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#compdef mount umount
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == cygwin ]]; then
if [[ "$service" == mount ]] ; then
_arguments -s \
- mount \
'(-b -t --text --binary)'{-b,--binary}'[Unix line endings LF]' \
'(-f --force)'{-f,--force}'[be silent]' \
'(-s -u --user --system)'{-s,--system}'[system-wide mount point]' \
'(-t -b --binary --text)'{-t,--text}'[DOS line endings CR-LF]' \
'(-u -s --system --user)'{-u,--user}'[user private mount point]' \
'(-x -X --executable --cygwin-executable)'{-x,--executable}'[all files under mountpoint are executables]' \
'(-x -X --executable --cygwin-executable)'{-X,--cygwin-executable}'[all files under mountpoint are cygwin executables]' \
':Windows path:' \
':Unix path:_path_files -P/ -W "(/)" -/' \
- control \
'(-)'{-i,--import-old-mounts}'[import old mounts]' \
'(-)'{-p,--show-cygdrive-prefix}'[show cygdrive prefix]' \
'(-)'{-c,--change-cygdrive-prefix}'[cygdrive prefix]:cygdrive prefix (POSIX path):_files -P/ -W "(/)" -/' \
local line
local -a wpaths upaths
mount | while read -r line; do
[[ $line == ?:\ * ]] && continue
wpaths=($wpaths ${line%% on*})
upaths=($upaths ${${line##*on }%% type*})
_alternative \
'windowspath:Windows path:compadd -a wpaths' \
'unixpath:Unix path:compadd -a upaths'
# This is table-driven: the tables for the values for the different
# file system types are directly below. The tables describing the
# arguments for the `mount' command for different operating systems
# are below these table.
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line suf ret=1
local args deffs=iso9660 tmp typeops=-t _fs_any _nfs_access _fs_nfs _nfs_ufs \
_fs_ufs _fs_efs _fs_iso9660 _fs_cachefs _fs_s5fs _fs_tmpfs _fs_pcfs _fs_hsfs \
_fs_advfs _fs_cdfs _fs_affs _fs_ext2 _fs_fat _fs_ext3 _fs_msdos _fs_umsdos \
_fs_vfat _fs_hpfs _fs_ntfs _fs_reiserfs _fs_smbfs _fs_xfs _fs_std _fs_devfs \
_fs_fdesc _fs_kernfs _fs_linprocfs _fs_procfs
typeset -A opt_args
if (( ! $+_fs_any )); then
# These are tables describing the possible values and their
# arguments for the `-o' option. There is one array per
# file system type (only for those that accept more values
# than those in the `_fs_any' array). The elements of the
# array are used as arguments to `_values'. The first tables
# are used by several systems while system specific tables are
# (re)defined in a "$OSTYPE" case.
'(rw)ro[mount file system read-only]'
'(ro)rw[mount file system read-write]'
'acregmin[specify cached file attributes minimum hold time]:cached file attributes minimum hold time'
'acregmax[specify cached file attributes maximum hold time]:cached file attributes maximum hold time'
'acdirmin[specify cached directory attributes minimum hold time]:cached directory attributes minimum hold time'
'acdirmax[specify cached directory attributes maximum hold time]:cached directory attributes maximum hold time'
"actimeo[set all attributes' cache timeout]:cache timeout"
'rsize[specify read buffer size]:read buffer size:(8192)'
'wsize[specify write buffer size]:write buffer size:(8192)'
'(soft)hard[hang process on server crash (so to say)]'
'(hard)soft[allow time out on server crash]'
'(nolock)lock[use locking]'
"(lock)nolock[don't use locking]"
'timeo[specify initial timeout for UDP]:initial timeout for UDP'
'retrans[set number of NFS retransmissions]:number of NFS retransmissions'
'retry[specify number of mount failure retries]:mount failure retries'
