# nFPM ![](/static/banner.svg) nFPM is a simple, 0-dependencies, `deb`, `rpm`, `apk`, and Arch Linux packager. ## Why While [fpm][] is great, for me, it is a bummer that it depends on `ruby`, `tar` and other software. I wanted something that could be used as a binary and/or as a library and that was really simple. So I decided to create nFPM: a **simpler**, **0-dependency**, **as-little-assumptions-as-possible** alternative to fpm. ## nFPM is not FPM This is a subtle way of saying it won't have all features, nor all formats that `fpm` has: it is supposed to be simpler. And that's OK!, most of us don't need all those features most of the time. [fpm]: https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm ## How does it work? You create a YAML file with the definition of what you need, run the `nfpm` binary, and it takes care of everything. The same config file can be used to create both the RPM and Deb packages.