use crate::util::clean; use crate::verify::test; use console::{style, Emoji}; use indicatif::ProgressBar; use std::process::Command; pub fn run(matches: clap::ArgMatches) { if let Some(filename) = matches.value_of("file") { if matches.is_present("test") { match test(filename) { Ok(_) => (), Err(_) => (), } std::process::exit(0); } let bar = ProgressBar::new_spinner(); bar.set_message(format!("Compiling {}...", filename).as_str()); bar.enable_steady_tick(100); let compilecmd = Command::new("rustc") .args(&[filename, "-o", "temp", "--color", "always"]) .output() .expect("fail"); bar.set_message(format!("Running {}...", filename).as_str()); if compilecmd.status.success() { let runcmd = Command::new("./temp").output().expect("fail"); bar.finish_and_clear(); if runcmd.status.success() { println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&runcmd.stdout)); let formatstr = format!("{} Successfully ran {}", Emoji("✅", "✓"), filename); println!("{}", style(formatstr).green()); clean(); } else { println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&runcmd.stdout)); println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&runcmd.stderr)); let formatstr = format!("{} Ran {} with errors", Emoji("⚠️ ", "!"), filename); println!("{}", style(formatstr).red()); clean(); } } else { bar.finish_and_clear(); let formatstr = format!( "{} Compilation of {} failed! Compiler error message:\n", Emoji("⚠️ ", "!"), filename ); println!("{}", style(formatstr).red()); println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&compilecmd.stderr)); clean(); } } else { panic!("Please supply a filename!"); } }