terraform { backend "pg" { schema_name = "terraform_remote_state_stage1" } } data "external" "vault_hetzner" { program = [ "${path.module}/../misc/get_key.py", "${path.module}/../misc/vaults/vault_hetzner.yml", "hetzner_cloud_api_key", "hetzner_dns_api_key", "--format", "json" ] } data "hcloud_image" "archlinux" { with_selector = "custom_image=archlinux" most_recent = true with_status = ["available"] } provider "hcloud" { token = data.external.vault_hetzner.result.hetzner_cloud_api_key } provider "hetznerdns" { apitoken = data.external.vault_hetzner.result.hetzner_dns_api_key } locals { # These are the Hetzner Cloud VPSes. # Every entry creates: # - the machine # - the rdns entries # - A and AAAA entries # # Valid parameters are: # - server_type (mandatory) # - domain (optional, creates dns entry .archlinux.org pointing to the machine) # - ttl (optional, applies to the dns entries) # - zone (optional, required for pkgbuild.com machines) # # Example: # "archlinux.org" = { # server_type = "cpx11" # domain = "@" # ttl = 3600 # } machines = { "accounts.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "accounts" } "archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cpx11" domain = "@" } "aur.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cpx41" domain = "aur" } "bbs.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx21" domain = "bbs" } "bugs.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "bugs" } "buildbot.pkgbuild.com" = { server_type = "cx21" domain = "buildbot" zone = hetznerdns_zone.pkgbuild.id } "dashboards.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "dashboards" } "debuginfod.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cpx11" domain = "debuginfod" } "gitlab.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cpx41" domain = "gitlab" } "gluebuddy.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "gluebuddy" } "homedir.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "homedir" } "lists.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx21" domain = "lists" } "mail.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "mail" } "man.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "man" } "matrix.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cpx31" domain = "matrix" } "md.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "md" } "mirror.pkgbuild.com" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "mirror" zone = hetznerdns_zone.pkgbuild.id } "monitoring.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx31" domain = "monitoring" } "phrik.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "phrik" } "quassel.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "quassel" } "redirect.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "redirect" } "repos-git.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cpx11" domain = "repos-git" } "repos.sandbox.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cpx21" domain = "repos.sandbox" } "reproducible.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "reproducible" } "security.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "security" } "state.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cx11" domain = "state" backups = true } "wiki.archlinux.org" = { server_type = "cpx21" domain = "wiki" } } # This creates gitlab pages verification entries. # Every line consists of "key" = "value": # - key equals the pages subdomain # - value equals the pages verification code # archlinux_org_gitlab_pages = { "conf" = "60a06a1c02e42b36c3b4919f4d6de6bf" "whatcanidofor" = "d9e45851002a623e10f6954ff9a85d21" "openpgpkey" = "d20c137368e26dcc3db56d45a368e729" "openpgpkey.master-key" = "3eea8f39a9b473a5dc7c188366f84072" "bugs-old" = "1f3308c8d5763eecb4f9013291aeeac4" "tu-bylaws.aur" = "bbafd3ed82f336e0c52d3eb9774b2432" "reproducible-notes" = "8c657f2f2720db1c3db63be89605cf0d" "terms" = "0b62a71af2aa85fb491295b543b4c3d2" "patchwork" = "37eeadf24d5cd6614e8edb1f12868a5e" } archlinux_page_gitlab_pages = { "repod" = "f2d1ad84f7e9f22cd881d3bef58263e0" "rfc" = "b457db2ce4ac4e162d2f4435f1fe1f39" "monthly-reports" = "a2d60657e960b480cdb229df7cc7edf3" } # This creates archlinux.org TXT DNS entries # Valid parameters are: # - ttl (optional) # - value (mandatory) # # Example: # "_github-challenge-archlinux" = { ttl = 3600, value = "824af4446e" } archlinux_org_txt = { "dkim-ed25519._domainkey.lists" = { value = "v=DKIM1; k=ed25519;p=ongbdFgt5Vimg/VRRbbSVRU4lBCkcYNaPA4K3JS/DnY=" } "dkim-rsa._domainkey.lists" = { value = "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; \" \"p=MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEA4M+y3ZeB9eI3GVgcrvMcI1SYOveH7P5TTRstaCHTlE/aRTiCzu5h6zKwwxEiK6NR5ugbHpBtfFnfnsl1eoaXVFBQfNdDNglHllJOZGVxTnyrFjRJUk9zN+PV/Haz73nAe1hOAENgV8NKnTok1ntaOYSH1AEj4yTswfQkuN23NPrQc1eyy3+hGC+lYpud3xAAl+oT4QE76PaLgk6Hz\" \"HOvZmAPGD3azJZRbobninZZXTAEvZFuPkfpWeUreDU9Hk9VX3zOmnqTN+YjIS5CdV6+Ghem3dCkmR9j3gOZBeBUYD7b+cinTYe/PZO2OG/LWCwN11EYyf1LSBGhBJCF9HPGiGIdhy5T62nKvwDQS0bj1HL+y6pXZdv2C7KgH+lAZ0idpOQ2TtV5e0tlVdryY4QXY9m7mSQ84WsoEdGDsetOhiTEKuqyGnDoYa0wYbM5477LL6EOzS0x3ZC/mbOg\" \"B+FSdzmLWCH/WjuzMNpw9WU+u4BucwVbYcnZ1vAxQQOEnA/Ku9drRHMFixBwodQuMA78j8ICCMJKlUiXmbbL7OFoXBArYJ7lgVs7mlaoEaqzDPCyqs1lJ9kOxdNoZj5zdxERcQhLm+Yo/948i6Js/nkWT0eAjNlHxZuCg3B4z7L4lRZpaGt+vHdcGUIeDKW34O0dWxPwIUmQA4CwmhUB0HWL9UcCAwEAAQ==" } "dkim-ed25519._domainkey" = { value = "v=DKIM1; k=ed25519; p=XOHB7b7V1puX+FryNIhsjXHYIFqk+q6JRu4XQ7Jc8MQ=" } "dkim-rsa._domainkey" = { value = "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; \" \"p=MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEA1GjGrEczq7iHZbvT7wa4ltJz2jwSndUGdRHgfEPnGBeevOXEAlEFr4zsdkfZEaNaQLIhZNpvKAt/A+kkyalkj4u9AnxqeNsNmZflFl6TKgvh0tWNEP3+XNxfdQ7zfml4WggL/YdAjXngg42oZEUsnS/6iozOFn7bNvzqBx5PFJ21pgyuR8DWyLaeOt+p55dVed7DCKnKi11Xjiu7k\" \"H68W8rose7g8Fv9fecBatEE4jwloOXsjh+tH0iab1NSSSpIq6EdgcPrpmrllN3/n2J/kCGK6ztISB6vR7xWgvgHSMjmEL0GPWzohGPrw2UQhZhrNV8dJpiLRYmfK+rXaKF0Kqag/F0e4C4jCKFX7NYFcYXYRlN5QlDFjZvUmOILlgnZ8w/SdZUKzpLObGuwnANLG+WSOjw42p9mXVGN6AfOQPu8OjRjS1MyhcdDIbUvZiQjbmiVJ5frpYZ39BTg\" \"CIzYLJJ5932+3gnwROu1OeljWkpBkfHZXPzADus80l3Vxsk91XZVB36rN8tyuMownR/M4HNC7ZE/EBwOnn1mGH7bLd6pva8u5Qy8Y6LrDdYea5Kk7aZ2WJSSRTV+nkPvOEIx+DfsIWNfmkVWzmuVky96fRvwOCuh38w8zpmlqzhDuGSQrBaLFXwAC7LYQ6kPDHzrjQhs99ScR0ix6YclrmpimMcCAwEAAQ==" } "_dmarc" = { value = "v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto:dmarc-reports@archlinux.org; ruf=mailto:dmarc-reports@archlinux.org;" } "_github-challenge-archlinux" = { value = "824af4446e" } "_github-challenge-archlinux.www" = { value = "b53f311f86" } # TLS-RPT + MTA-STS + SPF "_smtp._tls" = { value = "v=TLSRPTv1;rua=mailto:postmaster@archlinux.org" } "_smtp._tls.aur" = { value = "v=TLSRPTv1;rua=mailto:postmaster@archlinux.org" } "_smtp._tls.master-key" = { value = "v=TLSRPTv1;rua=mailto:postmaster@archlinux.org" } "_smtp._tls.lists" = { value = "v=TLSRPTv1;rua=mailto:postmaster@archlinux.org" } # Generated with: date +%Y%m%d01 "_mta-sts" = { value = "v=STSv1; id=2022051602" } "@" = { value = "v=spf1 ip4:${hcloud_server.machine["mail.archlinux.org"].ipv4_address} ip6:${hcloud_server.machine["mail.archlinux.org"].ipv6_address} ~all" } "mail" = { value = "v=spf1 ip4:${hcloud_server.machine["mail.archlinux.org"].ipv4_address} ip6:${hcloud_server.machine["mail.archlinux.org"].ipv6_address} ~all" } "aur" = { value = "v=spf1 ip4:${hcloud_server.machine["mail.archlinux.org"].ipv4_address} ip6:${hcloud_server.machine["mail.archlinux.org"].ipv6_address} ~all" } "master-key" = { value = "v=spf1 ip4:${hcloud_server.machine["mail.archlinux.org"].ipv4_address} ip6:${hcloud_server.machine["mail.archlinux.org"].ipv6_address} ~all" } lists = { value = "v=spf1 ip4:${hcloud_server.machine["lists.archlinux.org"].ipv4_address} ip6:${hcloud_server.machine["lists.archlinux.org"].ipv6_address} ~all" } } # This