mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~adnano/go-gemini synced 2024-09-30 04:51:16 +02:00
2020-10-11 23:48:18 -04:00

142 lines
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// +build example
package main
import (
type user struct {
password string // TODO: use hashes
admin bool
type session struct {
username string
authorized bool // whether or not the password was supplied
var (
// Map of usernames to user data
logins = map[string]user{
"admin": {"p@ssw0rd", true}, // NOTE: These are bad passwords!
"user1": {"password1", false},
"user2": {"password2", false},
// Map of certificate fingerprints to sessions
sessions = map[string]*session{}
func main() {
// Configure a certificate.
// To generate a TLS key pair, run:
// go run -tags=example ../cert
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("examples/server/localhost.crt", "examples/server/localhost.key")
if err != nil {
handler := &gmi.ServeMux{}
handler.HandleFunc("/", welcome)
handler.HandleFunc("/login", login)
handler.HandleFunc("/login/password", loginPassword)
handler.HandleFunc("/profile", profile)
handler.HandleFunc("/admin", admin)
handler.HandleFunc("/logout", logout)
server := &gmi.Server{}
server.CertificateStore.Add("localhost", cert)
server.Handle("localhost", handler)
if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
func getSession(crt *x509.Certificate) (*session, bool) {
fingerprint := gmi.Fingerprint(crt)
session, ok := sessions[fingerprint]
return session, ok
func welcome(rw *gmi.ResponseWriter, req *gmi.Request) {
rw.Write([]byte("Welcome to this example.\n=> /login Login\n"))
func login(rw *gmi.ResponseWriter, req *gmi.Request) {
gmi.WithCertificate(rw, req, func(cert *x509.Certificate) {
gmi.WithInput(rw, req, "Username", func(username string) {
fingerprint := gmi.Fingerprint(cert)
sessions[fingerprint] = &session{
username: username,
gmi.Redirect(rw, req, "/login/password")
func loginPassword(rw *gmi.ResponseWriter, req *gmi.Request) {
gmi.WithCertificate(rw, req, func(cert *x509.Certificate) {
session, ok := getSession(cert)
if !ok {
gmi.CertificateNotAuthorized(rw, req)
gmi.WithSensitiveInput(rw, req, "Password", func(password string) {
expected := logins[session.username].password
if password == expected {
session.authorized = true
gmi.Redirect(rw, req, "/profile")
} else {
gmi.SensitiveInput(rw, req, "Wrong password. Try again")
func logout(rw *gmi.ResponseWriter, req *gmi.Request) {
gmi.WithCertificate(rw, req, func(cert *x509.Certificate) {
fingerprint := gmi.Fingerprint(cert)
delete(sessions, fingerprint)
rw.Write([]byte("Successfully logged out.\n"))
func profile(rw *gmi.ResponseWriter, req *gmi.Request) {
gmi.WithCertificate(rw, req, func(cert *x509.Certificate) {
session, ok := getSession(cert)
if !ok {
gmi.CertificateNotAuthorized(rw, req)
user := logins[session.username]
profile := fmt.Sprintf("Username: %s\nAdmin: %t\n=> /logout Logout", session.username, user.admin)
func admin(rw *gmi.ResponseWriter, req *gmi.Request) {
gmi.WithCertificate(rw, req, func(cert *x509.Certificate) {
session, ok := getSession(cert)
if !ok {
gmi.CertificateNotAuthorized(rw, req)
user := logins[session.username]
if !user.admin {
gmi.CertificateNotAuthorized(rw, req)
rw.Write([]byte("Welcome to the admin portal.\n"))