* save states of zsh heaps */
Heap h;
Heapstack hs;
#if defined(ZSH_MEM) && defined(ZSH_MEM_DEBUG)
for (h = heaps; h; h = h->next) {
DPUTS(!h->used, "BUG: empty heap");
hs = (Heapstack) zalloc(sizeof(*hs));
hs->next = h->sp;
h->sp = hs;
hs->used = h->used;
/* reset heaps to previous state */
Heap h, hn, hl = NULL;
#if defined(ZSH_MEM) && defined(ZSH_MEM_DEBUG)
for (h = heaps; h; h = hn) {
hn = h->next;
if (h->sp) {
memset(arena(h) + h->sp->used, 0xff, h->used - h->sp->used);
h->used = h->sp->used;
hl = h;
} else
zfree(h, HEAPSIZE);
if (hl)
hl->next = NULL;
heaps = NULL;
/* reset heap to previous state and destroy state information */
Heap h, hn, hl = NULL;
Heapstack hs;
#if defined(ZSH_MEM) && defined(ZSH_MEM_DEBUG)
for (h = heaps; h; h = hn) {
hn = h->next;
if ((hs = h->sp)) {
h->sp = hs->next;
memset(arena(h) + hs->used, 0xff, h->used - hs->used);
h->used = hs->used;
zfree(hs, sizeof(*hs));
hl = h;
} else
zfree(h, HEAPSIZE);
if (hl)
hl->next = NULL;
heaps = NULL;
/* allocate memory from the current memory pool */
void *
halloc(size_t size)
Heap h;
size_t n;
size = (size + H_ISIZE - 1) & ~(H_ISIZE - 1);
#if defined(ZSH_MEM) && defined(ZSH_MEM_DEBUG)
h_m[size < 1024 ? (size / H_ISIZE) : 1024]++;
/* find a heap with enough free space */
for (h = heaps; h; h = h->next) {
if (HEAP_ARENA_SIZE >= (n = size + h->used)) {
h->used = n;
return arena(h) + n - size;
Heap hp;
/* not found, allocate new heap */
#ifdef ZSH_MEM
static int called = 0;
void *foo = called ? (void *)malloc(HEAPFREE) : NULL;
/* tricky, see above */
n = HEAP_ARENA_SIZE > size ? HEAPSIZE : size + sizeof(*h);
for (hp = NULL, h = heaps; h; hp = h, h = h->next);
h = (Heap) zalloc(n);
#ifdef ZSH_MEM
if (called)
zfree(foo, HEAPFREE);
called = 1;
h->used = size;
h->next = NULL;
h->sp = NULL;
if (hp)
hp->next = h;
heaps = h;
return arena(h);
void *
hrealloc(char *p, size_t old, size_t new)
Heap h, ph;
old = (old + H_ISIZE - 1) & ~(H_ISIZE - 1);
new = (new + H_ISIZE - 1) & ~(H_ISIZE - 1);
if (old == new)
return p;
if (!old && !p)
return halloc(new);
/* find the heap with p */
for (h = heaps, ph = NULL; h; ph = h, h = h->next)
if (p >= arena(h) && p < arena(h) + HEAP_ARENA_SIZE)
DPUTS(!h, "BUG: hrealloc() called for non-heap memory.");
DPUTS(h->sp && arena(h) + h->sp->used > p,
"BUG: hrealloc() wants to realloc pushed memory");
if (p + old < arena(h) + h->used) {
if (new > old) {
char *ptr = (char *) halloc(new);
memcpy(ptr, p, old);
return ptr;
} else
return new ? p : NULL;
DPUTS(p + old != arena(h) + h->used, "BUG: hrealloc more than allocated");
if (p == arena(h)) {
if (!new) {
if (ph)
ph->next = h->next;
heaps = h->next;
zfree(h, HEAPSIZE);
return NULL;
if (old > HEAP_ARENA_SIZE || new > HEAP_ARENA_SIZE) {
size_t n = HEAP_ARENA_SIZE > new ? HEAPSIZE : new + sizeof(*h);
if (ph)
ph->next = h = (Heap) realloc(h, n);
heaps = h = (Heap) realloc(h, n);
h->used = new;
return arena(h);
DPUTS(h->used > HEAP_ARENA_SIZE, "BUG: hrealloc at invalid address");
if (h->used + (new - old) <= HEAP_ARENA_SIZE) {
h->used += new - old;
return p;
} else {
char *t = halloc(new);
memcpy(t, p, old > new ? new : old);
