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Consume hcaptcha and pwn deps (#22610)

This PR just consumes the
[hcaptcha](https://gitea.com/jolheiser/hcaptcha) and
[haveibeenpwned](https://gitea.com/jolheiser/pwn) modules directly into

Also let this serve as a notice that I'm fine with transferring my
license (which was already MIT) from my own name to "The Gitea Authors".

Signed-off-by: jolheiser <john.olheiser@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
John Olheiser 2023-01-29 09:49:51 -06:00 committed by GitHub
parent e88b529b31
commit 2052a9e2b4
Signed by: GitHub
10 changed files with 530 additions and 24 deletions

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
goPath "path"
@ -47,13 +48,15 @@ func main() {
entries := []LicenseEntry{}
for _, path := range paths {
path := filepath.ToSlash(path)
licenseText, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
path := strings.Replace(path, base+string(os.PathSeparator), "", 1)
name := filepath.Dir(path)
path = strings.Replace(path, base+"/", "", 1)
name := goPath.Dir(path)
// There might be a bug somewhere in go-licenses that sometimes interprets the
// root package as "." and sometimes as "code.gitea.io/gitea". Workaround by

View File

@ -96,8 +96,6 @@ require (
github.com/yuin/goldmark v1.5.3
github.com/yuin/goldmark-highlighting/v2 v2.0.0-20220924101305-151362477c87
github.com/yuin/goldmark-meta v1.1.0
go.jolheiser.com/hcaptcha v0.0.4
go.jolheiser.com/pwn v0.0.3
golang.org/x/crypto v0.4.0
golang.org/x/net v0.4.0
golang.org/x/oauth2 v0.3.0

View File

@ -1267,10 +1267,6 @@ go.etcd.io/bbolt v1.3.5/go.mod h1:G5EMThwa9y8QZGBClrRx5EY+Yw9kAhnjy3bSjsnlVTQ=
go.etcd.io/bbolt v1.3.6 h1:/ecaJf0sk1l4l6V4awd65v2C3ILy7MSj+s/x1ADCIMU=
go.etcd.io/bbolt v1.3.6/go.mod h1:qXsaaIqmgQH0T+OPdb99Bf+PKfBBQVAdyD6TY9G8XM4=
go.etcd.io/etcd v0.0.0-20191023171146-3cf2f69b5738/go.mod h1:dnLIgRNXwCJa5e+c6mIZCrds/GIG4ncV9HhK5PX7jPg=
go.jolheiser.com/hcaptcha v0.0.4 h1:RrDERcr/Tz/kWyJenjVtI+V09RtLinXxlAemiwN5F+I=
go.jolheiser.com/hcaptcha v0.0.4/go.mod h1:aw32WQOxnQZ6E06C0LypCf+sxNxPACyOnq+ZGnrIYho=
go.jolheiser.com/pwn v0.0.3 h1:MQowb3QvCL5r5NmHmCPxw93SdjfgJ0q6rAwYn4i1Hjg=
go.jolheiser.com/pwn v0.0.3/go.mod h1:/j5Dl8ftNqqJ8Dlx3YTrJV1wIR2lWOTyrNU3Qe7rk6I=
go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver v1.7.3/go.mod h1:NqaYOwnXWr5Pm7AOpO5QFxKJ503nbMse/R79oO62zWg=
go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver v1.7.5/go.mod h1:VXEWRZ6URJIkUq2SCAyapmhH0ZLRBP+FT4xhp5Zvxng=
go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver v1.8.3/go.mod h1:0sQWfOeY63QTntERDJJ/0SuKK0T1uVSgKCuAROlKEPY=

modules/hcaptcha/error.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package hcaptcha
const (
ErrMissingInputSecret ErrorCode = "missing-input-secret"
ErrInvalidInputSecret ErrorCode = "invalid-input-secret"
ErrMissingInputResponse ErrorCode = "missing-input-response"
ErrInvalidInputResponse ErrorCode = "invalid-input-response"
ErrBadRequest ErrorCode = "bad-request"
ErrInvalidOrAlreadySeenResponse ErrorCode = "invalid-or-already-seen-response"
ErrNotUsingDummyPasscode ErrorCode = "not-using-dummy-passcode"
ErrSitekeySecretMismatch ErrorCode = "sitekey-secret-mismatch"
// ErrorCode is any possible error from hCaptcha
type ErrorCode string
// String fulfills the Stringer interface
func (err ErrorCode) String() string {
switch err {
case ErrMissingInputSecret:
return "Your secret key is missing."
case ErrInvalidInputSecret:
return "Your secret key is invalid or malformed."
case ErrMissingInputResponse:
return "The response parameter (verification token) is missing."
case ErrInvalidInputResponse:
return "The response parameter (verification token) is invalid or malformed."
case ErrBadRequest:
return "The request is invalid or malformed."
case ErrInvalidOrAlreadySeenResponse:
return "The response parameter has already been checked, or has another issue."
case ErrNotUsingDummyPasscode:
return "You have used a testing sitekey but have not used its matching secret."
case ErrSitekeySecretMismatch:
return "The sitekey is not registered with the provided secret."
return ""
// Error fulfills the error interface
func (err ErrorCode) Error() string {
return err.String()