'(fg)bg[retry in the background]'
'(bg)fg[retry in the foreground]'
'(nintr)intr[allow operations to be interrupted]'
'(intr)nintr[prevent operations from being interrupted]'
'(nfsv3)nfsv2[use NFS version 2]'
'(nfsv2)nfsv3[use NFS version 3]'
'proto[specify protocol]:protocol:(udp tcp)'
'port[specify server port number]:server port number'
'proplist[allow property lists]'
"nocto[don't get fresh attributes on open]"
"noac[don't set attribute caching]"
'(nodev)dev[interpret devices]'
"(dev)nodev[don't interpret devices]"
'(nosuid)suid[use suid and sgib bits]'
'(suid)nosuid[ignore suid and sgid bits]'
'(nosync)sync[do I/O synchronously]'
'(sync)nosync[do all I/O asynchronously]'
'(noexec)exec[permit execution of binaries]'
"(exec)noexec[don't allow execution of binaries]"
'(nogrpid)grpid[new file gets group ID of directory]'
'(grpid)nogrpid[new file gets fsgid of current process]'
'dirty[allow mount even if not cleanly unmounted]'
case "$OSTYPE" in
'bsy[prevent mount over cwd of process]'
'log[logical volume to log operations]:logical volume name'
'nodev[cannot open devices from mount]'
'nosuid[prevent running setuid/setgid from mount]'
'(fg)bg[mount in background]'
'(bg)fg[mount in foreground]'
'vers[NFS version]:NFS version:(2 3)'
'proto[specify transport protocol]'
'retry[number of retries]:no. of retries'
'rsize[read buffer size]:read buffer size'
'wsize[write buffer size]:write buffer size'
'llock[local locking]'
'timeo[time-out period]:time-out period'
'retrans[NFS transmissions]:no. of NFS transmissions'
'port[IP port no]:IP port no'
'(hard)soft[error on no server response]'
'(soft)hard[retry pending server response]'
'(nointr)intr[allow keyboard interrupts on hard mount]'
'(intr)nointr[disallow keyboard interrupts on hard mount]'
'posix[exchange pathconf info on NFS version 2 mount]'
'secure[use DES encryption]'
'grpid[inherit group id of parent directory]'
"(acl)noacl[don't use access control lists]"
'(noacl)acl[use access control lists for this mount]'
'noac[no attribute or directory caching]'
'shortdev[server lack support for 32-bit device special files]'
'nodev[cannot open devices from mount]'
'nosuid[prevent running setuid/setgid from mount]'
'grpid[inherit group id of parent directory]'
'raw[raw device pathname to filesystem]:raw device pathname:->devordir'
'(nofsck)fsck[fsck should check this filesystem by default]'
'(fsck)nofsck[fsck should not check this filesystem by default]'
'(noquota)quota[turn on quotas]'
'(quota)noquota[turn off quotas]'
'lbsize[no of bytes transferred in each operation]:bytes'
'setx[set execute permissions on every file]'
'notranslate[don'\''t translate filenames]'
'cache[no of 2048 blocks for directory cache]:cache size'
'noext[ignore rock ridge extensions]'
'(nosusp)susp[enable system use sharing protocol]'
'(susp)nosusp[disable system use sharing protocol]'
'(norrip)rrip[enable rock ridge extensions]'
'(rrip)norrip[disable rock ridge extensions]'
'nmconv[specify filename translation]:filename translation:((c\:no\ translation l\:to\ lowercase m\:suppress\ version\ no))'
'(fg)bg[mount in background]'
'(bg)fg[mount in foreground]'
'retry[number of retries]:no. of retries'
'rsize[read buffer size]:read buffer size'
'wsize[write buffer size]:write buffer size'
'timeo[time-out period]:time-out period'
'retrans[NFS transmissions]:no. of NFS transmissions'
'port[IP port no]:IP port no'
'(hard)soft[error on no server response]'