h->used -= old;
memset(p, 0xff, old);
return t;
/* allocate memory from the current memory pool and clear it */
void *
hcalloc(size_t size)
void *ptr;
ptr = halloc(size);
memset(ptr, 0, size);
return ptr;
/* allocate permanent memory */
void *
zalloc(size_t size)
void *ptr;
if (!size)
size = 1;
if (!(ptr = (void *) malloc(size))) {
zerr("fatal error: out of memory", NULL, 0);
return ptr;
void *
zcalloc(size_t size)
void *ptr;
if (!size)
size = 1;
if (!(ptr = (void *) malloc(size))) {
zerr("fatal error: out of memory", NULL, 0);
memset(ptr, 0, size);
return ptr;
/* This front-end to realloc is used to make sure we have a realloc *
* that conforms to POSIX realloc. Older realloc's can fail if *
* passed a NULL pointer, but POSIX realloc should handle this. A *
* better solution would be for configure to check if realloc is *
* POSIX compliant, but I'm not sure how to do that. */
void *
zrealloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
if (ptr) {
if (size) {
/* Do normal realloc */
if (!(ptr = (void *) realloc(ptr, size))) {
zerr("fatal error: out of memory", NULL, 0);
return ptr;
/* If ptr is not NULL, but size is zero, *
* then object pointed to is freed. */
} else {
/* If ptr is NULL, then behave like malloc */
return malloc(size);
return NULL;
char *
dupstring(const char *s)
char *t;
if (!s)
return NULL;
t = (char *)ncalloc(strlen((char *)s) + 1);
strcpy(t, s);
return t;
char *
ztrdup(const char *s)
char *t;
if (!s)
return NULL;
t = (char *)zalloc(strlen((char *)s) + 1);
strcpy(t, s);
return t;
#ifdef ZSH_MEM
Below is a simple segment oriented memory allocator for systems on
which it is better than the system's one. Memory is given in blocks
aligned to an integer multiple of sizeof(long) (4 bytes on most machines,
but 8 bytes on e.g. a dec alpha). Each block is preceded by a header
which contains the length of the data part (in bytes). In allocated
blocks only this field of the structure m_hdr is senseful. In free
blocks the second field (next) is a pointer to the next free segment
on the free list.
On top of this simple allocator there is a second allocator for small
chunks of data. It should be both faster and less space-consuming than
using the normal segment mechanism for such blocks.
For the first M_NSMALL-1 possible sizes memory is allocated in arrays
that can hold M_SNUM blocks. Each array is stored in one segment of the
main allocator. In these segments the third field of the header structure
(free) contains a pointer to the first free block in the array. The
last field (used) gives the number of already used blocks in the array.
If the macro name ZSH_MEM_DEBUG is defined, some information about the memory
usage is stored. This information can than be viewed by calling the
builtin `mem' (which is only available if ZSH_MEM_DEBUG is set).
If ZSH_MEM_WARNING is defined, error messages are printed in case of errors.
If ZSH_SECURE_FREE is defined, free() checks if the given address is really
one that was returned by malloc(), it ignores it if it wasn't (printing
an error message if ZSH_MEM_WARNING is also defined).
