mirror of git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code synced 2024-10-02 17:01:19 +02:00

72 lines
2.5 KiB

emulate -L zsh
if [[ $1 != -n ]]; then
zmodload -i zsh/net/tcp || return 1
zmodload -ia zsh/zftp zftp || return 1
if zmodload -i zsh/zutil; then
local arr
# Set defaults for styles if none set.
zstyle -g arr ':zftp:*' progress || zstyle ':zftp:*' progress bar
zstyle -g arr ':zftp:*' update || zstyle ':zftp:*' update 1
zstyle -g arr ':zftp:*' titlebar || zstyle ':zftp:*' titlebar true
if functions chpwd >&/dev/null && ! zstyle -g arr ':zftp:*' chpwd; then
zstyle ':zftp:*' chpwd true
typeset -gA zfconfig
zfconfig=(lastsession default)
alias zfcd='noglob zfcd'
alias zfget='noglob zfget'
alias zfls='noglob zfls'
alias zfdir='noglob zfdir'
alias zfuget='noglob zfuget'
autoload -U zfanon zfautocheck zfcd zfcd_match zfcget zfclose zfcput
autoload -U zfdir zffcache zfgcp zfget zfget_match zfgoto zfhere zfinit zfls
autoload -U zfmark zfopen zfparams zfpcp zfput zfrglob zfrtime zfsession
autoload -U zfstat zftp_chpwd zftp_progress zftransfer zftype zfuget zfuput
# zftp completions: only use these if new-style completion is not
# active.
if [[ ${#_patcomps} -eq 0 || -z ${_patcomps[(r)_zf*]} ]]; then
# only way of getting that noglob out of the way: this is unnecessary with
# widget-based completion
setopt completealiases
compctl -f -x 'p[1]' \
-k '(open params user login type ascii binary mode put putat
get getat append appendat ls dir local remote mkdir rmdir delete
close quit)' - \
'w[1,cd][1,ls][1,dir][1,rmdir]' -K zfcd_match -S/ -q - \
'W[1,get*]' -K zfget_match - 'w[1,delete][1,remote]' -K zfget_match - \
'w[1,open][1,params]' -k hosts - \
'w[1,session]' -s '${$(zftp session):#$ZFTP_SESSION}' -- zftp
compctl -K zfcd_match -S/ -q zfcd zfdir zfls
compctl -K zfget_match zfget zfgcp zfuget zfcget
compctl -k hosts zfanon zfopen zfparams
compctl -s \
'$(awk '\''{print $1}'\'' ${ZFTP_BMFILE:-${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zfbkmarks})' \
-x 'W[1,-*n*]' \
-s '$(awk -F, '\''NR > 2 { print $1 }'\'' ~/.ncftp/bookmarks)' -- \
zfgoto zfmark
compctl -s '${$(zftp session):#$ZFTP_SESSION}' zfsession
# in _zftp for new completion, but hard to inline into a compctl
zftransfer_match() {
local sess=${1%%:*} oldsess=$ZFTP_SESSION
[[ -n $sess ]] && zftp session $sess
zfget_match ${1#*:} $2
[[ -n $sess && -n $oldsess ]] && zftp session $oldsess
compctl -s '$(zftp session)' -S : -x 'C[0,*:*]' \
-K zftransfer_match -- zftransfer
return 0