import platform import shlex from glob import glob from os import environ, pathsep from setuptools import Extension, setup dconv_includes = [ dir for dir in environ.get( "UJSON_BUILD_DC_INCLUDES", "./deps/double-conversion/double-conversion", ).split(pathsep) if dir ] dconv_libs = shlex.split(environ.get("UJSON_BUILD_DC_LIBS", "")) dconv_source_files = [] if not dconv_libs: dconv_source_files.extend(glob("./deps/double-conversion/double-conversion/*.cc")) dconv_source_files.append("./lib/") if platform.system() == "Linux" and environ.get("UJSON_BUILD_NO_STRIP", "0") not in ( "1", "True", ): strip_flags = ["-Wl,--strip-all"] else: strip_flags = [] module1 = Extension( "ujson", sources=dconv_source_files + [ "./python/ujson.c", "./python/objToJSON.c", "./python/JSONtoObj.c", "./lib/ultrajsonenc.c", "./lib/ultrajsondec.c", ], include_dirs=["./python", "./lib"] + dconv_includes, extra_compile_args=["-D_GNU_SOURCE"], extra_link_args=["-lstdc++", "-lm"] + dconv_libs + strip_flags, ) with open("python/version_template.h") as f: version_template = def local_scheme(version): """Skip the local version (eg. +xyz of 0.6.1.dev4+gdf99fe2) to be able to upload to Test PyPI""" return "" setup( ext_modules=[module1], use_scm_version={ "local_scheme": local_scheme, "write_to": "python/version.h", "write_to_template": version_template, }, )