#if !defined(__hpux) && !defined(DGUX) && !defined(__osf__)
# if defined(_BSD)
extern int brk _((caddr_t));
# endif
extern caddr_t sbrk _((int));
# endif
# else
extern int brk _((void *));
# endif
extern void *sbrk _((int));
# endif
# endif
#if defined(_BSD) && !defined(STDC_HEADERS)
# define FREE_RET_T int
# define FREE_ARG_T char *
# define FREE_DO_RET
# define MALLOC_RET_T char *
# define MALLOC_ARG_T size_t
# define FREE_RET_T void
# define FREE_ARG_T void *
# define MALLOC_RET_T void *
# define MALLOC_ARG_T size_t
/* structure for building free list in blocks holding small blocks */
struct m_shdr {
struct m_shdr *next; /* next one on free list */
struct m_hdr {
long len; /* length of memory block */
struct m_hdr *next; /* if free: next on free list
if block of small blocks: next one with
small blocks of same size*/
struct m_shdr *free; /* if block of small blocks: free list */
long used; /* if block of small blocks: number of used
blocks */
/* alignment for memory blocks */
#define M_ALIGN (sizeof(long))
/* length of memory header, length of first field of memory header and
minimal size of a block left free (if we allocate memory and take a
block from the free list that is larger than needed, it must have at
least M_MIN extra bytes to be splitted; if it has, the rest is put on
the free list) */
#define M_HSIZE (sizeof(struct m_hdr))
#define M_ISIZE (sizeof(long))
#define M_MIN (2 * M_ISIZE)
/* a pointer to the last free block, a pointer to the free list (the blocks
on this list are kept in order - lowest address first) */
static struct m_hdr *m_lfree, *m_free;
/* system's pagesize */
static long m_pgsz = 0;
/* the highest and the lowest valid memory addresses, kept for fast validity
checks in free() and to find out if and when we can give memory back to
the system */
static char *m_high, *m_low;
/* Management of blocks for small blocks:
Such blocks are kept in lists (one list for each of the sizes that are
allocated in such blocks). The lists are stored in the m_small array.
M_SIDX() calculates the index into this array for a given size. M_SNUM
is the size (in small blocks) of such blocks. M_SLEN() calculates the
size of the small blocks held in a memory block, given a pointer to the
header of it. M_SBLEN() gives the size of a memory block that can hold
an array of small blocks, given the size of these small blocks. M_BSLEN()
caculates the size of the small blocks held in a memory block, given the
length of that block (including the header of the memory block. M_NSMALL
is the number of possible block sizes that small blocks should be used
for. */
#define M_SIDX(S) ((S) / M_ISIZE)
#define M_SNUM 50
#define M_SLEN(M) ((M)->len / M_SNUM)
#define M_SBLEN(S) ((S) * M_SNUM + sizeof(struct m_shdr *) + \
sizeof(long) + sizeof(struct m_hdr *))
#define M_BSLEN(S) (((S) - sizeof(struct m_shdr *) - \
sizeof(long) - sizeof(struct m_hdr *)) / M_SNUM)
#define M_NSMALL 8
static struct m_hdr *m_small[M_NSMALL];
static int m_s = 0, m_b = 0;
static int m_m[1025], m_f[1025];
static struct m_hdr *m_l;
#endif /* ZSH_MEM_DEBUG */
malloc(MALLOC_ARG_T size)
struct m_hdr *m, *mp, *mt;
long n, s, os = 0;
struct heap *h, *hp, *hf = NULL, *hfp = NULL;
/* some systems want malloc to return the highest valid address plus one
if it is called with an argument of zero */
if (!size)
return (MALLOC_RET_T) m_high;
queue_signals(); /* just queue signals rather than handling them */
/* first call, get page size */
if (!m_pgsz) {
m_pgsz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); /* SVR4 */
