* Checkout a pull request to test locally `sip pulls checkout`
### Search filters
Sip supports certain search filters for issues/PRs.
Anything in the query that doesn't match one of the below filters will be sent as a keyword
* State `is:open is:closed is:merged` - only the last state in the query will be applied
* Author `author:jolheiser` - only the last author in the query will be applied
* Labels `label:bug label:feature` - all labels must apply to return results
* Milestone `mileston:v1.0.0` - only the last milestone in the query will be applied
e.g. `test is:open query author:jolheiser milestone:0.2.0` will search for issues/PRs with keywords `test query` that are `open`, authored by `jolheiser`, and in the `0.2.0` milestone.