Fork 0
mirror of https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/infrastructure.git synced 2024-05-05 18:46:02 +02:00
Kristian Klausen 4112bdf9fd Make ansible-lint happy
yaml: truthy value should be one of [false, true] (truthy)
yaml: wrong indentation: expected 4 but found 2 (indentation)
yaml: too few spaces before comment (comments)
yaml: missing starting space in comment (comments)
yaml: too many blank lines (1 > 0) (empty-lines)
yaml: too many spaces after colon (colons)
yaml: comment not indented like content (comments-indentation)
yaml: no new line character at the end of file (new-line-at-end-of-file)
load-failure: Failed to load or parse file
parser-error: couldn't resolve module/action 'hosts'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.
2021-02-14 14:22:05 +01:00

489 lines
8.7 KiB

- dev
- tu
- devops
- fellows
- multilib
- archboxes-sudo
- docker-image-sudo
# aaron:
# name: "Aaron Griffin"
# ssh_key: aaron.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# aginiewicz:
# name: "Andrzej Giniewicz"
# ssh_key: aginiewicz.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# ainola:
# name: "Brett Cornwall"
# ssh_key: ainola.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# alad:
# name: "Alad Wenter"
# ssh_key: alad.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# allan:
# name: "Allan McRae"
# ssh_key: allan.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - multilib
# - tu
# alucryd:
# name: "Maxime Gauduin"
# ssh_key: alucryd.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# - multilib
# anatolik:
# name: "Anatol Pomozov"
# ssh_key: anatolik.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# - multilib
# andrea:
# name: "Andrea Scarpino"
# ssh_key: andrea.pub
# groups: []
# andrew:
# name: "Andrew Gregory"
# ssh_key: andrew.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# andrewsc:
# name: "Andrew Crerar"
# ssh_key: andrewsc.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# anthraxx:
# name: "Levente Polyak"
# ssh_key: anthraxx.pub
# shell: /bin/zsh
# groups:
# - dev
# - devops
# - tu
# - multilib
# andyrtr:
# name: "Andreas Radke"
# ssh_key: andyrtr.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# arcanis:
# name: "Evgeniy Alekseev"
# ssh_key: arcanis.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# archange:
# name: "Bruno Pagani"
# ssh_key: archange.pub
# shell: /bin/zsh
# groups:
# - tu
# - multilib
# arodseth:
# name: "Alexander Rødseth"
# ssh_key: arodseth.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# - multilib
# arojas:
# name: "Antonio Rojas"
# ssh_key: arojas.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# - multilib
# aur-notify:
# name: ""
# groups: []
# bgyorgy:
# name: "Balló György"
# ssh_key: bgyorgy.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# bisson:
# name: "Gaëtan Bisson"
# ssh_key: bisson.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# bluewind:
# name: "Florian Pritz"
# ssh_key: bluewind.pub
# shell: /bin/zsh
# groups:
# - dev
# - devops
# - tu
# - multilib
# bpiotrowski:
# name: "Bartłomiej Piotrowski"
# ssh_key: bpiotrowski.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - devops
# - tu
# - multilib
# cbehan:
# name: "Connor Behan"
# ssh_key: cbehan.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# cesura:
# name: "Brad Fanella"
# ssh_key: cesura.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# coderobe:
# name: "Robin Broda"
# ssh_key: coderobe.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# daurnimator:
# name: "Daurnimator"
# ssh_key: daurnimator.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# dbermond:
# name: "Daniel Bermond"
# ssh_key: dbermond.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# demize:
# name: "Johannes Löthberg"
# ssh_key: demize.pub
# shell: /bin/zsh
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# - multilib
# diabonas:
# name: "Jonas Witschel"
# ssh_key: diabonas.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# donate:
# name: ""
# groups: []
# dreisner:
# name: "Dave Reisner"
# ssh_key: dreisner.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - multilib
# - tu
# dvzrv:
# name: "David Runge"
# ssh_key: dvzrv.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - multilib
# - tu
# eschwartz:
# name: "Eli Schwartz"
# ssh_key: eschwartz.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# - multilib
# escondida:
# name: "Ivy Foster"
# ssh_key: escondida.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# eworm:
# name: "Christian Hesse"
# ssh_key: eworm.pub
# shell: /bin/zsh
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# - multilib