'(soft)hard[retry pending server response]'
'intr[allow keyboard interrupts on hard mount]'
'noac[no attribute caching]'
'private[use local locking and do not flush on last close]'
'symttl[time-to-live of cached symbolic links]:seconds'
'backfstype[type of the back file system]:back file system type:(efs nfs iso9660 dos hfs cachefs)'
'backpath[specify back file system location]:back file system location:_files -/'
'cachedir[name of the cache directory]:name of cache directory:_files -/'
'cacheid[cache ID]:cache ID'
'(write-around)non-shared[cache not shared]'
'(non-shared)write-around[cache shared]'
'noconst[disable consistency checking]'
'local-access[check permissions locally]'
'purge[purge any cached information]'
'remount[remount file system]'
'(suid)nosuid[ignore suid and sgid bits]'
'(nosuid)suid[use suid and sgib bits]'
"(atime)noatime[don't update access time]"
'f[fake an /etc/mnttab entry]'
"m[don't make an /etc/mnttab entry]"
'(noforcedirection)forcedirection[do I/O synchronously]'
'(forcedirection)noforcedirection[do all I/O asynchronously]'
'(nointr)intr[allow operations to be interrupted]'
'(intr)nointr[prevent operations from being interrupted]'
"(nolargefiles)largefiles[don't restrict file size]"
'(largefiles)nolargefiles[restrict file size]'
'(nologging)logging[log transactions]'
'(logging)nologging[log transactions]'
'onerror[action to recover from error]:action:(panic lock umount)'
'quota[turn on quotas]'
'(ro rw)rq[mount file system read-write with quotas]'
'size[set file system size]:size'
'(nofoldcase)foldcase[force filenames to lowercase]'
"(foldcase)nofoldcase[don't force filenames to lowercase]"
'nrr[no rock ridge]'
'notraildot[no trail dot when no extension]'
"nomaplcase[don't force lowercase]"
'nosuid[ignore suid and sgid bits]'
'(fg)bg[retry in the background]'
'(bg)fg[retry in the foreground]'
'(nogrpid)grpid[new file gets group ID of directory]'
'(grpid)nogrpid[new file gets fsgid of current process]'
'(nointr)intr[allow operations to be interrupted]'
'(intr)nointr[prevent operations from being interrupted]'
'(sec secure)kerberos[use kerberos authentication]'
'noac[no attribute caching]'
'port[server IP port number]:port'
'posix[posix semantics]'
'proto[specify protocol]:protocol:'\("$(grep -v '^#' /etc/netconfig 2> /dev/null | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"\)
'public[force public file handle]'
'(noquota)quota[enable quotas]'
'(quota)noquota[disable quotas]'
'timeo[specify initial timeout for UDP]:initial timeout for UDP'
'retrans[set number of NFS retransmissions]:number of NFS retransmissions:(5)'
'retry[specify number of mount failure retries]:mount failure retries:(10000)'
'rsize[specify read buffer size]:read buffer size:(8192)'
'wsize[specify write buffer size]:write buffer size:(8192)'
'(kerberos secure)sec[set the security mode]:security mode:(sys dh krb4 none)'
'(kerberos sec)secure[use Diffie-Hellman public key system]'
'vers[set NFS version number]:NFS version number:(2 3)'
'backfstype[type of the back file system]:back file system type:(nfs hsfs)'
'backpath[specify back file system location]:back file system location:_files -/'
'cacheid[specify a cache ID]:cache ID'
'local-access[check permissions locally]'
'noconst[disable cache consistency checking]'
'purge[purge any cached information]'
'(suid)nosuid[ignore setuid and setgid bits]'
'(nosuid)suid[use setuid and setgid bits]'
