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mirror of https://github.com/goreleaser/nfpm synced 2024-04-28 05:25:09 +02:00
Carlos Alexandro Becker d16adac8c3
fix: create tree of dir content types (#431)
* fix(apk): create tree of dir types

Signed-off-by: Carlos A Becker <caarlos0@gmail.com>

* fix: create tree of dir contents

Signed-off-by: Carlos A Becker <caarlos0@gmail.com>

* test: fixes

Signed-off-by: Carlos A Becker <caarlos0@gmail.com>
2021-12-28 14:24:49 -03:00

133 lines
3.5 KiB

FROM alpine AS test_base
ARG package
RUN echo "${package}"
COPY ${package} /tmp/foo.apk
# ---- minimal test ----
FROM test_base AS min
RUN apk add --allow-untrusted /tmp/foo.apk
# ---- symlink test ----
FROM min AS symlink
RUN ls -l /path/to/symlink | grep "/path/to/symlink -> /etc/foo/whatever.conf"
# ---- simple test ----
FROM min AS simple
RUN test -e /usr/local/bin/fake
RUN test -f /etc/foo/whatever.conf
RUN echo wat >> /etc/foo/whatever.conf
RUN apk del foo
RUN test -f /etc/foo/whatever.conf
RUN test ! -f /usr/local/bin/fake
# ---- no-glob test ----
FROM min AS no-glob
RUN test -d /usr/share/whatever/
RUN test -f /usr/share/whatever/file1
RUN test -f /usr/share/whatever/file2
RUN test -d /usr/share/whatever/folder2
RUN test -f /usr/share/whatever/folder2/file1
RUN test -f /usr/share/whatever/folder2/file2
# ---- complex test ----
FROM min AS complex
RUN test -e /usr/local/bin/fake
RUN test -f /etc/foo/whatever.conf
RUN test -d /usr/share/whatever/
RUN test -d /usr/share/whatever/folder
RUN test -f /usr/share/whatever/folder/file1
RUN test -f /usr/share/whatever/folder/file2
RUN test -d /usr/share/whatever/folder/folder2
RUN test -f /usr/share/whatever/folder/folder2/file1
RUN test -f /usr/share/whatever/folder/folder2/file2
RUN test -d /var/log/whatever
RUN test -d /usr/share/foo
RUN test -d /usr/foo/bar/something
RUN test $(stat -c %a /usr/sbin/fake) -eq 4755
RUN test -f /tmp/preinstall-proof
RUN test -f /tmp/postinstall-proof
RUN test ! -f /tmp/preremove-proof
RUN test ! -f /tmp/postremove-proof
RUN echo wat >> /etc/foo/whatever.conf
RUN apk del foo
RUN test -f /etc/foo/whatever.conf
RUN test ! -f /usr/local/bin/fake
RUN test ! -f /usr/sbin/fake
RUN test -f /tmp/preremove-proof
RUN test -f /tmp/postremove-proof
RUN test ! -d /var/log/whatever
RUN test ! -d /usr/share/foo
RUN test ! -d /usr/foo/bar/something
# ---- signed test ----
FROM test_base AS signed
COPY keys/rsa_unprotected.pub /etc/apk/keys/john@example.com.rsa.pub
RUN apk verify /tmp/foo.apk | grep "/tmp/foo.apk: 0 - OK"
RUN apk add /tmp/foo.apk
# ---- overrides test ----
FROM min AS overrides
RUN test -e /usr/local/bin/fake
RUN test -f /etc/foo/whatever.conf
RUN test ! -f /tmp/preinstall-proof
RUN test -f /tmp/postinstall-proof
RUN test ! -f /tmp/preremove-proof
RUN test ! -f /tmp/postremove-proof
RUN echo wat >> /etc/foo/whatever.conf
RUN apk del foo
RUN test -f /etc/foo/whatever.conf
RUN test ! -f /usr/local/bin/fake
RUN test -f /tmp/preremove-proof
RUN test ! -f /tmp/postremove-proof
# ---- meta test ----
FROM min AS meta
RUN command -v zsh
# ---- env-var-version test ----
FROM min AS env-var-version
ENV EXPECTVER="foo-1.0.0~0.1.b1+git.abcdefgh description:"
RUN apk info foo | grep "foo-" | grep " description:" > found
RUN export FOUND_VER="$(cat found)" && \
echo "Expected: '${EXPECTVER}' :: Found: '${FOUND_VER}'" && \
test "${FOUND_VER}" = "${EXPECTVER}"
# ---- changelog test ----
FROM min AS withchangelog
RUN echo "No Changelog support for apk?"
# ---- upgrade test ----
FROM test_base AS upgrade
ARG oldpackage
RUN echo "${oldpackage}"
COPY ${oldpackage} /tmp/old_foo.apk
RUN apk add --allow-untrusted /tmp/old_foo.apk
RUN test -f /tmp/preinstall-proof
RUN cat /tmp/preinstall-proof | grep "Install"
RUN test -f /tmp/postinstall-proof
RUN cat /tmp/postinstall-proof | grep "Install"
RUN test ! -f /tmp/preupgrade-proof
RUN test ! -f /tmp/postupgrade-proof
RUN echo modified > /etc/regular.conf
RUN echo modified > /etc/noreplace.conf
RUN apk add --allow-untrusted /tmp/foo.apk
RUN test -f /tmp/preupgrade-proof
RUN test -f /tmp/postupgrade-proof