class TerraformInventory < Formula homepage "" head "" # Update these when a new version is released url "" sha256 "9cdcbc5ce4247b72bb72923d01246f51252a88908d760d766daeac51dd8feed9" depends_on "go" => :build def install ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath # Move the contents of the repo (which are currently in the buildpath) into # a go-style subdir, so we can build it without spewing deps everywhere. app_path = buildpath/"src/" app_path.install Dir["*"] # Fetch the deps (into our temporary gopath) and build cd "src/" do system "go", "get" system "go", "build", "-ldflags", "-X main.build_version '#{version}'" end # Install the resulting binary bin.install "bin/terraform-inventory" end test do system "#{bin}/terraform-inventory", "version" end end