creates archlinux.org MX DNS entries # Valid parameters are: # - mx (mandatory) # - ttl (optional) # # Example: # "lists" = { mx = "lists", ttl = 3600 } archlinux_org_mx = { "@" = { mx = "mail" } aur = { mx = "mail" } master-key = { mx = "mail" } lists = { mx = "lists" } } # This creates archlinux.org A/AAAA DNS entries in addition to those already specified by the VPSes. # The VPSes already get a default domain assigned based on their domain parameter. # Thus the domains in local.archlinux_org_a_aaaa are additional domains or domains assigned to dedicated servers. # # The entry name corresponds to the subdomain. # '@' is the root doman (archlinux.org). # Valid parameters are: # - ipv4_address (mandatory) # - ipv6_address (mandatory) # - ttl (optional) # # Example: # gemini = { # ipv4_address = "" # ipv6_address = "2a01:4f8:242:5614::2" # ttl = 3600 # } archlinux_org_a_aaaa = { build = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2a01:4f9:3a:120f::2" } gemini = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2a01:4f8:242:5614::2" } master-key = { ipv4_address = hcloud_server.machine["archlinux.org"].ipv4_address ipv6_address = hcloud_server.machine["archlinux.org"].ipv6_address } pages = { ipv4_address = hcloud_floating_ip.gitlab_pages.ip_address ipv6_address = var.gitlab_pages_ipv6 } runner1 = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2a02:6ea0:c72e::2" } runner3 = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2604:1380:4091:8800::1" } secure-runner1 = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2a01:4f8:231:4e1e::2" } www = { ipv4_address = hcloud_server.machine["archlinux.org"].ipv4_address ipv6_address = hcloud_server.machine["archlinux.org"].ipv6_address } } # This creates archlinux.org CNAME DNS entries. # Valid parameters are: # - value (mandatory, the target for the CNAME "redirect") # - ttl (optional) # # Example: # dev = { value = "www", ttl = 3600 } archlinux_org_cname = { archive = { value = "gemini" } dev = { value = "www" } g2kjxsblac7x = { value = "gv-i5y6mnrelvpfiu.dv.googlehosted.com." } ipxe = { value = "www" } mailman = { value = "redirect" } packages = { value = "www" } ping = { value = "redirect" } planet = { value = "www" } repos = { value = "gemini" } rsync = { value = "gemini" } "rsync.sandbox" = { value = "repos.sandbox" } sources = { value = "gemini" } "static.conf" = { value = "redirect" } status = { value = "stats.uptimerobot.com." } svn = { value = "gemini" } coc = { value = "redirect" } git = { value = "redirect" } # MTA-STS mta-sts = { value = "mail" } "mta-sts.aur" = { value = "mail" } "_mta-sts.aur" = { value = "_mta-sts" } "mta-sts.master-key" = { value = "mail" } "_mta-sts.master-key" = { value = "_mta-sts" } "mta-sts.lists" = { value = "mail" } "_mta-sts.lists" = { value = "_mta-sts" } } # This creates pkgbuild.com A/AAAA DNS entries in addition to those already specified by the VPSes. # The VPSes already get a default domain assigned based on their domain parameter. # Thus the domains in local.pkgbuild_com_a_aaaa are additional domains or domains assigned to dedicated servers. # # The entry name corresponds to the subdomain. # '@' is the root doman (pkgbuild.com). # Valid parameters are: # - ipv4_address (mandatory) # - ipv6_address (mandatory) # - ttl (optional) # pkgbuild_com_a_aaaa = { "@" = { ipv4_address = hcloud_server.machine["homedir.archlinux.org"].ipv4_address ipv6_address = hcloud_server.machine["homedir.archlinux.org"].ipv6_address } "america.mirror" = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2a02:6ea0:cc0e::2" } "america.archive" = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2a02:6ea0:cc0e::2" } "asia.mirror" = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2a02:6ea0:d605::2" } "asia.archive" = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2a02:6ea0:d605::2" } "europe.mirror" = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2a02:6ea0:c237::2" } "europe.archive" = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2a02:6ea0:c237::2" } "seoul.mirror" = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2604:1380:11:2600::1" } "sydney.mirror" = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2604:1380:40f1:6a00::1" } repro2 = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2a02:6ea0:c238::2" } repro3 = { ipv4_address = "" ipv6_address = "2604:1380:4601:7d00::1" } www = { ipv4_address = hcloud_server.machine["homedir.archlinux.org"].ipv4_address ipv6_address = hcloud_server.machine["homedir.archlinux.org"].ipv6_address } } # This creates archlinux.page A/AAAA DNS entries. # # The entry name corresponds to the subdomain. # '@' is the root doman (archlinux.page). # Valid parameters are: # - ipv4_address (mandatory) # - ipv6_address (mandatory) # - ttl (optional) # archlinux_page_a_aaaa = { "@" = { ipv4_address = hcloud_floating_ip.gitlab_pages.ip_address ipv6_address = var.gitlab_pages_ipv6 } } # Domains served by machines in the geo_mirrors group # Valid parameters are: # - name (mandatory, specifies the subdomain to create in the above zone) # - zone (optional, defaults to hetznerdns_zone.archlinux.id) # - ttl (optional, the TTL of the NS records, defaults to 86400 if unset) # # Note: If you use a custom TTL, also add it to geo_options[domain]['ns_ttl'] # in Ansible (see the 'geo_options' variable in group_vars/all/geo.yml) # geo_domains = { "geo.mirror.pkgbuild.com" = { name = "geo.mirror" zone = hetznerdns_zone.pkgbuild.id } "riscv.mirror.pkgbuild.com" = { name = "riscv.mirror" zone = hetznerdns_zone.pkgbuild.id } } } resource "hetznerdns_zone" "archlinux" { name = "archlinux.org" ttl = 3600 } resource "hetznerdns_zone" "archlinux_page" { name = "archlinux.page" ttl = 3600 } resource "hetznerdns_zone" "pkgbuild" { name = "pkgbuild.com" ttl = 3600 } resource "hetznerdns_record" "archlinux_page_origin_caa" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux_page.id name = "@" value = "0 issue \"letsencrypt.org\"" type = "CAA" } resource "hetznerdns_record" "archlinux_page_origin_mx" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux_page.id name = "@" value = "0 ." type = "MX" } resource "hetznerdns_record" "archlinux_page_origin_ns3" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux_page.id name = "@" value = "helium.ns.hetzner.de." type = "NS" ttl = 86400 } resource "hetznerdns_record" "archlinux_page_origin_ns2" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux_page.id name = "@" value = "oxygen.ns.hetzner.com." type = "NS" ttl = 86400 } resource "hetznerdns_record" "archlinux_page_origin_ns1" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux_page.id name = "@" value = "hydrogen.ns.hetzner.com." type = "NS" ttl = 86400 } # TODO: Commented currently as we have no idea how to handle SOA stuff with Terraform: # https://github.com/timohirt/terraform-provider-hetznerdns/issues/20 # https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/infrastructure/-/merge_requests/62#note_4040 # resource "hetznerdns_record" "archlinux_page_origin_soa" { # zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux_page.id # name = "@" # value = "hydrogen.ns.hetzner.com. hetzner.archlinux.org. 2021070703 3600 1800 604800 3600" # type = "SOA" # } resource "hetznerdns_record" "archlinux_page_origin_txt" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux_page.id name = "@" value = "\"v=spf1 -all\"" type = "TXT" } resource "hetznerdns_record" "pages_verification_code_archlinux_page_origin_txt" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux_page.id name = "_gitlab-pages-verification-code" value = "gitlab-pages-verification-code=0b9e3fc74735f5d83c7cfc86883b40cb" type = "TXT" } resource "hetznerdns_record" "pkgbuild_com_origin_caa" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.pkgbuild.id name = "@" value = "0 issue \"letsencrypt.org\"" type = "CAA" } resource "hetznerdns_record" "pkgbuild_com_origin_mx" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.pkgbuild.id name = "@" value = "0 ." type = "MX" } resource "hetznerdns_record" "pkgbuild_com_origin_ns3" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.pkgbuild.id name = "@" value = "helium.ns.hetzner.de." type = "NS" ttl = 86400 } resource "hetznerdns_record" "pkgbuild_com_origin_ns2" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.pkgbuild.id name = "@" value = "oxygen.ns.hetzner.com." type = "NS" ttl = 86400 } resource "hetznerdns_record" "pkgbuild_com_origin_ns1" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.pkgbuild.id name = "@" value = "hydrogen.ns.hetzner.com." type = "NS" ttl = 86400 } # TODO: Commented currently as we have no idea how to handle SOA stuff with Terraform: # https://github.com/timohirt/terraform-provider-hetznerdns/issues/20 # https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/infrastructure/-/merge_requests/62#note_4040 # resource "hetznerdns_record" "pkgbuild_com_origin_soa" { # zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.pkgbuild.id # name = "@" # value = "hydrogen.ns.hetzner.com. hetzner.archlinux.org. 2021070703 3600 1800 604800 3600" # type = "SOA" # } resource "hetznerdns_record" "pkgbuild_com_origin_txt" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.pkgbuild.id name = "@" value = "\"v=spf1 -all\"" type = "TXT" } resource "hetznerdns_record" "archlinux_org_origin_caa" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux.id name = "@" value = "0 issue \"letsencrypt.org\"" type = "CAA" } resource "hetznerdns_record" "archlinux_org_origin_ns3" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux.id name = "@" value = "helium.ns.hetzner.de." type = "NS" ttl = 86400 } resource "hetznerdns_record" "archlinux_org_origin_ns2" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux.id name = "@" value = "oxygen.ns.hetzner.com." type = "NS" ttl = 86400 } resource "hetznerdns_record" "archlinux_org_origin_ns1" { zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux.id name = "@" value = "hydrogen.ns.hetzner.com." type = "NS" ttl = 86400 } # TODO: Commented currently as we have no idea how to handle SOA stuff with Terraform: # https://github.com/timohirt/terraform-provider-hetznerdns/issues/20 # https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/infrastructure/-/merge_requests/62#note_4040 #; resource "hetznerdns_record" "archlinux_org_origin_soa" { # zone_id = hetznerdns_zone.archlinux.id # name = "@" # value = "hydrogen.ns.hetzner.com. hetzner.archlinux.org. 2021070703 3600 1800 604800 3600" # type = "SOA" # } resource "hcloud_floating_ip" "gitlab_pages" { type = "ipv4" description = "GitLab Pages" server_id = hcloud_server.machine["gitlab.archlinux.org"].id delete_protection = true } variable "gitlab_pages_ipv6" { default = "2a01:4f8:c2c:5d2d::2" } resource "hcloud_volume" "mirror" { name = "mirror" size = 100 server_id = hcloud_server.machine["mirror.pkgbuild.com"].id delete_protection = true } resource "hcloud_volume" "homedir" { name = "homedir" size = 100 server_id = hcloud_server.machine["homedir.archlinux.org"].id delete_protection = true } resource "hcloud_volume" "monitoring" { name = "monitoring" size = 200 server_id = hcloud_server.machine["monitoring.archlinux.org"].id delete_protection = true } resource "hcloud_volume" "debuginfod" { name = "debuginfod" size = 50 server_id = hcloud_server.machine["debuginfod.archlinux.org"].id delete_protection = true } resource "hcloud_volume" "repos-git" { name = "repos-git" size = 100 server_id = hcloud_server.machine["repos-git.archlinux.org"].id delete_protection = true } resource "hcloud_volume" "repos_sandbox" { name = "repos.sandbox" size = 500 server_id = hcloud_server.machine["repos.sandbox.archlinux.org"].id delete_protection = true }