# NAME Sip - Command line tool to interact with Gitea # SYNOPSIS Sip ``` [--origin]=[value] [--owner|-o]=[value] [--repo|-r]=[value] [--token|-t]=[value] [--upstream]=[value] [--url|-u]=[value] ``` **Usage**: ``` Sip [GLOBAL OPTIONS] command [COMMAND OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS...] ``` # GLOBAL OPTIONS **--origin**="": The origin remote **--owner, -o**="": The owner to target (default: jolheiser) **--repo, -r**="": The repo to target (default: sip) **--token, -t**="": The access token to use (by name) **--upstream**="": The upstream remote **--url, -u**="": The base URL to the Gitea instance (default: https://gitea.com) # COMMANDS ## config, cfg Modify Sip config ### origin Specify default origin name ### upstream Specify default upstream name ## tokens, token Manage access tokens ### add, create Add a new access token ### remove, delete Remove access tokens ## repo Commands for interacting with a Gitea repository ### create Create a new repository ## issues, issue Commands for interacting with issues **--csv**="": Output results to a CSV file at `PATH` ### create, new Create a new issue ## pulls, pull, pr Commands for interacting with pull requests **--csv**="": Output results to a CSV file at `PATH` ### create, new Create a new pull request ### status View the status of a pull request ### checkout Checkout a pull request for testing ## releases, release Commands for interacting with releases **--csv**="": Output results to a CSV file at `PATH` ### create, new Create a new release ### attach Attach files to a release ## open, o Open a repository or issue/pull request