2000-04-01 22:43:43 +02:00
#compdef fc history
1999-04-15 20:05:38 +02:00
2000-04-01 22:43:43 +02:00
local fc_common
fc_common=( \
'(-A -R -W -I)-m[treat first argument as a pattern]' \
'(-A -R -W -I)-r[reverse order of the commands]' \
'(-A -R -W -I -e)-n[suppress line numbers]' \
'(-A -R -W -I -e -f -E -i)-d[print time-stamps]' \
'(-A -R -W -I -e -d -E -i)-f[mm/dd/yyyy format time-stamps]' \
'(-A -R -W -I -e -d -f -i)-E[dd.mm.yyyy format time-stamps]' \
'(-A -R -W -I -e -d -f -E)-i[yyyy-mm-dd format time-stamps]' \
'(-A -R -W -I -e)-D[print elapsed times]' \
'(-A -R -W -I)*::commands:_command_names -e' )
if [[ $words[1] = *history ]]; then
_arguments -C -s "$fc_common[@]"
_arguments -C -s \
'(-A -R -W -I -e)-l[list resulting commands on stdout]' \
'(-A -R -W -I -l -n -d -f -E -i -D)-e[specify editor to invoke]:editor to invoke:_command_names -e' \
'(-l -m -e -r -n -d -f -E -i -D -A -W *)-R[read history from file]:history file:_files' \
'(-l -m -e -r -n -d -f -E -i -D -R -W *)-A[append history to file]:history file:_files' \
'(-l -m -e -r -n -d -f -E -i -D -R -A *)-W[write history to file]:history file:_files' \
'(-l -m -e -r -n -d -f -E -i -D -A -W *)-I[read/write new events only]:history file:_files' \
1999-04-15 20:05:38 +02:00