SOURCE_FILES?=./... TEST_PATTERN?=. TEST_OPTIONS?= TEST_TIMEOUT?=15m TEST_PARALLEL?=2 CONTAINER_RUNTIME?=docker export CONTAINER_RUNTIME export PATH := ./bin:$(PATH) export GO111MODULE := on # Install all the build and lint dependencies setup: go mod download go generate -v ./... git config core.hooksPath .githooks .PHONY: setup pull_test_imgs: grep FROM ./testdata/acceptance/*.dockerfile | cut -f2 -d' ' | sort | uniq | while read -r img; do $(CONTAINER_RUNTIME) pull "$$img"; done .PHONY: pull_test_imgs acceptance: pull_test_imgs make -e TEST_OPTIONS="-tags=acceptance" test .PHONY: acceptance test: go test $(TEST_OPTIONS) -p $(TEST_PARALLEL) -v -failfast -race -coverpkg=./... -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.txt $(SOURCE_FILES) -run $(TEST_PATTERN) -timeout=$(TEST_TIMEOUT) .PHONY: test cover: test go tool cover -html=coverage.txt .PHONY: cover fmt: gofumpt -w . .PHONY: fmt ci: build test acceptance .PHONY: ci build: go build -o nfpm ./cmd/nfpm/main.go .PHONY: build deps: go get -u go mod tidy go mod verify .PHONY: deps imgs: wget -O www/docs/static/logo.png wget -O www/docs/static/card.png "**NFPM**%20|%20A%20simple%20Deb%20and%20RPM%20packager%20written%20in%20Go.png?theme=light&md=1&fontSize=80px&images=" wget -O www/docs/static/avatar.png convert www/docs/static/avatar.png -define icon:auto-resize=64,48,32,16 www/docs/static/favicon.ico convert www/docs/static/avatar.png -resize x120 www/docs/static/apple-touch-icon.png .PHONY: imgs serve: @$(CONTAINER_RUNTIME) run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}/www:/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material .PHONY: serve todo: @grep \ --exclude-dir=vendor \ --exclude-dir=node_modules \ --exclude-dir=bin \ --exclude=Makefile \ --text \ --color \ -nRo -E ' TODO:.*|SkipNow' . .PHONY: todo .DEFAULT_GOAL := build