# drone-github-action-plugin This plugins allows running github actions as a drone plugin ## Build Build the binaries with the following commands: ```console export GOOS=linux export GOARCH=amd64 export CGO_ENABLED=0 export GO111MODULE=on go build -v -a -tags netgo -o release/linux/amd64/plugin ./cmd ``` ## Docker Build the Docker images with the following commands: ```console docker build \ --label org.label-schema.build-date=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \ --label org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) \ --file docker/Dockerfile.linux.amd64 --tag plugins/github-actions . ``` ## Plugin step usage Provide uses, with & env of github action to use in plugin step settings. ```console steps: - name: github-action image: plugins/github-actions settings: uses: actions/hello-world-javascript-action@v1.1 with: who-to-greet: Mona the Octocat env: hello: world ``` ## Running locally 1. Running actions/hello-world-javascript-action action locally via docker: ```console docker run --rm \ --privileged \ -w /drone \ -e PLUGIN_USES="actions/hello-world-javascript-action@v1.1" \ -e PLUGIN_WITH="{\"who-to-greet\":\"Mona the Octocat\"}" \ -e PLUGIN_VERBOSE=true \ plugins/github-actions ```