'(write-around)non-shared[purge cache on writes]'
'(non-shared)write-around[keep file in cache on writes]'
'(ro rw)rq[mount file system read-write]'
'dual[allow mount even if same domain ID as already mounted domain]'
'sync[do I/O synchronously]'
'(nodefperm)defperm[ignore permission bits]'
'(defperm)defperm[use permission bits]'
'noversion[strip off version extension]'
'rrip[use RRIP extensions]'
'(sync)async[do all I/O asynchronously]'
'(noatime)atime[update access time]'
'(noauto)auto[can be mounted with -a]'
'(rw suid dev exec auto nouser async)defaults[use default options]'
'(nodev)dev[interpret devices]'
'(noexec)exec[permit execution of binaries]'
"(atime)noatime[don't update access time]"
'(auto)noauto[can only be mounted explicitly]'
"(dev)nodev[don't interpret devices]"
"(exec)noexec[don't allow execution of binaries]"
'(suid)nosuid[ignore suid and sgid bits]'
'(user)nouser[can only be mounted by root]'
'remount[mount already mounted file system]'
'(rw)ro[mount file system read-only]'
'(ro)rw[mount file system read-write]'
'(nosuid)suid[use suid and sgib bits]'
'(async)sync[do I/O synchronously]'
'dirsync[perform directory updates synchronously]'
'loop[use loopback device]:loopback device:_files'
'encryption[enable encryption]:cypher'
'keybits[set number of bits in encryption key]:key size:(64 128 160 192 256)'
'offset[specify data start for loopback mount]:offset (bytes)'
'uid[set owner of root]:user ID'
'gid[set group of root]:group ID'
'setuid[set owner of all files]:user ID'
'setgid[set group of all files]:group ID'
'mode[set file permissions]:file permission bits'
"protect[don't allow changes to permissions]"
'usemp[set owner of root to owner of mount point]'
'verbose[print message per mount]'
'prefix[prefix before volume name when following link]:prefix string'
"volume[prefix before '/' when following link]:prefix string"
'reserved[set number of unused blocks at start of device]:number of unused blocks'
'root[specify location of the root block]:root block location'
'bs[specify block size]:block size:(512 1024 2048 4192)'
'(minixdf)bsddf[select bsddf behavior]'
'(bsddf)minixdf[select bsddf behavior]'
'(nocheck)check[set checking level]::checking level:((normal\:check\ inode\ and\ block\ bitmaps\ on\ mount strict\:check\ on block\ deallocation none\:no\ checking))'
'debug[print debugging info upon each (re)mount]'
'errors[specify behavior on error]:error behavior:((continue\:ignore\ errors remount-ro\:remount\ file\ system\ read-only panic\:panic\ and\ halt\ system))'
'(nogrpid bsdgroups sysvgroups)grpid[new file gets group ID of directory]'
'(grpid nogrpid sysvgroups)bsdgroups[new file gets group ID of directory]'
'(grpid bsdgroups sysvgroups)nogrpid[new file gets fsgid of current process]'
'(grpid bsdgroups nogrpid)sysvgroups[new file gets fsgid of current process]'
'resgid[specify access to reserved space (group ID)]:group ID'
'resuid[specify access to reserved space (user ID)]:user ID'
'sb[specify super block number]:super block number'
'nouid32[disable 32-bit UIDs and GIDs]'
'blocksize[specify block size]:block size:(512 1024 2048)'
'uid[specify user ID of all files]:user ID'
'gid[specify group ID of all files]:group ID'
'umask[specify umask]:umask value (octal)'
'dmask[specify umask for directories only]:umask value (octal)'
'fmask[specify umask for files only]:umask value (octal)'
