:us: [:jp:](./doc/guide/ja/README.md) > Zsh Plugin Manager [![Travis][travis-badge]][travis-link] [![Latest][latest-badge]][latest-link] [![Slack][slack-badge]][slack-link]

## Pros. - Can manage everything - Zsh plugins/UNIX commands on [GitHub](https://github.com) and [Bitbucket](https://bitbucket.org) - Gist files ([gist.github.com](https://gist.github.com)) - Externally managed plugins e.g., [oh-my-zsh](https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh) and [prezto](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto) plugins/themes - Binary artifacts on [GitHub Releases](https://help.github.com/articles/about-releases/) - Local plugins - etc. (you can add your [own sources](https://github.com/zplug/zplug/blob/master/doc/guide/External-Sources.md)!) - Super-fast parallel installation/update - Support for lazy-loading - Branch/tag/commit support - Post-update, post-load hooks - Dependencies between packages - Unlike [antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen), no ZSH plugin file (`*.plugin.zsh`) required - Interactive interface ([fzf](https://github.com/junegunn/fzf), [peco](https://github.com/peco/peco), [zaw](https://github.com/zsh-users/zaw), and so on) - Cache mechanism for reducing [the startup time](#vs) ***DEMO:*** [![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/b4b4r07/screenshots/master/zplug/demo.gif)][repo] ## Installation latest | stable ---|--- [![Latest][latest-badge]][latest-link] | [![Stable][stable-badge]][stable-link] ### The best way ```console curl -sL --proto-redir -all,https https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zplug/installer/master/installer.zsh | zsh ``` Curious about the installation script? Check it out at [zplug/installer](https://github.com/zplug/installer/blob/master/installer.zsh). ### Using [Homebrew](https://github.com/Homebrew/brew) (OS X) ```console brew install zplug ``` ### Manually Cloning from GitHub, and source `init.zsh`: ```console $ export ZPLUG_HOME=/path/to/.zplug $ git clone https://github.com/zplug/zplug $ZPLUG_HOME ``` ## Requirements - `zsh`: version 4.3.9 or higher - `git`: version 1.7 or higher - `awk`: An AWK variant that's **not** `mawk` ## Usage Add a zplug section to your `.zshrc`: 1. List the packages with `zplug` commands 2. `zplug load` to source the plugins and add commands to your `$PATH` ### Example [![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/b4b4r07/screenshots/master/zplug/example.png)][repo] ```zsh source ~/.zplug/init.zsh # Make sure to use double quotes zplug "zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search" # Use the package as a command # And accept glob patterns (e.g., brace, wildcard, ...) zplug "Jxck/dotfiles", as:command, use:"bin/{histuniq,color}" # Can manage everything e.g., other person's zshrc zplug "tcnksm/docker-alias", use:zshrc # Disable updates using the "frozen" tag zplug "k4rthik/git-cal", as:command, frozen:1 # Grab binaries from GitHub Releases # and rename with the "rename-to:" tag zplug "junegunn/fzf", \ from:gh-r, \ as:command, \ use:"*darwin*amd64*" # Supports oh-my-zsh plugins and the like zplug "plugins/git", from:oh-my-zsh # Also prezto zplug "modules/prompt", from:prezto # Load if "if" tag returns true zplug "lib/clipboard", from:oh-my-zsh, if:"[[ $OSTYPE == *darwin* ]]" # Run a command after a plugin is installed/updated # Provided, it requires to set the variable like the following: # ZPLUG_SUDO_PASSWORD="********" zplug "jhawthorn/fzy", \ as:command, \ rename-to:fzy, \ hook-build:"make && sudo make install" # Supports checking out a specific branch/tag/commit zplug "b4b4r07/enhancd", at:v1 zplug "mollifier/anyframe", at:4c23cb60 # Can manage gist file just like other packages zplug "b4b4r07/79ee61f7c140c63d2786", \ from:gist, \ as:command, \ use:get_last_pane_path.sh # Support bitbucket zplug "b4b4r07/hello_bitbucket", \ from:bitbucket, \ as:command, \ use:"*.sh" # Rename a command with the string captured with `use` tag zplug "b4b4r07/httpstat", \ as:command, \ use:'(*).sh', \ rename-to:'$1' # Group dependencies # Load "emoji-cli" if "jq" is installed in this example zplug "stedolan/jq", \ from:gh-r, \ as:command, \ rename-to:jq zplug "b4b4r07/emoji-cli", \ on:"stedolan/jq" # Note: To specify the order in which packages should be loaded, use the defer # tag described in the next section # Set the priority when loading # e.g., zsh-syntax-highlighting must be loaded # after executing compinit command and sourcing other plugins # (If the defer tag is given 2 or above, run after compinit command) zplug "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting", defer:2 # Can manage local plugins zplug "~/.zsh", from:local # Load theme file zplug 'dracula/zsh', as:theme # Install plugins if there are plugins that have not been installed if ! zplug check --verbose; then printf "Install? [y/N]: " if read -q; then echo; zplug install fi fi # Then, source plugins and add commands to $PATH zplug load --verbose ``` Finally, use `zplug install` to install your plugins and reload `.zshrc`. ### 1. Options for `zplug` | Option | Description | |-----------------|-------------| | `--help` | Display the help message | | `--rollback` | Rollback a failed package | | `--self-manage` | Self management of zplug | | `--version` | Display the version of zplug | | `--log` | Show the report of zplug errors | ### 2. Commands for `zplug` | Command | Description | Options | |-----------|-------------|---------| | `install` | Install packages in parallel | (None) | | `load` | Source installed plugins and add installed commands to `$PATH` | `--verbose` | | `list` | List installed packages (more specifically, view the associative array `$zplugs`) | `--select`,`--installed`,`--loaded` | | `update` | Update installed packages in parallel | `--select`,`--force` | | `check` | Return true if all packages are installed, false otherwise | `--verbose` | | `status` | Check if the remote repositories are up to date | `--select` | | `clean` | Remove repositories which are no longer managed | `--force`,`--select` | | `clear` | Remove the cache file | (None) | | `info` | Show the information such as the source URL and tag values for the given package | (None) | #### Take a closer look ```zsh # zplug check returns true if all packages are installed # Therefore, when it returns false, run zplug install if ! zplug check; then zplug install fi # source plugins and add commands to the PATH zplug load # zplug check returns true if the given repository exists if zplug check b4b4r07/enhancd; then # setting if enhancd is available export ENHANCD_FILTER=fzf-tmux fi ``` #### Let zplug manage zplug To manage zplug itself like other packages, write the following in your `.zshrc`. ```zsh zplug 'zplug/zplug', hook-build:'zplug --self-manage' ``` All that's left is to run `zplug update`. ### 3. Tags for `zplug` `truthy` is any of `true`, `yes`, `on`, `1` and `falsy` is any of `false`, `no`, `off`, `0`. | Tag | Description | Value (default) | Example | |-----|-------------|-----------------|---------| | `as` | Specify whether to register the package as plugins or commands | `plugin`,`command`,`theme` (`plugin`) | `as:command` | | `use` | Specify the pattern of the files to source (for `plugin`) or the relative path to add to the `$PATH` (for `command`) / With `from:gh-r`, zplug tries to guess which file to use from your OS and architecture. You can manually specify `use:"*darwin*{amd,386}*"` if that doesn't get the right file. | *glob* (`use:"*.zsh"`) | `use:bin`,`use:"*.sh"`, `use:*darwin*` | | `ignore` | Similar to `use` tag, but specify pattern of files you want to ignore (see also [#56](https://github.com/zplug/zplug/issues/56)) | *glob* (-) | `ignore:"some_*.zsh"` | | `from` | Specify where to get the package from | `github`,`bitbucket`,
`oh-my-zsh`,`prezto`,`local` (`github`) | `from:gh-r` | | `at` | Specify branch/tag/commit to install | *revision* (`master`) | `at:v1.5.6` | | `rename-to` | Specify the filename you want to rename the command to (use this only with `as:command`) | *filename* (-) | `rename-to:fzf` | | `dir` | Installed directory of the package | **READ ONLY** | `dir:/path/to/user/repo` | | `if` | Specify the conditions under which to install and use the package | *boolean* (-) | `if:"[ -d ~/.zsh ]"` | | `hook-build` | Commands to run after installation/update | *commands* (-) | `hook-build:"make install"` | | `hook-load` | Commands to run after loading | *commands* (-) | `hook-load:"echo 'Loaded!'"` | | `frozen` | Do not update unless explicitly specified | truthy,falsy (false) | `frozen:1` | | `on` | Load this package only if a different package is installed | *package* | `on:user/repo` | | `defer` | Defers the loading of a package. If the value is 2 or above, zplug will source the plugin after `compinit` (see also [#26](https://github.com/zplug/zplug/issues/26)) | 0..3 (0) | `defer:2` | | `lazy` | Whether it is an autoload function or not | truthy,falsy (false) | `lazy:true` | | `depth` | The number of commits to include in the cloned repository. 0 means the whole history. | Any non-negative integer | `depth:10` | #### Changing the defaults You can use `zstyle` to change the default value. The format is: ```zsh zstyle ":zplug:tag" tag_name new_default_value ``` For example, if you have a lot of commands and not so many plugins, (i.e. if you find yourself specifying `as:command` often), you can do: ```zsh zstyle ":zplug:tag" as command ``` The default value for all tags can be changed in this way. #### Available on CLI You can register packages to zplug from the command-line. If you use zplug from the command-line, it is possible to add stuff more easily with the help of powerful zsh completions. In this case, zplug spit out its settings to `$ZPLUG_LOADFILE` instead of `.zshrc`. If you launch new zsh process, `zplug load` command automatically search this file and run `source` command. See [`ZPLUG_LOADFILE`](#zplug_loadfile) for other usage of `ZPLUG_LOADFILE`. ### 4. Environment variables for `zplug` #### `ZPLUG_HOME` Defaults to `~/.zplug`. `zplug` will store/load