/confidential # Onboarding an Arch Linux team member ## Details - **Team member username**: - **Application**: - **Voting result**: - **SSH public key**: - **Full Name**: - **Personal e-mail address**: - **PGP key ID used with personal e-mail address**: - **Communication e-mail address**: [arch, personal] ## All roles checklist - [ ] Add user mail if TU or developer, or support staff and **communication e-mail address** is arch. - [ ] Add new user email as per [`docs/email.md`](docs/email.md). - [ ] Add entry in [`group_vars/all/archusers.yml`](group_vars/all/archusers.yml). - If support staff `hosts` should be set to `mail.archlinux.org`. - `homedir.archlinux.org` is also allowed for support staff, but it is opt-in. - [ ] Add SSH pubkey to `pubkeys/.pub`. - [ ] Run `ansible-playbook -t archusers $(git grep -l archusers playbooks/ | grep -v phrik)`. - [ ] Create a new user in [archweb](https://www.archlinux.org/devel/newuser/). Select the appropriate group membership and allowed repos (if applicable). - [ ] Subscribe **communication e-mail address** to internal [staff mailing list](https://lists.archlinux.org/mailman3/lists/staff.lists.archlinux.org/mass_subscribe/). - [ ] Allow sending from **communication e-mail address** on [arch-dev-public](https://lists.archlinux.org/mailman3/lists/arch-dev-public.lists.archlinux.org/members/member/) (subscribe and/or find address and remove moderation). - [ ] Give the user access to `#archlinux-staff` on Libera Chat. - [ ] Give the user a link to our [staff services page](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/DeveloperWiki:Staff_Services). - [ ] Replace the **Team member username** with the @-prefixed username on Gitlab. - [ ] Remove personal information (such as **Full Name** and **Personal e-mail address**, as well as the clearsigned representation of this data), remove the description history and make the issue non-confidential. - [ ] Request staff cloak on Libera Chat ([Group contacts](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Arch_IRC_channels#Libera_Chat_group_contacts)) ## Main key onboarding checklist - [ ] Add new user email for the `master-key.archlinux.org` subdomain as per [`docs/email.md`](docs/email.md). - [ ] Create an issue in [archlinux-keyring](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/archlinux-keyring) using the [*"New Main Key"*](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/archlinux-keyring/-/issues/new?issuable_template=New%20Main%20Key) template. ## Package Maintainer/Developer onboarding checklist - [ ] Create an issue in [archlinux-keyring](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/archlinux-keyring) using the [*"New Packager Key"*](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/archlinux-keyring/-/issues/new?issuable_template=New%20Packager%20Key) template. - [ ] Assign the user to the correct group in the `Arch Linux Staff/Package Maintainer Team/` group on Keycloak. - [ ] Assign the user to the `Package Maintainers` or `Developers` group on [archlinux.org](https://archlinux.org/admin/auth/user/). - [ ] Subscribe **communication e-mail address** to internal [arch-tu](https://lists.archlinux.org/mailman3/lists/arch-tu.lists.archlinux.org/mass_subscribe/) or [arch-dev](https://lists.archlinux.org/mailman3/lists/arch-dev.lists.archlinux.org/mass_subscribe/) mailing list. - [ ] Give the user access to `#archlinux-tu` or `#archlinux-dev` on Libera Chat. ## Support staff checklist - [ ] Assign the user to the proper support staff group on Keycloak. ## DevOps onboarding checklist - [ ] Add entries in [`group_vars/all/root_access.yml`](group_vars/all/root_access.yml). - [ ] Run `ansible-playbook -t root_ssh playbooks/all-hosts-basic.yml`. - [ ] Run `ansible-playbook playbooks/hetzner_storagebox.yml playbooks/rsync.net.yml`. - [ ] Subscribe **communication e-mail address** to internal [arch-devops-private](https://lists.archlinux.org/mailman3/lists/arch-devops-private.lists.archlinux.org/mass_subscribe/) mailing list. - [ ] Add pubkey to [Hetzner's key management](https://robot.your-server.de/key/index) for Dedicated server rescue system. ## Wiki Administrator checklist - [ ] Subscribe **communication e-mail address** to the [arch-wiki-admins](https://lists.archlinux.org/mailman3/lists/arch-wiki-admins.lists.archlinux.org/mass_subscribe/) mailing list.