'check[specify checking level]:checking level:((relaxed\:accept\ upper\ and\ lower\ case,\ truncate\ long\ name normal\:like\ '"'\`'"'relaxed'"\\'"',\ but\ reject\ special\ characters strict\:like\ '"'\`'"'normal'"\\'"',\ but\ no\ long\ parts))'
'codepage[specify codepage for converting filenames to short form]:codepage'
'conf[specify CR/NL conversion]:CR/NL conversion mode:((binary\:no\ translation text\:conversion\ on\ all\ files auto\:perform\ translation\ on\ file\ without\ binary\ extension))'
'conv[convert form of text files]:mode:(binary text auto)'
'cvf_format[use specified compressed volume format module]:module'
'cvf_option[pass option to CVF module]:option'
'debug[debug mode]'
'fat[specify fat type]:fat type (bit):(12 16 32)'
'iocharset[character set to use for converting from 8 bit to unicode]:character set'
'quiet[quiet mode]'
'journal[update fs journal]:update or inode number:(update)'
'noload[do not load journal]'
'data[specify mode for data]:journalling mode:(journal ordered writeback)'
_fs_msdos=( "$_fs_fat[@]" )
_fs_umsdos=( "$_fs_fat[@]" )
_fs_vfat=( "$_fs_fat[@]"
'(utf8)uni_xlate[translate unicode to escaped sequences]'
'posix[allow file names only differing in case]'
'nonumtail[try short name before number extension]'
'(uni_xlate)utf8[mount the filesystem in UTF8 mode]'
'shortname[specify handling of 8.3 filenames]:mode:(lower win95 winnt mixed)'
'uid[specify user ID of all files]:user ID'
'gid[specify group ID of all files]:group ID'
'umask[specify umask]:umask value (octal)'
'case[specify file name conversion]:file name conversion:((lower\:convert\ to\ lower\ case asis\:no\ conversion))'
'conv[specify CR elimination]:CR elimination:((binary\:no\ elimination test\:delete\ CRs\ \(e.g.\ before\ NL\) auto\:sometimes\ yes,\ sometimes\ not))'
"nocheck[don't abort mount on consistency check failure]"
'norock[disable Rock Ridge extensions]'
'nojoliet[disable Microsoft Joliet extensions]'
'check[specify file name conversion]:file name conversion:((relaxed\:convert\ to\ lower\ case\ before\ lookup strict\:no\ conversion))'
'uid[specify user ID of all files]:user ID'
'gid[specify group ID of all files]:group ID'
'map[specify non-Rock Ridge name conversion]:file name conversion:((normal\:map\ upper\ to\ lower,\ ignore\ \;1,\ map\ \;\ to\ . off\:no\ conversion))'
'mode[specify permissions]:file access permissions'
'unhide[show hidden and associated files]'
'block[specify block size]:block size:(512 1024 2048)'
'cruft[ignore high bits of file length]'
'session[select session number on multisession CD]:session'
'sbsector[specify starting sector]:sector'
'iocharset[character set when converting from 8 bit to unicode (Joliet)]:character set'
'utf8[mount the filesystem in UTF8 mode (Joliet)]'
'iocharset[character set to use when returning file names]:character set'
'(uni_xlate)utf8[use UTF-8 for converting file names]'
'(utf8)uni_xlate[translate unicode to escaped sequences]:type:(0 1 2)'
'posix[distinguish upper and lower case]:state:((0\:off 1\:on))'
'uid[specify user ID of all files]:user ID'
'gid[specify group ID of all files]:group ID'
'umask[specify umask]:umask value (octal)'
'conv[mount 3.5 fs using 3.6 format for new objects]'
'hash[choose hash type]:hash function:(rupasov tea r5 detect)'
'(no_unhashed_relocation)hashed_relocation[tune the block allocator]'
'noborder[disable border allocator algorithm]'
'nolog[disable journalling]'
'notail[disable packing of files into the tree]'
'(hashed_relocation)no_unhashed_relocation[tune the block allocator]'
