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mirror of https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon synced 2024-05-05 23:26:23 +02:00
Dalton Hubble 084e8bea49 Allow custom initial node taints on worker pool nodes
* Add `node_taints` variable to worker modules to set custom
initial node taints on cloud platforms that support auto-scaling
worker pools of heterogeneous nodes (i.e. AWS, Azure, GCP)
* Worker pools could use custom `node_labels` to allowed workloads
to select among differentiated nodes, while custom `node_taints`
allows a worker pool's nodes to be tainted as special to prevent
scheduling, except by workloads that explicitly tolerate the
* Expose `daemonset_tolerations` in AWS, Azure, and GCP kubernetes
cluster modules, to determine whether `kube-system` components
should tolerate the custom taint (advanced use covered in docs)

Rel: #550, #663
Closes #429
2021-04-11 15:00:11 -07:00

18 lines
733 B

# Kubernetes assets (kubeconfig, manifests)
module "bootstrap" {
source = "git::https://github.com/poseidon/terraform-render-bootstrap.git?ref=55e16333762d716b762d41b77e4e3a73de1cc215"
cluster_name = var.cluster_name
api_servers = [format("%s.%s", var.cluster_name, var.dns_zone)]
etcd_servers = aws_route53_record.etcds.*.fqdn
networking = var.networking
network_mtu = var.network_mtu
pod_cidr = var.pod_cidr
service_cidr = var.service_cidr
cluster_domain_suffix = var.cluster_domain_suffix
enable_reporting = var.enable_reporting
enable_aggregation = var.enable_aggregation
daemonset_tolerations = var.daemonset_tolerations