locals { official_images = [] is_official_image = contains(local.official_images, var.os_image) } # Controller Instance DNS records resource "digitalocean_record" "controllers" { count = var.controller_count # DNS zone where record should be created domain = var.dns_zone # DNS record (will be prepended to domain) name = var.cluster_name type = "A" ttl = 300 # IPv4 addresses of controllers value = digitalocean_droplet.controllers.*.ipv4_address[count.index] } # Discrete DNS records for each controller's private IPv4 for etcd usage resource "digitalocean_record" "etcds" { count = var.controller_count # DNS zone where record should be created domain = var.dns_zone # DNS record (will be prepended to domain) name = "${var.cluster_name}-etcd${count.index}" type = "A" ttl = 300 # private IPv4 address for etcd value = digitalocean_droplet.controllers.*.ipv4_address_private[count.index] } # Controller droplet instances resource "digitalocean_droplet" "controllers" { count = var.controller_count name = "${var.cluster_name}-controller-${count.index}" region = var.region image = var.os_image size = var.controller_type # network vpc_uuid = digitalocean_vpc.network.id # TODO: Only official DigitalOcean images support IPv6 ipv6 = false user_data = data.ct_config.controllers.*.rendered[count.index] ssh_keys = var.ssh_fingerprints tags = [ digitalocean_tag.controllers.id, ] lifecycle { ignore_changes = [user_data] } } # Tag to label controllers resource "digitalocean_tag" "controllers" { name = "${var.cluster_name}-controller" } # Flatcar Linux controllers data "ct_config" "controllers" { count = var.controller_count content = templatefile("${path.module}/cl/controller.yaml", { # Cannot use cyclic dependencies on controllers or their DNS records etcd_name = "etcd${count.index}" etcd_domain = "${var.cluster_name}-etcd${count.index}.${var.dns_zone}" # etcd0=https://cluster-etcd0.example.com,etcd1=https://cluster-etcd1.example.com,... etcd_initial_cluster = join(",", [ for i in range(var.controller_count) : "etcd${i}=https://${var.cluster_name}-etcd${i}.${var.dns_zone}:2380" ]) cluster_dns_service_ip = cidrhost(var.service_cidr, 10) cluster_domain_suffix = var.cluster_domain_suffix }) strict = true snippets = var.controller_snippets }