'replayonly[replay but do not mount]'
'resize[assume the device has this many blocks]:number of blocks'
_fs_smbfs=( "$_fs_nfs[@]" )
'size[set file system size]:size (bytes)'
'mode[set root directory permissions]:mode'
'nr_blocks[set number of blocks]:blocks'
'nr_inodes[set number of inodes]:inodes'
'uid[specify user ID of all files]:user ID'
'gid[specify group ID of all files]:group ID'
'umask[specify umask]:umask value (octal)'
'unhide[show hidden and associated files]'
'undelete[show deleted files]'
'bs[set the block size]:block size:2048'
'novrs[skip volume sequence recognition]'
'session[set the CDROM session]:session'
'anchor[override standard anchor location]:anchor location:256'
'lastblock[set the last block of the file system]:last block'
'ufstype[set ufs type]:ufs type:(old 44bsd sun sunx86 nextstep nextstep-cd openstep)'
'onerror[set behaviour on error]:behaviour on error:(panic lock umount repair)'
'biosize[specify preferred buffered I/O size]:base 2 logarithm:((13:8K 14:16K 15:32K 16:64K))'
'(xdsm)dmapi[enable DMAPI event callouts]'
'(dmapi)xdsm[enable DMAPI event callouts]'
'logbufs[set number of in-memory log buffers]:(2 3 4 5 6 7 8)'
'logbsize[set size of each in-memory log buffer]:(16384 32768)'
'logdev[use external log device]:_files'
'rtdev[use external realtime device]:_files'
'noalign[do not align data allocations at stripe unit boundaries]'
'noatime[do not update atime on reads]'
'norecovery[do not run log recovery]'
'osyncisdsync[make O_SYNC behave as O_DSYNC]'
'(usrquota uqnoenforce)quota[enable user quotas]'
'(quota uqnoenforce)usrquota[enable user quotas]'
'(quota usrquota)uqnoenforce[enable user quotas without enforcement]'
'(gqnoenforce)grpquota[enable group quotas]'
'(grpquota)gqnoenforce[enable group quotas without enforcement]'
'sunit[specify stripe unit]:size'
'swidth[specify stripe width]:size'
'(sync)async[do all I/O asynchronously]'
'current[use current options on already mounted file system]'
'force[force R/W mount of unclean filesystem]'
'fstab[use options listed in /etc/fstab]'
'noasync[do I/O synchronously]'
"noatime[don't update access time]"
'noauto[can only be mounted explicitly]'
'noclusterr[disable read clustering]'
'noclusterw[disable write clustering]'
"nodev[don't interpret devices]"
"noexec[don't allow execution of binaries]"
'nosuid[ignore suid and sgid bits]'
"nosymfollow[don't follow symlinks]"
'rdonly[mount file system read-only]'
'(async)sync[do all I/O synchronously]'
'suiddir[allow suid bits on directories]'
'update[change status of already mounted filesystem]'
'union[cause the namespace at the mount point to appear as the union of the mounted filesystem and the existing directory]'
'extatt[enable use of extended attributes]'
"gens[don't strip version number on files]"
"joliet[don't use any Joliet extensions]"
"rrip[don't use any Rockridge extensions]"
'strictjoliet[relax checking for Supplementary Volume Descriptor Flags field which is set to a wrong value on some Joliet formatted disks]'
"nodev[don't interpret devices]"
"noexec[don't allow execution of binaries]"
'nosuid[ignore suid and sgid bits]'
'rdonly[mount file system read-only]'
'union[cause the namespace at the mount point to appear as the union of the mounted filesystem and the existing directory]'
_fs_devfs=( "$_fs_std[@]" )
_fs_fdesc=( "$_fs_std[@]" )
_fs_kernfs=( "$_fs_std[@]" )
_fs_linprocfs=( "$_fs_std[@]" )
_fs_procfs=( "$_fs_std[@]" )
