package main import ( "crypto/tls" "flag" "fmt" "log" "os" "os/signal" "os/user" "strconv" "sync" "syscall" ) var VERSION = "0.0.0" func main() { var conf_file string var version bool // Parse args flag.StringVar(&conf_file, "c", "", "Path to config file") flag.BoolVar(&version, "v", false, "Print version and exit") flag.Parse() // If requested, print version and exit if version { fmt.Println("Molly Brown version", VERSION) os.Exit(0) } // Read config if conf_file == "" { _, err := os.Stat("/etc/molly.conf") if err == nil { conf_file = "/etc/molly.conf" } } config, err := getConfig(conf_file) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // If we are running as root, find the UID of the "nobody" user, before a // chroot() possibly stops seeing /etc/passwd uid := os.Getuid() nobody_uid := -1 if uid == 0 { nobody_user, err := user.Lookup("nobody") if err != nil { log.Fatal("Running as root but could not lookup UID for user " + "nobody" + ": " + err.Error()) } nobody_uid, err = strconv.Atoi(nobody_user.Uid) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Running as root but could not lookup UID fr user " + "nobody" + ": " + err.Error()) } } // Chroot, if asked if config.ChrootDir != "" { err := syscall.Chroot(config.ChrootDir) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Could not chroot to " + config.ChrootDir + ": " + err.Error()) } } // Open log files var errorLogFile *os.File if config.ErrorLog == "" { errorLogFile = os.Stderr } else { errorLogFile, err = os.OpenFile(config.ErrorLog, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer errorLogFile.Close() } errorLog := log.New(errorLogFile, "", log.Ldate|log.Ltime) var accessLogFile *os.File if config.AccessLog == "-" { accessLogFile = os.Stdout } else if config.AccessLog != "" { accessLogFile, err = os.OpenFile(config.AccessLog, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644) if err != nil { errorLog.Println("Error opening access log file: " + err.Error()) log.Fatal(err) } defer accessLogFile.Close() } // Read TLS files, create TLS config // Check key file permissions first info, err := os.Stat(config.KeyPath) if err != nil { errorLog.Println("Error opening TLS key file: " + err.Error()) log.Fatal(err) } if uint64(info.Mode().Perm())&0444 == 0444 { errorLog.Println("Refusing to use world-readable TLS key file " + config.KeyPath) os.Exit(0) } cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(config.CertPath, config.KeyPath) if err != nil { errorLog.Println("Error loading TLS keypair: " + err.Error()) log.Fatal(err) } tlscfg := &tls.Config{ Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert}, MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12, ClientAuth: tls.RequestClientCert, } // Try to chdir to /, so we don't block any mountpoints // But if we can't for some reason it's no big deal err = os.Chdir("/") if err != nil { errorLog.Println("Could not change working directory to /: " + err.Error()) } // Apply security restrictions enableSecurityRestrictions(config, nobody_uid, errorLog) // Create TLS listener listener, err := tls.Listen("tcp", ":"+strconv.Itoa(config.Port), tlscfg) if err != nil { errorLog.Println("Error creating TLS listener: " + err.Error()) log.Fatal(err) } defer listener.Close() // Start log handling routines var accessLogEntries chan LogEntry if config.AccessLog == "" { accessLogEntries = nil } else { accessLogEntries := make(chan LogEntry, 10) go func() { for { entry := <-accessLogEntries writeLogEntry(accessLogFile, entry) } }() } // Start listening for signals shutdown := make(chan struct{}) sigterm := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigterm, syscall.SIGTERM) go func() { <-sigterm errorLog.Println("Caught SIGTERM. Waiting for handlers to finish...") close(shutdown) listener.Close() }() // Infinite serve loop (SIGTERM breaks out) running := true var wg sync.WaitGroup for running { conn, err := listener.Accept() if err == nil { wg.Add(1) go handleGeminiRequest(conn, config, accessLogEntries, errorLog, &wg) } else { select { case <-shutdown: running = false default: errorLog.Println("Error accepting connection: " + err.Error()) } } } // Wait for still-running handler Go routines to finish wg.Wait() errorLog.Println("Exiting.") }