View File

@ -5,20 +5,127 @@ package hcaptcha
import (
const verifyURL = "https://hcaptcha.com/siteverify"
// Client is an hCaptcha client
type Client struct {
ctx context.Context
http *http.Client
secret string
// PostOptions are optional post form values
type PostOptions struct {
RemoteIP string
Sitekey string
// ClientOption is a func to modify a new Client
type ClientOption func(*Client)
// WithHTTP sets the http.Client of a Client
func WithHTTP(httpClient *http.Client) func(*Client) {
return func(hClient *Client) {
hClient.http = httpClient
// WithContext sets the context.Context of a Client
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) func(*Client) {
return func(hClient *Client) {
hClient.ctx = ctx
// New returns a new hCaptcha Client
func New(secret string, options ...ClientOption) (*Client, error) {
if strings.TrimSpace(secret) == "" {
return nil, ErrMissingInputSecret
client := &Client{
ctx: context.Background(),
http: http.DefaultClient,
secret: secret,
for _, opt := range options {
return client, nil
// Response is an hCaptcha response
type Response struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
ChallengeTS string `json:"challenge_ts"`
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
Credit bool `json:"credit,omitempty"`
ErrorCodes []ErrorCode `json:"error-codes"`
// Verify checks the response against the hCaptcha API
func (c *Client) Verify(token string, opts PostOptions) (*Response, error) {
if strings.TrimSpace(token) == "" {
return nil, ErrMissingInputResponse
post := url.Values{
"secret": []string{c.secret},
"response": []string{token},
if strings.TrimSpace(opts.RemoteIP) != "" {
post.Add("remoteip", opts.RemoteIP)
if strings.TrimSpace(opts.Sitekey) != "" {
post.Add("sitekey", opts.Sitekey)
// Basically a copy of http.PostForm, but with a context
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(c.ctx, http.MethodPost, verifyURL, strings.NewReader(post.Encode()))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
resp, err := c.http.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
var response *Response
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &response); err != nil {
return nil, err
return response, nil
// Verify calls hCaptcha API to verify token
func Verify(ctx context.Context, response string) (bool, error) {
client, err := hcaptcha.New(setting.Service.HcaptchaSecret, hcaptcha.WithContext(ctx))
client, err := New(setting.Service.HcaptchaSecret, WithContext(ctx))
if err != nil {
return false, err
resp, err := client.Verify(response, hcaptcha.PostOptions{
resp, err := client.Verify(response, PostOptions{
Sitekey: setting.Service.HcaptchaSitekey,
if err != nil {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package hcaptcha
import (
const (
dummySiteKey = "10000000-ffff-ffff-ffff-000000000001"
dummySecret = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
dummyToken = "10000000-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-000000000001"
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
func TestCaptcha(t *testing.T) {
tt := []struct {
Name string
Secret string
Token string
Error ErrorCode
Name: "Success",
Secret: dummySecret,
Token: dummyToken,
Name: "Missing Secret",
Token: dummyToken,
Error: ErrMissingInputSecret,
Name: "Missing Token",
Secret: dummySecret,
Error: ErrMissingInputResponse,
Name: "Invalid Token",
Secret: dummySecret,
Token: "test",
Error: ErrInvalidInputResponse,
for _, tc := range tt {
t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
client, err := New(tc.Secret, WithHTTP(&http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 5,
if err != nil {
// The only error that can be returned from creating a client
if tc.Error == ErrMissingInputSecret && err == ErrMissingInputSecret {
resp, err := client.Verify(tc.Token, PostOptions{
Sitekey: dummySiteKey,
if err != nil {
// The only error that can be returned prior to the request
if tc.Error == ErrMissingInputResponse && err == ErrMissingInputResponse {
if tc.Error.String() != "" {
if resp.Success {
t.Log("Verification should fail.")
if len(resp.ErrorCodes) == 0 {
t.Log("hCaptcha should have returned an error.")
var hasErr bool
for _, err := range resp.ErrorCodes {
if strings.EqualFold(err.String(), tc.Error.String()) {
hasErr = true
if !hasErr {
t.Log("hCaptcha did not return the error being tested")
} else if !resp.Success {
t.Log("Verification should succeed.")