if [[ "$service" = mount ]]; then
# Here are the tests and tables for the arguments and options for
# the `mount' program. This should set the `deffs' parameter if
# the default file system type is not `iso9660' (it should be set
# to the name of the default file system type), and set 'typeops'
# to the mount option for file system type selection when it is
# not '-t'.
case "$OSTYPE" in
args=( -s
'(:)-a[mount all filesystems in /etc/fstab]'
'-f[forced mount]'
'-n[remote node]:remote node:_hosts'
'-p[mount as removable file system]'
'-r[mount read-only]'
'-t[specify file system type]:file system type:_file_systems'
'-o[specify file system options]:file system option:->fsopt'
'-v[filesystem defined by /etc/vfs]:VfsName'
':dev or dir:->devordir'
':mount point:_files -/'
args=( -s
'-a[mount all filesystems in /etc/fstab]'
'-b[mount all filesystems in /etc/fstab except those listed]:list of directories:_dir_list -s,'
'-c[check any dirty filesystems before mounting]'
"-f[fake a new /etc/mtab entry, but don't mount any filesystems]"
'-h[mount all filesystems associated with host]:hostnames:_hosts'
'-n[mount filesystem without making entry in /etc/mtab]'
'-o[specify file system options]:file system option:->fsopt'
'-p[print list of mounted filesystems in format suitable for /etc/fstab]'
'-r[mount read-only]'
'-t[specify file system type]:file system type:_file_systems'
'-M[use alternate mtab]:alternate mtab:_files'
'-P[with -p, prepend prefix to paths]:prefix'
args=( -s
'(- :)-h[show help]'
'(- :)-V[show version]'
'(-V -h)-v[verbose mode]'
'(-V -h)-p[specify file descriptor from which to read passphrase]:file descriptor:_file_descriptors'
'(-V -h -o :)-a[mount all filesystems in fstab]'
'(-V -h)-F[fork off one child per device]'
'(-V -h)-f[fake mount]'
"(-V -h)-i[don't call /sbin/mount.<fs> helper]"
'(-V -h)-l[output ext2, ext3 and XFS labels]'
"(-V -h)-n[don't write /etc/mtab]"
'(-V -h)-s[tolerate sloppy mount options]'
'(-V -h -w)-r[mount read-only]'
'(-V -h -r)-w[mount read/write]'
'(-V -h)-L[mount partition with specified label]:label'
'(-V -h)-U[mount partition with specified uuid]:uuid'
'(-V -h)-t[specify file system type]:file system type:->fslist'
'(-V -h)-O[with -a, restrict filesystems by options]:file system option:->fsopt'
'(-V -h -a -O)-o[specify file system options]:file system option:->fsopt'
'(: -)--bind[remount part of filesystem elsewhere]:old directory:_directories:new directory:_directories'
'(: -)--rbind[remount part of filesystem including submounts elsewhere]:old directory:_directories:new directory:_directories'
'(: -)--move[move part of filesystem elsewhere]:old directory:_directories:new directory:_directories'
':dev or dir:->devordir'
':mount point:_files -/'
args=( -s
'(-o :)-a[mount all filesystems in fstab]'
'-d[mount even if not unmounted]'
'-e[list all mount points]'
'-f[fake mount]'
'-l[display values of all file system options]'
'-t[specify file system type]:file system type:_file_systems'
'-o[specify file system options]:file system option:->fsopt'
'-u[remount file system]'
'-r[mount read-only]'
'-w[mount read/write]'
':dev or dir:->devordir'
':mount point:_files -/'
args=( -s
'(-p -v)-a[mount all filesystems in fstab]'
'(-p -v)-F[specify file system type]:file system type:_file_systems'
'(-a -v)-p[print mounted file systems]'
'(-p -a)-v[print mounted file systems verbosely]'
'(-p -v)-V[echo command-line but do not execute]'
"(-p -v)-m[don't write /etc/mnttab]"
'(-p -v)-g[mount globally]'
'(-p -v)-o[specify file system options]:file system option:->fsopt'
'(-p -v)-O[overlay mount]'
'(-p -v)-r[mount read-only]'
':dev or dir:->devordir'
':mount point:_files -/'
args=( -s
'(:)-a[mount all filesystems in fstab]'
'-d[cause everything to be done except for the actual system call]'
'-f[forced mount]'
'-o[specify file system options]:file system option:->fsopt'
'-p[print mounted file systems]'
'-r[mount readonly]'
'-t[specify file system type]:file system type:->fslist'
'-u[change status of already mounted filesystem]'
'-v[verbose mode]'
'-w[mount read/write]'
':dev or dir:->devordir'
':mount point:_files -/'
# Default for all other systems. Dunno.
args=( -s
'(-o :)-a[mount all filesystems in fstab]'
'-t[specify file system type]:file system type:_file_systems'
'-o[specify file system options]:file system option:->fsopt'
'-f[fake mount]'
':dev or dir:->devordir'
':mount point:_files -/'