# ifdef _SC_PAGE_SIZE
m_pgsz = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); /* HPUX */
# else
m_pgsz = getpagesize();
# endif
m_free = m_lfree = NULL;
size = (size + M_ALIGN - 1) & ~(M_ALIGN - 1);
/* Do we need a small block? */
if ((s = M_SIDX(size)) && s < M_NSMALL) {
/* yep, find a memory block with free small blocks of the
appropriate size (if we find it in this list, this means that
it has room for at least one more small block) */
for (mp = NULL, m = m_small[s]; m && !m->free; mp = m, m = m->next);
if (m) {
/* we found one */
struct m_shdr *sh = m->free;
m->free = sh->next;
/* if all small blocks in this block are allocated, the block is
put at the end of the list blocks wth small blocks of this
size (i.e., we try to keep blocks with free blocks at the
beginning of the list, to make the search faster */
if (m->used == M_SNUM && m->next) {
for (mt = m; mt->next; mt = mt->next);
mt->next = m;
if (mp)
mp->next = m->next;
m_small[s] = m->next;
m->next = NULL;
m_m[size / M_ISIZE]++;
return (MALLOC_RET_T) sh;
/* we still want a small block but there were no block with a free
small block of the requested size; so we use the real allocation
routine to allocate a block for small blocks of this size */
os = size;
size = M_SBLEN(size);
} else
s = 0;
/* search the free list for an block of at least the requested size */
for (mp = NULL, m = m_free; m && m->len < size; mp = m, m = m->next);
/* if there is an empty zsh heap at a lower address we steal it and take
the memory from it, putting the rest on the free list (remember
that the blocks on the free list are ordered) */
for (hp = NULL, h = heaps; h; hp = h, h = h->next)
if (!h->used &&
(!hf || h < hf) &&
(!m || ((char *)m) > ((char *)h)))
hf = h, hfp = hp;
if (hf) {
/* we found such a heap */
Heapstack hso, hsn;
/* delete structures on the list holding the heap states */
for (hso = hf->sp; hso; hso = hsn) {
hsn = hso->next;
zfree(hso, sizeof(*hso));
/* take it from the list of heaps */
if (hfp)
hfp->next = hf->next;
heaps = hf->next;
/* now we simply free it and than search the free list again */
zfree(hf, HEAPSIZE);
for (mp = NULL, m = m_free; m && m->len < size; mp = m, m = m->next);
if (!m) {
/* no matching free block was found, we have to request new
memory from the system */
n = (size + M_HSIZE + m_pgsz - 1) & ~(m_pgsz - 1);
if (((char *)(m = (struct m_hdr *)sbrk(n))) == ((char *)-1)) {
DPUTS(1, "MEM: allocation error at sbrk.");
return NULL;
/* set m_low, for the check in free() */
if (!m_low)
m_low = (char *)m;
m_s += n;
if (!m_l)
m_l = m;
/* save new highest address */
m_high = ((char *)m) + n;
/* initialize header */
m->len = n - M_ISIZE;
m->next = NULL;
/* put it on the free list and set m_lfree pointing to it */
if ((mp = m_lfree))
m_lfree->next = m;
m_lfree = m;
if ((n = m->len - size) > M_MIN) {
/* the block we want to use has more than M_MIN bytes plus the
number of bytes that were requested; we split it in two and
leave the rest on the free list */
struct m_hdr *mtt = (struct m_hdr *)(((char *)m) + M_ISIZE + size);
mtt->len = n - M_ISIZE;
mtt->next = m->next;
m->len = size;
/* put the rest on the list */
if (m_lfree == m)
m_lfree = mtt;
if (mp)
mp->next = mtt;
m_free = mtt;
} else if (mp) {
/* the block we found wasn't the first one on the free list */
if (m == m_lfree)
m_lfree = mp;
mp->next = m->next;
} else {
/* it was the first one */
m_free = m->next;
if (m == m_lfree)
m_lfree = m_free;
if (s) {
/* we are allocating a block that should hold small blocks */
struct m_shdr *sh, *shn;
