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texinode(Completion Widgets)(Zsh Modules)(Programmable Completion)(Top)
chapter(Completion Widgets)
cindex(completion, widgets)
cindex(completion, programmable)
cindex(completion, controlling)
Completion widgets are defined using the tt(-C) option to the tt(zle)
builtin command provided by the tt(zle) module (see
ifnzman(noderef(The zle Module))\
). For example, the invocation:
tt(zle -C complete expand-or-complete completer)))
defines a widget named tt(complete). If this widget is bound to a key
using the tt(bindkey) builtin command defined in the tt(zle) module
ifnzman(noderef(Zsh Line Editor))\
) typing that key will make the completion code call the shell
function tt(completer). This function is responsible for generating
the possible matches using the builtins described below. Once the
function returns, the completion code takes over control again and
treats the matches the way the builtin widget tt(expand-or-complete)
would do it. For this second argument, the name of any of the builtin
widgets that handle completions can be given, i.e. it may be any of
tt(complete-word), tt(expand-or-complete),
tt(expand-or-complete-prefix), tt(menu-complete),
tt(menu-expand-or-complete), tt(reverse-menu-complete),
tt(list-choices), or tt(delete-char-or-list).
menu(Special Parameters)
menu(Builtin Commands)
menu(Condition Codes)
texinode(Special Parameters)(Builtin Commands)()(Completion Widgets)
sect(Special Parameters)
Inside completion widgets some parameters have special meaning. They
will be used inside the widget function and other shell functions
called from it. Outside of these function they are not special to the
shell in any way.
The parameters are used to give information about the internal state
from the completion code to the completion widget and can be set to
give information to the completion code from the completion
widget. Some of the builtin commands and the condition codes use or
change the current values of these parameters. While the completion
widget is active, these parameters are reseton each function exit to
the values they had when the function was entered.
The positional parameters are set to the arguments on the command line
when the widget function is invoked from the completion code.
This is the number of the current word, i.e. the word the cursor is
currently on in the tt(argv) array.
This will be set by the completion code to the overall context
completion is attempted in. Possible values are:
when completing in a command position, e.g. in the first word on the
command line
when completing an argument for a command
when completing after a redirection operator; in this case the
positional parameters contain not only the arguments but also the
command name itself as the first element
when completing inside a `tt([[)...tt(]])' conditional expressing; in
this case the positional parameters are set to the words inside the
conditional expressions
when completing in a mathematical environment such as a
`tt(LPAR()LPAR())...tt(RPAR()RPAR())' construct
when completing the value of a parameter assignment; in case of an
array value the positional parameters are set to the words in
when completing inside a parameter expansion subscript
In most cases this is set to name of the command for which completion
is tried. When completing after a redirection operator it contains the
string forming that operator. Also, when completing in the value of a
parameter assignment or in a parameter subscript it is set to the name
of the parameter.
This should be set to that part of the current word that should be
taken as the string every possible match has to begin with. Initially
this will be set to the part of the current word from the beginning of
the word up to the position of the cursor. When
When a part of the current word should not be considered part of the
matches, this part should be taken from the tt(PREFIX) parameter and
appended to this parameter. This will initially be set to the empty
string when called from the completion code.
This should be set to that part of the current word that should be
taken as the string every possible match has to end with. The
completion code sets this to the part of the current word from the
cursor position to the end.
This is always set to the number of matches generated and accepted by
the completion code so far.
When completion is used with a global match specification (i.e. a
tt(compctl) with only a tt(-M) option), this parameter is set to the
number of the specification string which is currently used.
texinode(Builtin Commands)(Condition Codes)(Special Parameters)(Completion Widgets)
sect(Builtin Commands)
item(tt(complist) var(flags ...))(
Generate matches according to the given var(flags) which can be any of
the option flags supported by the tt(compctl) builtin command (see
ifnzman(noderef(Programmable Completion))\
) except for the tt(-t) and tt(-l) flags. Also, when using the tt(-K)
flag, the function given as argument to it can not access the command
line with the tt(read) builtin command.