_arguments -C "$args[@]" && ret=0
# Completion for umount.
case "$OSTYPE" in
'(*)-a[unmount all mounted file systems]'
'-f[force unmount]'
'-n[remote node]:remote node:_hosts'
'-t[specify file system type]:file system type:_file_systems'
'*:dev or dir:->udevordir'
'-a[unmount all mounted file systems]'
'-b[unmount all filesystems in /etc/fstab except those listed]:list of directories:_dir_list -s,'
'-h[unmount all filesystems associated with host]:hostnames:_hosts'
'-k[kill all processes with files open on filesystems before unmounting]'
'-t[unmount all filesystems of specified type]:file system type:_file_systems'
'(- *)-h[show help]'
'(- *)-V[show version]'
'(-V -h)-v[verbose mode]'
"(-V -h)-n[don't write /etc/mtab]"
'(-V -h)-r[remount read-only on failure]'
'(-V -h)-d[for loopback mount, free loop device]'
'(-V -h *)-a[unmount all file systems from /etc/mtab]'
'(-V -h)-t[specify file system type]:file system type:_file_systems'
'(-V -h *)-O[with -a, restrict filesystems by options]:file system option:->fsopt'
'(-V -h)-f[force unmount]'
'(-V -h)-l[lazy unmount]'
'*:dev or dir:->udevordir'
'(*)-a[unmount all mounted file systems]'
'-A[unmount all mounted file systems except the root]'
'-f[force unmount]'
'-h[unmount all filesystems associated with host]:hostnames:_hosts'
'-t[unmount all filesystems of specified type]:file system type:->fslist'
'-v[verbose mode]'
'*:dev or dir:->udevordir'
'-a[unmount all mounted file systems]'
'-f[force unmount]'
'-V[echo command-line but do not execute]'
'-o[specify file system options]:file system option:->fsopt'
'*:dev or dir:->udevordir'
'-v[verbose mode]'
'(*)-a[unmount all file systems from /etc/mtab]'
'-t[specify file system type]:file system type:_file_systems'
'*:dev or dir:->udevordir'
_arguments -C -s "$args[@]" && ret=0
case "$state" in
compset -P '*,'
compset -S ',*' || suf=','
_file_systems -qS "$suf"
_tags options || return 1
eval 'tmp=(' '"$_fs_'${(s:,:)^${opt_args[$typeops]:-${deffs}}}'[@]"' ')'
tmp=( "$_fs_any[@]" "${(@)tmp:#}" )
_values -s , 'file system option' "$tmp[@]" && ret=0
local dev_tmp mp_tmp mline
if compset -P '*:'; then
_wanted exports expl 'exported path' compadd \
${${(f)"$(path+=( {/usr,}/sbin(N) ) _call_program exports \
showmount -e ${IPREFIX%:} 2>/dev/null)"}[2,-1]%% *} && ret=0
return ret
if compset -S ':*'; then
_hosts -S '' && ret=0
return ret
case "$OSTYPE" in
while read mline; do
case $mline[(w)1] in
\#* )
[[ $mline[(w)3] == swap ]] || \
dev_tmp=( $dev_tmp $mline[(w)1] ) \
mp_tmp=( $mp_tmp $mline[(w)2] )
done < /etc/fstab
_alternative \
'hosts:host:_hosts -S :' \
'devices:device:compadd -a dev_tmp' \
'directories:mount point:compadd -a mp_tmp' && ret=0
if (( ${${(s.,.)opt_args[-o]}[(I)loop(|=*)]} )) ; then
_wanted device-files expl 'loop device file' _files && ret=0
_alternative \
'hosts:host:_hosts -S :' \
'files:device or mount point:_files -g "*(-%b,-/)"' && ret=0
local dev_tmp mp_tmp mline
case "$OSTYPE" in
tmp=( "${(@f)$(< /etc/mtab)}" )
dev_tmp=( "${(@)${(@)tmp%% *}:#none}" )
mp_tmp=( "${(@)${(@)tmp#* }%% *}" )
/sbin/mount | while read mline; do
mp_tmp=( $mp_tmp $mline[(w)1] )
dev_tmp=( $dev_tmp $mline[(w)3] )
_alternative \
'devices:device:compadd -a dev_tmp' \
'directories:mount point:compadd -a mp_tmp' && ret=0
return ret