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mirror of https://tildegit.org/solderpunk/molly-brown synced 2024-04-28 06:45:03 +02:00

Guard against symbolic links escaping the document base.

This commit is contained in:
Solderpunk 2023-02-13 22:15:42 +01:00
parent bb0a04d2c7
commit 06c6d190a6

View File

@ -19,6 +19,22 @@ import (
// Utility function below borrowed from
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28024731/check-if-given-path-is-a-subdirectory-of-another-in-golang
func isSubdir(subdir, superdir string) (bool, error) {
up := ".." + string(os.PathSeparator)
// path-comparisons using filepath.Abs don't work reliably according to docs (no unique representation).
rel, err := filepath.Rel(superdir, subdir)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if !strings.HasPrefix(rel, up) && rel != ".." {
return true, nil
return false, nil
func handleGeminiRequest(conn net.Conn, config Config, accessLogEntries chan LogEntry, errorLog *log.Logger, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer conn.Close()
defer wg.Done()
@ -69,8 +85,29 @@ func handleGeminiRequest(conn net.Conn, config Config, accessLogEntries chan Log
// Resolve URI path to actual filesystem path
path := resolvePath(URL.Path, config)
// Resolve URI path to actual filesystem path, including following symlinks
raw_path := resolvePath(URL.Path, config)
path, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(raw_path)
if err!= nil {
errorLog.Println("Error evaluating path " + raw_path + " for symlinks: " + err.Error())
conn.Write([]byte("51 Not found!\r\n"))
log.Status = 51
// If symbolic links have been used to escape the intended document directory,
// deny all knowledge
isSub, err := isSubdir(path, config.DocBase)
if err != nil {
errorLog.Println("Error testing whether path " + path + " is below DocBase: " + err.Error())
if !isSub {
errorLog.Println("Refusing to follow simlink from " + raw_path + " outside of DocBase!")
if err != nil || !isSub {
conn.Write([]byte("51 Not found!\r\n"))
log.Status = 51
// Paranoid security measures:
// Fail ASAP if the URL has mapped to a sensitive file