The matches will be generated in the same way as if the completion code
generated them directly from a tt(compctl)-definition with the same
flags. The completion code will consider only those matches as
possible completions that match the prefix and suffix from the special
parameters desribed above. These strings will be compared with the
generated matches using the normal matching rules and any matching
specifications given with the tt(-M) flag to tt(complist) and the
global matching specifications given to the tt(compctl) builtin
xitem(tt(compadd) [ tt(-qQfnUam) ] [ tt(-F) var(array) ])
xitem([ tt(-P) var(prefix) ] [ tt(-S) var(suffix) ])
xitem([ tt(-p) var(hidden-prefix) ] [ tt(-s) var(hidden-suffix) ])
xitem([ tt(-i) var(ignored-prefix) ] [ tt(-W) var(file-prefix) ])
xitem([ tt(-J) var(name) ] [ tt(-V) var(name) ])
xitem([ tt(-r) var(remove-chars) ] [ tt(-R) var(remove-func) ])
item([ tt(-M) var(match-spec) ] [ tt(--) ] [ var(words) ... ])(
This builtin command can be used to add matches and directly control
all the information the completion code stores with each possible
The supported flags are:
item(tt(-P) var(prefix))(
The same as for tt(compctl) and tt(complist), it gives a string that
should be inserted before the given words when they are completed. The
string given is not considered to be part of the match.
item(tt(-S) var(suffix))(
Like tt(-P) but gives a string that has to be inserted after the match.
item(tt(-p) var(hidden-prefix))(
This gives a string that should be
item(tt(-s) var(hidden-suffix))(
item(tt(-i) var(ignored-prefix))(
item(tt(-J) var(name))(
As for tt(compctl) and tt(complist) this gives the name of the group
of matches the words should be stored in.
item(tt(-V) var(name))(
Like tt(-J) but naming a unsorted group.
This flag has the same meaning as for tt(compctl) and tt(complist),
too. It makes the suffix given with tt(-S) be automatically removed if
the next character typed is a blank or does not insert anything or if
the suffix consists of only one character and the next character typed
is the same character.
item(tt(-r) var(remove-chars))(
This makes the suffix given with tt(-S) be automatically removed if
the next character typed inserts one of the characters given in the
var(remove-chars). This string is parsed as a characters class with
the usual backslash-sequences understood, e.g. using `tt(-r "a-z\t")'
removes the suffix if the next character typed inserts one of the
lower case letters or a TAB, and `tt(-r "^0-9")' removes the suffix if
the next character typed inserts anything but a digit. One extra
backslash sequence is understood in this string: `tt(\-)' stands for
all characters that insert nothing. Thus `tt(-S "=" -q)' is the same
as `tt(-S "=" -r "= \t\n\-")'.
item(tt(-R) var(remove-func))(
For the cases where one wants to remove suffix and the tt(-r) option
does not give enough control, this option can be used. It stores the
name of the shell function var(remove-func) in the matches. If one of
the matches is finally accepted and the tt(-S)-suffix inserted, this
function will be called after the next character typed. It gets the
length of the suffix as its argument and can use the special
parameters available in zle widgets (see
ifnzman(noderef(Zsh Line Editor))\
) to analyse and modify the command line.
If this flag is given, the matches build are marked as being the names
of files. They need not be actual filenames, though. But if they are
and the option tt(LIST_TYPES) is set, the characters describing the
types of the files in the completion lists will be shown. This also
makes a slash automatically be added when the name of a directory is
item(tt(-W) var(file-prefix))(
This option has the same meaning as for the tt(compctl) and
tt(complist) builtin commands. Here, however, only one string may be
given, not an array. This string is used as a pathname that will be
prepended to the given words and the prefix given with the tt(-p)
option to perform the file-tests when showing completion
listings. Hence it is only useful if combined with the tt(-f) flag,
since the tests will only be performed if that flag is given.
When used by tt(compctl) or tt(complist) the completion code normally
builds two sets of matches: the normal one where words with one of the
suffixes in the array parameter tt(fignore) are not considered
possible matches, and the alternate set where the words excluded
from the first set are stored. Normally only the matches in the first
set are used. But if this set is empty, the words from the alternate
set are used.
The tt(compadd) builtin does not use tt(fignore) parameter and
normally stores all words in the first set. With the tt(-a)-flag
given, however, they are all stored in the alternate set unless this
flag is overridden by the tt(-F) option.
item(tt(-F) var(array))(
This can be used to give an array containing suffixes like the
tt(fignore) parameter. Words with one of these suffixes are stored in
the alternate set of matches and words without one of these suffixes
are stored in the normal set.
The var(array) may be the name of an array parameter or a list of
literal suffixes enclosed in parentheses as in `tt(-F "(.o .h)")'. If
the name of an array is given, the elements of the array are taken as
the suffixes.
As for tt(compctl) and tt(complist) this flag instructs the completion
code not to quote any metacharacters in the words when inserting them
in the command line.
