#!/usr/bin/env bash echo "Let's get you set up with Rustlings!" echo "Checking requirements..." if [ -x "$(git)" ] then echo "WARNING: Git does not seem to be installed." echo "Please download Git using your package manager or over https://git-scm.com/!" exit 1 else echo "SUCCESS: Git is installed" fi if [ -x "$(rustc)" ] then echo "WARNING: Rust does not seem to be installed." echo "Please download Rust using https://rustup.rs!" exit 1 else echo "SUCCESS: Rust is installed" fi if [ -x "$(cargo)" ] then echo "WARNING: Cargo does not seem to be installed." echo "Please download Rust and Cargo using https://rustup.rs!" exit 1 else echo "SUCCESS: Cargo is installed" fi Path=${1:-rustlings/} echo "Cloning Rustlings at $Path..." git clone -q https://github.com/rust-lang/rustlings $Path Version=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/rust-lang/rustlings/releases/latest | python -c "import json,sys;obj=json.load(sys.stdin);print(obj['tag_name']);") echo "Checking out version $Version..." cd $Path git checkout -q tags/$Version echo "Installing the 'rustlings' executable..." cargo install --force --path . if [ -x "$(rustlings)" ] then echo "WARNING: Please check that you have '~/.cargo/bin' in your PATH environment variable!" fi echo "All done! Run 'rustlings' to get started."