Thank you for helping improve zplug! To make sure we can quickly assist you with any bugs, we have three requests: ## 1. Remove the cache file and zcompdump Before moving on to the next step, make sure you have cleared the cache file with `zplug clear` and removed the zcompdump file with `rm -f $ZPLUG_HOME/zcompdump`. ## 2. Reproduce the bug with a minimal **.zshrc** Remove as many lines in your **.zshrc** as possible, for example, if there's a problem with `zsh-syntax-highlighting`, try something like: ```zsh # Example minimal zshrc source ~/.zplug/init.zsh zplug "zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting" zplug check || zplug install zplug load ``` Sometimes the problem only manifests when there are two different plugins loaded. Knowing which two plugins will greatly help us come up with a fix. ## 3. Share some system information By pasting the output of these three commands in your bug report, we can be certain we are testing the right thing for your setup: - [ ] `uname -a` - [ ] `cat ~/.zshrc` - [ ] `zsh --version` By following these two steps, we can assist with any problem much faster!