mirror of https://github.com/git/git.git synced 2024-10-22 22:48:15 +02:00
Petr Baudis adcbd431e7 git-gui: mkdir -p when initializing new remote repository
This allows the user to create repositories with arbitrary paths
on the server. The downside is that errorneously typed paths are
not caught but instead created remotely; YMMV.

Signed-off-by: Petr Baudis <petr.baudis@novartis.com>
Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
2008-09-30 12:59:18 -07:00

192 lines
4.4 KiB

# git-gui remote adding support
# Copyright (C) 2008 Petr Baudis
class remote_add {
field w ; # widget path
field w_name ; # new remote name widget
field w_loc ; # new remote location widget
field name {}; # name of the remote the user has chosen
field location {}; # location of the remote the user has chosen
field opt_action fetch; # action to do after registering the remote locally
constructor dialog {} {
global repo_config
make_toplevel top w
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Add Remote"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
label $w.header -text [mc "Add New Remote"] -font font_uibold
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
frame $w.buttons
button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Add] \
-default active \
-command [cb _add]
pack $w.buttons.create -side right
button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
labelframe $w.desc -text [mc "Remote Details"]
label $w.desc.name_l -text [mc "Name:"]
set w_name $w.desc.name_t
entry $w_name \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief sunken \
-width 40 \
-textvariable @name \
-validate key \
-validatecommand [cb _validate_name %d %S]
grid $w.desc.name_l $w_name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
label $w.desc.loc_l -text [mc "Location:"]
set w_loc $w.desc.loc_t
entry $w_loc \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief sunken \
-width 40 \
-textvariable @location
grid $w.desc.loc_l $w_loc -sticky we -padx {0 5}
grid columnconfigure $w.desc 1 -weight 1
pack $w.desc -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
labelframe $w.action -text [mc "Further Action"]
radiobutton $w.action.fetch \
-text [mc "Fetch Immediately"] \
-value fetch \
-variable @opt_action
pack $w.action.fetch -anchor nw
radiobutton $w.action.push \
-text [mc "Initialize Remote Repository and Push"] \
-value push \
-variable @opt_action
pack $w.action.push -anchor nw
radiobutton $w.action.none \
-text [mc "Do Nothing Else Now"] \
-value none \
-variable @opt_action
pack $w.action.none -anchor nw
grid columnconfigure $w.action 1 -weight 1
pack $w.action -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _add]\;break
tkwait window $w
method _add {} {
global repo_config env
global M1B
if {$name eq {}} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message [mc "Please supply a remote name."]
focus $w_name
# XXX: We abuse check-ref-format here, but
# that should be ok.
if {[catch {git check-ref-format "remotes/$name"}]} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message [mc "'%s' is not an acceptable remote name." $name]
focus $w_name
if {[catch {add_single_remote $name $location}]} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message [mc "Failed to add remote '%s' of location '%s'." $name $location]
focus $w_name
switch -- $opt_action {
fetch {
set c [console::new \
[mc "fetch %s" $remote] \
[mc "Fetching the %s" $remote]]
console::exec $c [list git fetch --all $name]
push {
set cmds [list]
# Parse the location
if { [regexp {(?:git\+)?ssh://([^/]+)(/.+)} $location xx host path]
|| [regexp {([^:][^:]+):(.+)} $location xx host path]} {
set ssh ssh
if {[info exists env(GIT_SSH)]} {
set ssh $env(GIT_SSH)
lappend cmds [list exec $ssh $host mkdir -p $location && git --git-dir=$path init --bare]
} elseif { ! [regexp {://} $location xx] } {
lappend cmds [list exec mkdir -p $location]
lappend cmds [list exec git --git-dir=$location init --bare]
} else {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message [mc "Do not know how to initialize repository at location '%s'." $location]
destroy $w
set c [console::new \
[mc "push %s" $name] \
[mc "Setting up the %s (at %s)" $name $location]]
lappend cmds [list exec git push -v --all $name]
console::chain $c $cmds
none {
destroy $w
method _validate_name {d S} {
if {$d == 1} {
if {[regexp {[~^:?*\[\0- ]} $S]} {
return 0
return 1
method _visible {} {
grab $w
$w_name icursor end
focus $w_name