View File

@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ package password
import (
// IsPwned checks whether a password has been pwned

modules/password/pwn/pwn.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package pwn
import (
const passwordURL = "https://api.pwnedpasswords.com/range/"
// ErrEmptyPassword is an empty password error
var ErrEmptyPassword = errors.New("password cannot be empty")
// Client is a HaveIBeenPwned client
type Client struct {
ctx context.Context
http *http.Client
// New returns a new HaveIBeenPwned Client
func New(options ...ClientOption) *Client {
client := &Client{
ctx: context.Background(),
http: http.DefaultClient,
for _, opt := range options {
return client
// ClientOption is a way to modify a new Client
type ClientOption func(*Client)
// WithHTTP will set the http.Client of a Client
func WithHTTP(httpClient *http.Client) func(pwnClient *Client) {
return func(pwnClient *Client) {
pwnClient.http = httpClient
// WithContext will set the context.Context of a Client
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) func(pwnClient *Client) {
return func(pwnClient *Client) {
pwnClient.ctx = ctx
func newRequest(ctx context.Context, method, url string, body io.ReadCloser) (*http.Request, error) {
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, method, url, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Add("User-Agent", "Gitea "+setting.AppVer)
return req, nil
// CheckPassword returns the number of times a password has been compromised
// Adding padding will make requests more secure, however is also slower
// because artificial responses will be added to the response
// For more information, see https://www.troyhunt.com/enhancing-pwned-passwords-privacy-with-padding/
func (c *Client) CheckPassword(pw string, padding bool) (int, error) {
if strings.TrimSpace(pw) == "" {
return -1, ErrEmptyPassword
sha := sha1.New()
enc := hex.EncodeToString(sha.Sum(nil))
prefix, suffix := enc[:5], enc[5:]
req, err := newRequest(c.ctx, http.MethodGet, fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", passwordURL, prefix), nil)
if err != nil {
return -1, nil
if padding {
req.Header.Add("Add-Padding", "true")
resp, err := c.http.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
defer resp.Body.Close()
for _, pair := range strings.Split(string(body), "\n") {
parts := strings.Split(pair, ":")
if len(parts) != 2 {
if strings.EqualFold(suffix, parts[0]) {
count, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimSpace(parts[1]), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
return int(count), nil
return 0, nil

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
// Copyright 2023 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package pwn
import (
var client = New(WithHTTP(&http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 2,
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
func TestPassword(t *testing.T) {
// Check input error
_, err := client.CheckPassword("", false)
if err == nil {
t.Log("blank input should return an error")
if !errors.Is(err, ErrEmptyPassword) {
t.Log("blank input should return ErrEmptyPassword")
// Should fail
fail := "password1234"
count, err := client.CheckPassword(fail, false)
if err != nil {
if count == 0 {
t.Logf("%s should fail as a password\n", fail)
// Should fail (with padding)
failPad := "administrator"
count, err = client.CheckPassword(failPad, true)
if err != nil {
if count == 0 {
t.Logf("%s should fail as a password\n", failPad)
// Checking for a "good" password isn't going to be perfect, but we can give it a good try
// with hopefully minimal error. Try five times?
var good bool
var pw string
for idx := 0; idx <= 5; idx++ {
pw = testPassword()
count, err = client.CheckPassword(pw, false)
if err != nil {
if count == 0 {
good = true
if !good {
t.Log("no generated passwords passed. there is a chance this is a fluke")
// Again, but with padded responses
good = false
for idx := 0; idx <= 5; idx++ {
pw = testPassword()
count, err = client.CheckPassword(pw, true)
if err != nil {
if count == 0 {
good = true
if !good {
t.Log("no generated passwords passed. there is a chance this is a fluke")
// Credit to https://golangbyexample.com/generate-random-password-golang/
var (
lowerCharSet = "abcdedfghijklmnopqrst"
specialCharSet = "!@#$%&*"
numberSet = "0123456789"
allCharSet = lowerCharSet + upperCharSet + specialCharSet + numberSet
func testPassword() string {
var password strings.Builder
// Set special character
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
random := rand.Intn(len(specialCharSet))
// Set numeric
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
random := rand.Intn(len(numberSet))
// Set uppercase
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
random := rand.Intn(len(upperCharSet))
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
random := rand.Intn(len(allCharSet))
inRune := []rune(password.String())
rand.Shuffle(len(inRune), func(i, j int) {
inRune[i], inRune[j] = inRune[j], inRune[i]
return string(inRune)