# Notes: * GTK Theme: https://github.com/nboughton/NordSur (use sharp branch for Sway to disable rounded window borders) * waybar taskbar icon theme: https://github.com/nboughton/DarK-fork * wallpaper: https://i.imgur.com/2fcDiJA.png Most people probably want to disable the custom/auroch module in the waybar config as it's pretty specific to me for letting me know when AUR NPM packages that I maintain are out of date. If you want to use the custom/pacman module you'll need Go and Yay installed. You'll also need to do the following: * ````mkdir -p ~/tmp```` as this is where I output the json data that is polled by the waybar config * Symlink the updates.timer and updates.service files from waybar/modules/updates/ into ~/.config/systemd/user * Run ````systemctl --user daemon-reload```` * Run ````systemctl --user enable updates.timer```` ## Screenshot ![screenshot](/screenshot.png)