packages in this directory. The directory structure is shown below. ``` $ZPLUG_HOME |-- bin | `-- some_command -> ../repos/username_A/reponame1/some_command `-- repos |-- username_A | |-- reponame1 | | |-- README.md | | `-- some_command | `-- reponame2 | |-- README.md | `-- some_plugin.zsh `-- username_B `-- reponame1 ``` If you specify `as:command`, zplug will see the package as a command and create a symbolic link of the same name (if you want to rename it, use the `rename-to:` tag) in `$ZPLUG_BIN`. Because zplug adds `$ZPLUG_BIN` to the `$PATH`, you can run that command from anywhere. #### `ZPLUG_THREADS` The number of threads zplug uses when installing/updating. The default value is 16. #### `ZPLUG_PROTOCOL` Defaults to HTTPS. Valid options are `HTTPS` and `SSH`. Unless you have a specific reason, you should use the HTTPS protocol. For more information, see also [**Which remote URL should I use?** - GitHub Help](https://help.github.com/articles/which-remote-url-should-i-use/) #### `ZPLUG_FILTER` Defaults to `fzf-tmux:fzf:peco:percol:zaw`. When `--select` option is specified, the first element in the colon-separated list that exists in the `$PATH` will be used by zplug as the interactive filter. You can also use spaces and double quotes in `ZPLUG_FILTER` like: `fzf-tmux -d "10%":/path/to/peco:my peco`. #### `ZPLUG_LOADFILE` Defaults to `$ZPLUG_HOME/packages.zsh`. This file is used to add plugins from zplug on the command-line. It is also a useful place to isolate your packages list from `.zshrc`. Rather than cluttering your `.zshrc` with many lines enumerating packages, you can put them in a separate file and set `ZPLUG_LOADFILE` to its path. #### `ZPLUG_USE_CACHE` Defaults to `true`. If this variable is true, zplug will use cache files to speed up the load process. The cache files are saved under the `$ZPLUG_CACHE_DIR` directory. If you want to clear the cache, please run `zplug clear` or do the following: ```console $ ZPLUG_USE_CACHE=false zplug load ``` #### `ZPLUG_CACHE_DIR` Defaults to `$ZPLUG_HOME/.cache`. You can change where the cache file is saved, for example, `~/.cache/zplug`. #### `ZPLUG_REPOS` Defaults to `$ZPLUG_HOME/repos`. You can change where the repositories are cloned in case you want to manage them separately. #### `ZPLUG_SUDO_PASSWORD` Defaults to `''`. You can set sudo password for zplug's `hook-build` tag. However, this variable should not be managed in dotfiles and so on. #### `ZPLUG_LOG_LOAD_SUCCESS` Defaults to `false`. If true, zplug spit the log about its success operation out to file (you can see it with `zplug --log`). #### `ZPLUG_LOG_LOAD_FAILURE` Defaults to `false`. If true, zplug spit the log about its failure operation out to file (you can see it with `zplug --log`). ```zsh # your .zshrc source ~/.zshrc_secret zplug "some/command", hook-build:"make && sudo make install" ``` #### `ZPLUG_BIN` Defaults to `$ZPLUG_HOME/bin`. You can change the save destination of the command's symbolic link, e.g. `~/bin`. ### External commands zplug, like `git(1)`, supports external commands. These are executable scripts that reside somewhere in the PATH, named `zplug-cmdname`, which can be invoked with `zplug cmdname`. This allows you to create your own commands without modifying zplug's internals. Instructions for creating your own commands can be found in the [docs](https://github.com/zplug/zplug/blob/master/doc/zplug/External-Commands.md). Check out the sample [`zplug-env`](https://github.com/zplug/zplug/blob/master/bin/zplug-env) external command for an example. ## V.S. zplug is the fastest among the famous zsh plugin managers. Numbers? Here they are: [![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/b4b4r07/screenshots/master/zplug/time.png)][repo] ## Note - Not antigen :syringe: but **zplug** :hibiscus: will be here for you from now on. - :hibiscus: It was heavily inspired by [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug), [neobundle.vim](https://github.com/Shougo/neobundle.vim) and the like. ## Other resources [awesome-zsh-plugins](https://github.com/unixorn/awesome-zsh-plugins) is a list of ZSH plugins, themes and completions that you can use with zplug. For migration from antigen, zgen, or zplug v1, check out the [wiki page](https://github.com/zplug/zplug/wiki/Migration). ## License [MIT][license] (c) [@b4b4r07](https://github.com/b4b4r07) [repo]: https://github.com/zplug/zplug [license]: http://b4b4r07.mit-license.org [travis-link]: https://travis-ci.org/zplug/zplug [travis-badge]: https://img.shields.io/travis/zplug/zplug.svg?style=flat-square [latest-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/latest-v2.4.2-ca7f85.svg?style=flat-square [latest-link]: https://github.com/zplug/zplug/releases/latest [stable-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/stable-v2.3.2-e9a326.svg?style=flat-square [stable-link]: https://github.com/zplug/zplug/releases/tag/2.3.2 [slack-link]: https://zplug.herokuapp.com [slack-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/slack-join-ca7f85.svg?style=flat-square