/* build the free list in this block and set `used' filed */
m->free = sh = (struct m_shdr *)(((char *)m) +
sizeof(struct m_hdr) + os);
for (n = M_SNUM - 2; n--; sh = shn)
shn = sh->next = sh + s;
sh->next = NULL;
m->used = 1;
/* put the block on the list of blocks holding small blocks if
this size */
m->next = m_small[s];
m_small[s] = m;
m_m[os / M_ISIZE]++;
return (MALLOC_RET_T) (((char *)m) + sizeof(struct m_hdr));
m_m[m->len < (1024 * M_ISIZE) ? (m->len / M_ISIZE) : 1024]++;
return (MALLOC_RET_T) & m->next;
/* this is an internal free(); the second argument may, but need not hold
the size of the block the first argument is pointing to; if it is the
right size of this block, freeing it will be faster, though; the value
0 for this parameter means: `don't know' */
zfree(void *p, int sz)
struct m_hdr *m = (struct m_hdr *)(((char *)p) - M_ISIZE), *mp, *mt = NULL;
int i;
# ifdef DEBUG
int osz = sz;
# endif
sz = 0;
sz = (sz + M_ALIGN - 1) & ~(M_ALIGN - 1);
if (!p)
/* first a simple check if the given address is valid */
if (((char *)p) < m_low || ((char *)p) > m_high ||
((long)p) & (M_ALIGN - 1)) {
DPUTS(1, "BUG: attempt to free storage at invalid address");
if ((i = sz / M_ISIZE) < M_NSMALL || !sz)
/* if the given sizes says that it is a small block, find the
memory block holding it; we search all blocks with blocks
of at least the given size; if the size parameter is zero,
this means, that all blocks are searched */
for (; i < M_NSMALL; i++) {
for (mp = NULL, mt = m_small[i];
mt && (((char *)mt) > ((char *)p) ||
(((char *)mt) + mt->len) < ((char *)p));
mp = mt, mt = mt->next);
if (mt) {
/* we found the block holding the small block */
struct m_shdr *sh = (struct m_shdr *)p;
struct m_shdr *sh2;
/* check if the given address is equal to the address of
the first small block plus an integer multiple of the
block size */
if ((((char *)p) - (((char *)mt) + sizeof(struct m_hdr))) %
M_BSLEN(mt->len)) {
DPUTS(1, "BUG: attempt to free storage at invalid address");
/* check, if the address is on the (block-intern) free list */
for (sh2 = mt->free; sh2; sh2 = sh2->next)
if (((char *)p) == ((char *)sh2)) {
DPUTS(1, "BUG: attempt to free already free storage");
DPUTS(M_BSLEN(mt->len) < osz,
"BUG: attempt to free more than allocated.");
m_f[M_BSLEN(mt->len) / M_ISIZE]++;
memset(sh, 0xff, M_BSLEN(mt->len));
/* put the block onto the free list */
sh->next = mt->free;
mt->free = sh;
if (--mt->used) {
/* if there are still used blocks in this block, we
put it at the beginning of the list with blocks
holding small blocks of the same size (since we
know that there is at least one free block in it,
this will make allocation of small blocks faster;
it also guarantees that long living memory blocks
are preferred over younger ones */
if (mp) {
mp->next = mt->next;
mt->next = m_small[i];
m_small[i] = mt;
/* if there are no more used small blocks in this
block, we free the whole block */
if (mp)
mp->next = mt->next;
m_small[i] = mt->next;
m = mt;
p = (void *) & m->next;
} else if (sz) {
/* if we didn't find a block and a size was given, try it
again as if no size were given */
sz = 0;
goto fr_rec;
if (!mt)
m_f[m->len < (1024 * M_ISIZE) ? (m->len / M_ISIZE) : 1024]++;
/* search all memory blocks, if one of them is at the given address */
for (mt = (struct m_hdr *)m_low;
((char *)mt) < m_high;
mt = (struct m_hdr *)(((char *)mt) + M_ISIZE + mt->len))
if (((char *)p) == ((char *)&mt->next))
/* no block was found at the given address */
if (((char *)mt) >= m_high) {
DPUTS(1, "BUG: attempt to free storage at invalid address");