Normally the matches added by tt(compadd) will not be compared with
what is already on the line. If this flag is given, this comparison is
performed as usual and the match specifications given with the tt(-M)
option to tt(compadd) and the global match specifications defined with
tt(compctl) will be used. This means that probably not all the word
given will be stored as matches since some of them may not match the
string on the line.
item(tt(-M) var(match-spec))(
This option allows one to give local match specifications with the
same meaning and format as for the tt(compctl) and tt(complist)
builtin commands. Note that they will only be used if the tt(-m) is
given, too.
Words added with tt(compadd) with this flag will be used as possible
matches as usual but they not appear in the completion listing.
If this flag is given to one of the calls to tt(compadd) and the
option tt(AUTO_MENU) is set, the completion code will immediatly
switch to menucompletion.
item(tt(-), tt(--))(
This flag ends the list of flags and options. All arguments after it
will be taken as the words to use as matches even if they begin with
item(tt(compcall) [ tt(-TD) ])(
This allows one to use completion definitions given with the
tt(compctl) builtin from within completion widgets. It makes
completion code complete the current word according to the
tt(compctl)s defined. Normally only tt(compctl)s given for specific
commands are used. To make the code use the completion flags given to
the tt(-T) option of tt(compctl), one can give the tt(-T) flag to
tt(compctl). Likewise, the tt(-D) flag to tt(compcall) makes the
default completion flags given to tt(compctl) with the tt(-D) option
be used.
texinode(Condition Codes)(Examples)(Builtin Commands)(Completion Widgets)
sect(Condition Codes)
Inside completion widgets not only the builtin commands described
above can be used, but also some additional condition codes. These
work on the special parameters and can be used to easily build
completion functions that generate different matches depending on the
strings on the line.
The following condition codes are made available inside completion
item(tt(-prefix) var(string))(
true if the content of tt(PREFIX) starts with var(string)
item(tt(-iprefix) var(string))(
like tt(-prefix), but the var(string) is removed from tt(PREFIX) and
added to tt(IPREFIX)
item(tt(-position) var(beg) [ var(end) ])(
true if tt(CURRENT) is equal to var(beg) or, if var(end) is given,
equal to or greater than var(beg) and equal to or less than var(end);
both of var(beg) and var(end) may be arithmetic expressions, if they
are less than zero the number of words in tt(argv) are added to them
before comparing them to tt(CURRENT); thus, tt(-1) is the last word,
tt(-2) is the word before that and so on
item(tt(-word) var(index) var(string))(
true if the word number var(index) in tt(argv) is equal to
var(string); again, var(index) may be negative, counting backwards
item(tt(-mword) var(index) var(pattern))(
like tt(-word) but using pattern matching
item(tt(-current) var(offset) var(string))(
like tt(-word) but var(offset) is relative to the value of
item(tt(-mcurrent) var(offset) var(pattern))(
like tt(-current) but using pattern matching
item(tt(-string) [ var(number) ] var(string))(
true if the current word contains var(string); anything up to the last
occurrence of this string will be ingnored by removing it from
tt(PREFIX) and adding it to tt(IPREFIX); if var(number) is given,
anything up to the var(number)'th occurrence of the var(string) will
be ignored; again, var(nmuber) may be any arithmetic expression and
negative values count backward
item(tt(-class) [ var(number) ] var(class))(
like tt(-string) but the var(class) is used as a character class so
that anything up to and including the last or the var(number)'th
occurrence of any character from the string var(class) is ignored
item(tt(-words) var(min) [ var(max) ])(
true if the number of words is equal to var(min); if var(max) is
given, it is true if the number of words is equal to or greater than
var(min) and equal to or less than var(max)
item(tt(-after) var(string))(
true if the cursor is after a word that is equal to var(string)
item(tt(-mafter) var(pattern))(
like tt(-after) but using pattern matching
item(tt(-between) var(string1) var(string2))(
true if the cursor is after a word that is equal to var(string1), if
there is also a word that is equal to va(string2), this is true only
if the cursor is before it
item(tt(-mbetween) var(pattern1) var(pattern2))(
like tt(-between) but using pattern matching
item(tt(-nmatches) var(number))(
true if the the value of tt(NMATCHES) is equal to var(number)
item(tt(-matcher) var(number))(
true if the value of tt(MATCHER) is equal to var(number)
texinode(Examples)()(Condition Codes)(Completion Widgets)
The first step is to define the widget:
tt(zle -C complete complete-word complete-history)))
Then the widget can be bound to a key using the tt(bindkey) builtin
tt(bindkey '^X\t' complete)))
After that the shell function tt(complete-history) will be invoked
after typing control-X and TAB. The function should then generte the
matches, e.g.:
tt(complete-history LPAR()RPAR() { complist -H 0 '' })))
In this the function will complete words from the history matching the
current word.