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Peter Stephenson b3336b7918 zmv fixes
2001-08-28 20:28:10 +00:00

266 lines
9.5 KiB

# function zmv {
# zmv, zcp, zln:
# This is a multiple move based on zsh pattern matching. To get the full
# power of it, you need a postgraduate degree in zsh. However, simple
# tasks work OK, so if that's all you need, here are some basic examples:
# zmv '(*).txt' '$1.lis'
# Rename foo.txt to foo.lis, etc. The parenthesis is the thing that
# gets replaced by the $1 (not the `*', as happens in mmv, and note the
# `$', not `=', so that you need to quote both words).
# zmv '(**/)(*).txt '$1$2.lis'
# The same, but scanning through subdirectories. The $1 becomes the full
# path. Note that you need to write it like this; you can't get away with
# '(**/*).txt'.
# zmv -w '**/*.txt' '$1$2.lis'
# This is the lazy version of the one above; zsh picks out the patterns
# for you. The catch here is that you don't need the / in the replacement
# pattern. (It's not really a catch, since $1 can be empty.)
# zmv -C '**/(*).txt' ~/save/'$1'.lis
# Copy, instead of move, all .txt files in subdirectories to .lis files
# in the single directory `~/save'. Note that the ~ was not quoted.
# You can test things safely by using the `-n' (no, not now) option.
# Clashes, where multiple files are renamed or copied to the same one, are
# picked up.
# Here's a more detailed description.
# Use zsh pattern matching to move, copy or link files, depending on
# the last two characters of the function name. The general syntax is
# zmv '<inpat>' '<outstring>'
# <inpat> is a globbing pattern, so it should be quoted to prevent it from
# immediate expansion, while <outstring> is a string that will be
# re-evaluated and hence may contain parameter substitutions, which should
# also be quoted. Each set of parentheses in <inpat> (apart from those
# around glob qualifiers, if you use the -Q option, and globbing flags) may
# be referred to by a positional parameter in <outstring>, i.e. the first
# (...) matched is given by $1, and so on. For example,
# zmv '([a-z])(*).txt' '${(C)1}$2.txt'
# renames algernon.txt to Algernon.txt, boris.txt to Boris.txt and so on.
# The original file matched can be referred to as $f in the second
# argument; accidental or deliberate use of other parameters is at owner's
# risk and is not covered by the (non-existent) guarantee.
# As usual in zsh, /'s don't work inside parentheses. There is a special
# case for (**/) and (***/): these have the expected effect that the
# entire relevant path will be substituted by the appropriate positional
# parameter.
# There is a shortcut avoiding the use of parenthesis with the option -w
# (with wildcards), which picks out any expressions `*', `?', `<range>'
# (<->, <1-10>, etc.), `[...]', possibly followed by `#'s, `**/', `***/', and
# automatically parenthesises them. (You should quote any ['s or ]'s which
# appear inside [...] and which do not come from ranges of the form
# `[:alpha:]'.) So for example, in
# zmv -w '[[:upper:]]*' '${(L)1}$2'
# the $1 refers to the expression `[[:upper:]]' and the $2 refers to
# `*'. Thus this finds any file with an upper case first character and
# renames it to one with a lowercase first character. Note that any
# existing parentheses are active, too, so you must count accordingly.
# Furthermore, an expression like '(?)' will be rewritten as '((?))' --- in
# other words, parenthesising of wildcards is independent of any existing
# parentheses.
# Any file whose name is not changed by the substitution is simply ignored.
# Any error --- a substitution resulted in an empty string, two
# substitutions gave the same result, the destination was an existing
# regular file and -f was not given --- causes the entire function to abort
# without doing anything.
# Options:
# -f force overwriting of destination files. Not currently passed
# down to the mv/cp/ln command due to vagaries of implementations
# (but you can use -o-f to do that).
# -i interactive: show each line to be executed and ask the user whether
# to execute it. Y or y will execute it, anything else will skip it.
# Note that you just need to type one character.
# -n no execution: print what would happen, but don't do it.
# -q Turn bare glob qualifiers off: now assumed by default, so this
# has no effect.
# -Q Force bare glob qualifiers on. Don't turn this on unless you are
# actually using glob qualifiers in a pattern (see below).
# -s symbolic, passed down to ln; only works with zln or z?? -L.