/* see if the block is on the free list */
for (mp = NULL, mt = m_free; mt && mt < m; mp = mt, mt = mt->next);
if (m == mt) {
/* it is, ouch! */
DPUTS(1, "BUG: attempt to free already free storage");
DPUTS(m->len < osz, "BUG: attempt to free more than allocated");
memset(p, 0xff, m->len);
if (mt && ((char *)mt) == (((char *)m) + M_ISIZE + m->len)) {
/* the block after the one we are freeing is free, we put them
together */
m->len += mt->len + M_ISIZE;
m->next = mt->next;
if (mt == m_lfree)
m_lfree = m;
} else
m->next = mt;
if (mp && ((char *)m) == (((char *)mp) + M_ISIZE + mp->len)) {
/* the block before the one we are freeing is free, we put them
together */
mp->len += m->len + M_ISIZE;
mp->next = m->next;
if (m == m_lfree)
m_lfree = mp;
} else if (mp)
/* otherwise, we just put it on the free list */
mp->next = m;
else {
m_free = m;
if (!m_lfree)
m_lfree = m_free;
/* if the block we have just freed was at the end of the process heap
and now there is more than one page size of memory, we can give
it back to the system (and we do it ;-) */
if ((((char *)m_lfree) + M_ISIZE + m_lfree->len) == m_high &&
m_lfree->len >= m_pgsz + M_MIN) {
long n = (m_lfree->len - M_MIN) & ~(m_pgsz - 1);
m_lfree->len -= n;
if (brk(m_high -= n) == -1)
DPUTS(1, "MEM: allocation error at brk.");
m_b += n;
free(FREE_ARG_T p)
zfree(p, 0); /* 0 means: size is unknown */
#ifdef FREE_DO_RET
return 0;
/* this one is for strings (and only strings, real strings, real C strings,
those that have a zero byte at the end) */
zsfree(char *p)
if (p)
zfree(p, strlen(p) + 1);
realloc(MALLOC_RET_T p, MALLOC_ARG_T size)
struct m_hdr *m = (struct m_hdr *)(((char *)p) - M_ISIZE), *mp, *mt;
char *r;
int i, l = 0;
/* some system..., see above */
if (!p && size)
return (MALLOC_RET_T) malloc(size);
/* and some systems even do this... */
if (!p || !size)
return (MALLOC_RET_T) p;
queue_signals(); /* just queue signals caught rather than handling them */
/* check if we are reallocating a small block, if we do, we have
to compute the size of the block from the sort of block it is in */
for (i = 0; i < M_NSMALL; i++) {
for (mp = NULL, mt = m_small[i];
mt && (((char *)mt) > ((char *)p) ||
(((char *)mt) + mt->len) < ((char *)p));
mp = mt, mt = mt->next);
if (mt) {
l = M_BSLEN(mt->len);
if (!l)
/* otherwise the size of the block is in the memory just before
the given address */
l = m->len;
/* now allocate the new block, copy the old contents, and free the
old block */
r = malloc(size);
memcpy(r, (char *)p, (size > l) ? l : size);
return (MALLOC_RET_T) r;
calloc(MALLOC_ARG_T n, MALLOC_ARG_T size)
long l;
char *r;
if (!(l = n * size))
return (MALLOC_RET_T) m_high;
r = malloc(l);
memset(r, 0, l);
return (MALLOC_RET_T) r;
bin_mem(char *name, char **argv, char *ops, int func)
int i, ii, fi, ui, j;
struct m_hdr *m, *mf, *ms;
char *b, *c, buf[40];
long u = 0, f = 0;
if (ops['v']) {
printf("The lower and the upper addresses of the heap. Diff gives\n");
printf("the difference between them, i.e. the size of the heap.\n\n");
printf("low mem %ld\t high mem %ld\t diff %ld\n",
(long)m_l, (long)m_high, (long)(m_high - ((char *)m_l)));
if (ops['v']) {
printf("\nThe number of bytes that were allocated using sbrk() and\n");
printf("the number of bytes that were given back to the system\n");
printf("via brk().\n");
printf("\nsbrk %d\tbrk %d\n", m_s, m_b);
if (ops['v']) {
printf("\nInformation about the sizes that were allocated or freed.\n");
printf("For each size that were used the number of mallocs and\n");
printf("frees is shown. Diff gives the difference between these\n");
