alias build := youki-release alias youki := youki-dev KIND_CLUSTER_NAME := 'youki' cwd := justfile_directory() # build # build all binaries build-all: youki-release contest # build youki in dev mode youki-dev: {{ cwd }}/scripts/ -o {{ cwd }} -c youki # build youki in release mode youki-release: {{ cwd }}/scripts/ -o {{ cwd }} -r -c youki # build runtimetest binary runtimetest: {{ cwd }}/scripts/ -o {{ cwd }} -r -c runtimetest # build contest contest: {{ cwd }}/scripts/ -o {{ cwd }} -r -c contest # Tests # run integration tests test-integration: test-oci test-contest # run all tests except rust-oci test-all: test-basic test-features test-oci containerd-test # currently not doing rust-oci here # run basic tests test-basic: test-unit test-doc # run cargo unit tests test-unit: {{ cwd }}/scripts/ test --lib --bins --all --all-targets --all-features --no-fail-fast -- --test-threads=1 # run cargo doc tests test-doc: {{ cwd }}/scripts/ test --doc -- --test-threads=1 # run permutated feature compilation tests test-features: {{ cwd }}/scripts/ # run oci integration tests through runtime-tools test-oci: {{ cwd }}/scripts/ {{ cwd }} # run rust oci integration tests test-contest: youki-release contest sudo {{ cwd }}/scripts/ {{ cwd }}/youki # validate rust oci integration tests on runc validate-contest-runc: contest sudo RUNTIME_KIND="runc" {{ cwd }}/scripts/ runc # test podman rootless works with youki test-rootless-podman: {{ cwd }}/tests/rootless-tests/ {{ cwd }}/youki # test docker-in-docker works with youki test-dind: {{ cwd }}/tests/dind/ # run containerd integration tests containerd-test: youki-dev VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE=Vagrantfile.containerd2youki vagrant up VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE=Vagrantfile.containerd2youki vagrant provision --provision-with test # run containerd integration tests clean-containerd-test: VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE=Vagrantfile.containerd2youki vagrant destroy [private] kind-cluster: bin-kind #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail mkdir -p tests/k8s/_out/ docker buildx build -f tests/k8s/Dockerfile --iidfile=tests/k8s/_out/img --load . image=$(cat tests/k8s/_out/img) bin/kind create cluster --name {{ KIND_CLUSTER_NAME }} --image=$image # run youki with kind test-kind: kind-cluster kubectl --context=kind-{{ KIND_CLUSTER_NAME }} apply -f tests/k8s/deploy.yaml kubectl --context=kind-{{ KIND_CLUSTER_NAME }} wait deployment nginx-deployment --for condition=Available=True --timeout=90s kubectl --context=kind-{{ KIND_CLUSTER_NAME }} get pods -o wide kubectl --context=kind-{{ KIND_CLUSTER_NAME }} delete -f tests/k8s/deploy.yaml # Bin [private] bin-kind: docker buildx build --output=bin/ -f tests/k8s/Dockerfile --target kind-bin . # Clean # Clean kind test env clean-test-kind: kind delete cluster --name {{ KIND_CLUSTER_NAME }} # misc # run bpftrace hack hack-bpftrace: BPFTRACE_STRLEN=120 ./hack/ # a hacky benchmark method we have been using casually to compare performance hack-benchmark: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail hyperfine \ --prepare 'sudo sync; echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' \ --warmup 10 \ --min-runs 100 \ 'sudo {{ cwd }}/youki create -b tutorial a && sudo {{ cwd }}/youki start a && sudo {{ cwd }}/youki delete -f a' # run linting on project lint: {{ cwd }}/scripts/ fmt --all -- --check {{ cwd }}/scripts/ clippy --all --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings # run spellcheck spellcheck: typos # run format on project format: {{ cwd }}/scripts/ fmt --all # cleans up generated artifacts clean: {{ cwd }}/scripts/ {{ cwd }} # install tools used in dev dev-prepare: {{ cwd }}/scripts/ install typos-cli # setup dependencies in CI ci-prepare: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail # Check if system is Ubuntu if [[ -f /etc/lsb-release ]]; then source /etc/lsb-release if [[ $DISTRIB_ID == "Ubuntu" ]]; then echo "System is Ubuntu" apt-get -y update apt-get install -y \ pkg-config \ libsystemd-dev \ build-essential \ libelf-dev \ libseccomp-dev \ libclang-dev \ libssl-dev \ criu exit 0 fi fi echo "Unknown system. The CI is only configured for Ubuntu. You will need to forge your own path. Good luck!" exit 1 ci-musl-prepare: ci-prepare #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail # Check if system is Ubuntu if [[ -f /etc/lsb-release ]]; then source /etc/lsb-release if [[ $DISTRIB_ID == "Ubuntu" ]]; then echo "System is Ubuntu" apt-get -y update apt-get install -y \ musl-dev \ musl-tools exit 0 fi fi echo "Unknown system. The CI is only configured for Ubuntu. You will need to forge your own path. Good luck!" exit 1 version-up version: #!/usr/bin/bash set -ex git grep -l "^version = .* # MARK: Version" | xargs sed -i 's/version = "[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]" # MARK: Version/version = "{{version}}" # MARK: Version/g' git grep -l "} # MARK: Version" | grep -v justfile | xargs sed -i 's/version = "[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]" } # MARK: Version/version = "{{version}}" } # MARK: Version/g' {{ cwd }}/scripts/ {{version}}