# -v verbose: print line as it's being executed.
# -o <optstring>
# <optstring> will be split into words and passed down verbatim
# to the cp, ln or mv called to perform the work. It will probably
# begin with a `-'.
# -p <program>
# Call <program> instead of cp, ln or mv. Whatever it does, it should
# at least understand the form '<program> -- <oldname> <newname>',
# where <oldname> and <newname> are filenames generated.
# -w Pick out wildcard parts of the pattern, as described above, and
# implicitly add parentheses for referring to them.
# -C
# -L
# -M Force cp, ln or mv, respectively, regardless of the name of the
# function.
# Bugs:
# Parenthesised expressions can be confused with glob qualifiers, for
# example a trailing '(*)' would be treated as a glob qualifier in
# ordinary globbing. This has proved so annoying that glob qualifiers
# are now turned off by default. To force the use of glob qualifiers,
# give the flag -Q.
# The pattern is always treated as an extendedglob pattern. This
# can also be interpreted as a feature.
# Unbugs:
# You don't need braces around the 1 in expressions like '$1t' as
# non-positional parameters may not start with a number, although
# paranoiacs like the author will probably put them there anyway.
emulate -RL zsh
setopt extendedglob
local f g args match mbegin mend files action myname tmpf opt exec
local opt_f opt_i opt_n opt_q opt_Q opt_s opt_M opt_C opt_L
local opt_o opt_p opt_v opt_w MATCH MBEGIN MEND
local pat repl errstr fpat hasglobqual opat
typeset -A from to
integer stat
while getopts ":o:p:MCLfinqQsvw" opt; do
if [[ $opt = "?" ]]; then
print -P "%N: unrecognized option: -$OPTARG" >&2
return 1
eval "opt_$opt=${(q)OPTARG:--$opt}"
(( OPTIND > 1 )) && shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
[[ -z $opt_Q ]] && setopt nobareglobqual
[[ -n $opt_M ]] && action=mv
[[ -n $opt_C ]] && action=cp
[[ -n $opt_L ]] && action=ln
[[ -n $opt_p ]] && action=$opt_p
if (( $# != 2 )); then
print -P "Usage:
%N oldpattern newpattern
where oldpattern contains parenthesis surrounding patterns which will
be replaced in turn by $1, $2, ... in newpattern. For example,
%N '(*).lis' '\$1.txt'
renames 'foo.lis' to 'foo.txt', 'my.old.stuff.lis' to 'my.old.stuff.txt',
and so on." >&2
return 1
shift 2
if [[ -z $action ]]; then
# We can't necessarily get the name of the function directly, because
# of no_function_argzero stupidity.
print -P %N >$tmpf
rm -f $tmpf
if [[ $action != (cp|mv|ln) ]]; then
print "Action $action not recognised: must be cp, mv or ln." >&2
return 1
if [[ -n $opt_s && $action != ln ]]; then
print -P "%N: invalid option: -s" >&2
return 1
if [[ -n $opt_w ]]; then
# Parenthesise all wildcards.
local newpat
# Well, this seems to work.
# The tricky bit is getting all forms of [...] correct, but as long
# as we require inactive bits to be backslashed its not so bad.
if [[ $newpat = $pat ]]; then
print -P "%N: warning: no wildcards were found" >&2
if [[ -n $opt_Q && $pat = (#b)(*)\([^\)\|\~]##\) ]]; then
# strip off qualifiers for use as ordinary pattern
if [[ $pat = (#b)(*)\((\*\*##/)\)(*) ]]; then
# Now make sure we do depth-first searching.
# This is so that the names of any files are altered before the
# names of the directories they are in.
if [[ -n $opt_Q && -n $hasglobqual ]]; then
setopt bareglobqual
[[ -n $hasglobqual ]] && pat=$opat
for f in $files; do
if [[ $pat = (#b)(*)\(\*\*##/\)(*) ]]; then
# This looks like a recursive glob. This isn't good enough,
# because we should really enforce that $match[1] and $match[2]
# don't match slashes unless they were explicitly given. But
# it's a start. It's fine for the classic case where (**/) is
# at the start of the pattern.
[[ -e $f && $f = (#b)${~pat} ]] || continue
set -- "$match[@]"
if [[ -z $g ]]; then
errs=($errs "\`$f' expanded to an empty string")
elif [[ $f = $g ]]; then
# don't cause error: more useful just to skip
# errs=($errs "$f not altered by substitution")
[[ -n $opt_v ]] && print "$f not altered, ignored"
elif [[ -n $from[$g] && ! -d $g ]]; then
errs=($errs "$f and $from[$g] both map to $g")
elif [[ -f $g && -z $opt_f ]]; then
errs=($errs "file exists: $g")
if (( $#errs )); then
print -P "%N: error(s) in substitution:" >&2
print -l $errs >&2
return 1
for f in $files; do
[[ -z $to[$f] ]] && continue
exec=($action ${=opt_o} $opt_s -- $f $to[$f])
[[ -n $opt_i$opt_n$opt_v ]] && print -r -- ${(q)exec}
if [[ -n $opt_i ]]; then
read -q 'opt?Execute? ' || continue
if [[ -z $opt_n ]]; then
$exec || stat=1
return $stat
# }