printf("values, i.e. the number of blocks of that size that is\n");
printf("currently allocated. Total is the product of size and diff,\n");
printf("i.e. the number of bytes that are allocated for blocks of\n");
printf("this size.\n");
for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
if (m_m[i] || m_f[i])
printf("%ld\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%ld\n", (long)i * M_ISIZE, m_m[i], m_f[i],
m_m[i] - m_f[i], (long)i * M_ISIZE * (m_m[i] - m_f[i]));
if (m_m[i] || m_f[i])
printf("big\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", m_m[i], m_f[i], m_m[i] - m_f[i]);
if (ops['v']) {
printf("\nThe list of memory blocks. For each block the following\n");
printf("information is shown:\n\n");
printf("num\tthe number of this block\n");
printf("tnum\tlike num but counted separatedly for used and free\n");
printf("addr\tthe address of this block\n");
printf("len\tthe length of the block\n");
printf("state\tthe state of this block, this can be:\n");
printf("\t used\tthis block is used for one big block\n");
printf("\t free\tthis block is free\n");
printf("\t small\tthis block is used for an array of small blocks\n");
printf("cum\tthe accumulated sizes of the blocks, counted\n");
printf("\tseparatedly for used and free blocks\n");
printf("\nFor blocks holding small blocks the number of free\n");
printf("blocks, the number of used blocks and the size of the\n");
printf("blocks is shown. For otherwise used blocks the first few\n");
printf("bytes are shown as an ASCII dump.\n");
printf("\nblock list:\nnum\ttnum\taddr\tlen\tstate\tcum\n");
for (m = m_l, mf = m_free, ii = fi = ui = 1; ((char *)m) < m_high;
m = (struct m_hdr *)(((char *)m) + M_ISIZE + m->len), ii++) {
for (j = 0, ms = NULL; j < M_NSMALL && !ms; j++)
for (ms = m_small[j]; ms; ms = ms->next)
if (ms == m)
if (m == mf)
buf[0] = '\0';
else if (m == ms)
sprintf(buf, "%ld %ld %ld", M_SNUM - ms->used, ms->used,
(m->len - sizeof(struct m_hdr)) / M_SNUM + 1);
else {
for (i = 0, b = buf, c = (char *)&m->next; i < 20 && i < m->len;
i++, c++)
*b++ = (*c >= ' ' && *c < 127) ? *c : '.';
*b = '\0';
printf("%d\t%d\t%ld\t%ld\t%s\t%ld\t%s\n", ii,
(m == mf) ? fi++ : ui++,
(long)m, m->len,
(m == mf) ? "free" : ((m == ms) ? "small" : "used"),
(m == mf) ? (f += m->len) : (u += m->len),
if (m == mf)
mf = mf->next;
if (ops['v']) {
printf("\nHere is some information about the small blocks used.\n");
printf("For each size the arrays with the number of free and the\n");
printf("number of used blocks are shown.\n");
printf("\nsmall blocks:\nsize\tblocks (free/used)\n");
for (i = 0; i < M_NSMALL; i++)
if (m_small[i]) {
printf("%ld\t", (long)i * M_ISIZE);
for (ii = 0, m = m_small[i]; m; m = m->next) {
printf("(%ld/%ld) ", M_SNUM - m->used, m->used);
if (!((++ii) & 7))
if (ops['v']) {
printf("\n\nBelow is some information about the allocation\n");
printf("behaviour of the zsh heaps. First the number of times\n");
printf("pushheap(), popheap(), and freeheap() were called.\n");
printf("\nzsh heaps:\n\n");
printf("push %d\tpop %d\tfree %d\n\n", h_push, h_pop, h_free);
if (ops['v']) {
printf("\nThe next list shows for several sizes the number of times\n");
printf("memory of this size were taken from heaps.\n\n");
for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
if (h_m[i])
printf("%ld\t%d\t%ld\n", (long)i * H_ISIZE, h_m[i],
(long)i * H_ISIZE * h_m[i]);
if (h_m[1024])
printf("big\t%d\n", h_m[1024]);
return 0;
#else /* not ZSH_MEM */
zfree(void *p, int sz)
if (p)
zsfree(char *p)
if (p)