/* Package gmi implements the Gemini protocol. Send makes a Gemini request with the default client: req := gmi.NewRequest("gemini://example.com") resp, err := gmi.Send(req) if err != nil { // handle error } // ... For control over client behavior, create a custom Client: var client gmi.Client resp, err := client.Send(req) if err != nil { // handle error } // ... The default client loads known hosts from "$XDG_DATA_HOME/gemini/known_hosts". Custom clients can load their own list of known hosts: err := client.KnownHosts.Load("path/to/my/known_hosts") if err != nil { // handle error } Clients can control when to trust certificates with TrustCertificate: client.TrustCertificate = func(hostname string, cert *x509.Certificate, knownHosts *gmi.KnownHosts) error { return knownHosts.Lookup(hostname, cert) } If a server responds with StatusCertificateRequired, the default client will generate a certificate and resend the request with it. Custom clients can do so in GetCertificate: client.GetCertificate = func(hostname string, store *gmi.CertificateStore) *tls.Certificate { // If the certificate is in the store, return it if cert, err := store.Lookup(hostname); err == nil { return &cert } // Otherwise, generate a certificate duration := time.Hour cert, err := gmi.NewCertificate(hostname, duration) if err != nil { return nil } // Store and return the certificate store.Add(hostname, cert) return &cert } Server is a Gemini server. var server gmi.Server Servers must be configured with certificates: err := server.CertificateStore.Load("/var/lib/gemini/certs") if err != nil { // handle error } Servers can accept requests for multiple hosts and schemes: server.HandleFunc("example.com", func(w *gmi.ResponseWriter, r *gmi.Request) { fmt.Fprint(w, "Welcome to example.com") }) server.HandleFunc("example.org", func(w *gmi.ResponseWriter, r *gmi.Request) { fmt.Fprint(w, "Welcome to example.org") }) server.HandleSchemeFunc("http", "example.net", func(w *gmi.ResponseWriter, r *gmi.Request) { fmt.Fprint(w, "Proxied content from example.net") }) To start the server, call ListenAndServe: err := server.ListenAndServe() if err != nil { // handle error } */ package gmi