# farseerfc:
# name: "Jiachen Yang"
# ssh_key: farseerfc.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# felixonmars:
# name: "Felix Yan"
# ssh_key: felixonmars.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# - multilib
# ffy00:
# name: "Filipe Laíns"
# ssh_key: ffy00.pub
# shell: /bin/bash
# groups:
# - tu
# foutrelis:
# name: "Evangelos Foutras"
# ssh_key: foutrelis.pub
# additional_ssh_keys:
# - name: foutrelis_buildhost.pub
# hosts:
# - dragon.archlinux.org
# groups:
# - dev
# - devops
# - tu
# - multilib
# foxboron:
# name: "Morten Linderud"
# ssh_key: foxboron.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# foxxx0:
# name: "Thore Bödecker"
# ssh_key: foxxx0.pub
# shell: /bin/zsh
# groups:
# - tu
# fukawi2:
# name: "Phillip Smith"
# ssh_key: fukawi2.pub
# groups:
# - devops
# gitlab:
# name: ""
# groups: []
# grazzolini:
# name: "Giancarlo Razzolini"
# ssh_key: grazzolini.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - devops
# - multilib
# - tu
# heftig:
# name: "Jan Steffens"
# ssh_key: heftig.pub
# additional_ssh_keys:
# - name: heftig_work.pub
# hosts:
# - dragon.archlinux.org
# - name: heftig_dragon.pub
# hosts:
# - homedir.archlinux.org
# groups:
# - dev
# - devops
# - tu
# - multilib
# idevolder:
# name: "Ike Devolder"
# ssh_key: idevolder.pub
# groups:
# - tu
name: "Jelle van der Waa"
ssh_key: jelle.pub
- dev
- devops
- tu
- multilib
# jgc:
# name: "Jan de Groot"
# ssh_key: jgc.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - multilib
# - tu
# jleclanche:
# name: "Jerome Leclanche"
# ssh_key: jleclanche.pub
# shell: /bin/zsh
# groups:
# - tu
# jlichtblau:
# name: "Jaroslav Lichtblau"
# ssh_key: jlichtblau.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# jouke:
# name: "Jouke Witteveen"
# ssh_key: jouke.pub
# groups:
# - ""
# jsteel:
# name: "Jonathan Steel"
# ssh_key: jsteel.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# juergen:
# name: "Jürgen Hötzel"
# ssh_key: juergen.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - multilib
# - tu
# kgizdov:
# name: "Konstantin Gizdov"
# ssh_key: kgizdov.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# kkeen:
# name: "Kyle Keen"
# ssh_key: kkeen.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# - multilib
# lcarlier:
# name: "Laurent Carlier"
# ssh_key: lcarlier.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# - multilib
# lfleischer:
# name: "Lukas Fleischer"
# ssh_key: lfleischer.pub
# shell: /bin/zsh
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# - multilib
# maximbaz:
# name: "Maxim Baz"
# ssh_key: maximbaz.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# mtorromeo:
# name: "Massimiliano Torromeo"
# ssh_key: mtorromeo.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# muflone:
# name: "Fabio Castelli"
# ssh_key: muflone.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# nicohood:
# name: "NicoHood"
# ssh_key: nicohood.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# pierre:
# name: "Pierre Schmitz"
# ssh_key: pierre.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - multilib
# - tu
# polyzen:
# name: "Daniel M. Capella"
# ssh_key: polyzen.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# remy:
# name: "Rémy Oudompheng"
# ssh_key: remy.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# ronald:
# name: "Ronald van Haren"
# ssh_key: ronald.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# sangy:
# name: "Santiago Torres-Arias"
# ssh_key: sangy.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# - docker-image-sudo
# schuay:
# name: "Jakob Gruber"
# ssh_key: schuay.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# - multilib
# scimmia:
# name: "Doug Newgard"
# ssh_key: scimmia.pub
# groups: []
# morganamilo:
# name: "Morgan Adamiec"
# ssh_key: morganamilo.pub
# groups: []
# seblu:
# name: "Sébastien Luttringer"
# ssh_key: seblu.pub
# shell: /bin/zsh
# groups:
# - dev
# - tu
# - multilib
# shibumi:
# name: "Christian Rebischke"
# ssh_key: shibumi.pub
# shell: /bin/zsh
# groups:
# - tu
# - archboxes-sudo
# kpcyrd:
# name: "Kpcyrd"
# ssh_key: kpcyrd.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# spupykin:
# name: "Sergej Pupykin"
# ssh_key: spupykin.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# - multilib
# svenstaro:
# name: "Sven-Hendrik Haase"
# ssh_key: svenstaro.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - devops
# - tu
# - multilib
# tensor5:
# name: "Nicola Squartini"
# ssh_key: tensor5.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# tpowa:
# name: "Tobias Powalowski"
# ssh_key: tpowa.pub
# groups:
# - dev
# - multilib
# - tu
# wild:
# name: "Dan Printzell"
# ssh_key: wild.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# xyne:
# name: "Xyne"
# ssh_key: xyne.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# yan12125:
# name: "Chih-Hsuan Yen"
# ssh_key: yan12125.pub
# groups:
# - tu
# zorun:
# name: "Baptiste Jonglez"
# ssh_key: zorun.pub
# groups:
# - tu