mirror of https://github.com/git/git.git synced 2024-10-01 08:21:24 +02:00
Eric Wong db3106b274 send-email: quiet some warnings, reject invalid addresses
I'm not sure why we never actually rejected invalid addresses in
the first place.  We just seemed to be using our email validity
checkers to kill duplicates.

Now we just drop invalid email addresses completely and warn
the user about it.

Since we support local sendmail, we'll also accept username-only

Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <junkio@cox.net>
2006-05-15 12:14:22 -07:00

516 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2002,2005 Greg Kroah-Hartman <greg@kroah.com>
# Copyright 2005 Ryan Anderson <ryan@michonline.com>
# GPL v2 (See COPYING)
# Ported to support git "mbox" format files by Ryan Anderson <ryan@michonline.com>
# Sends a collection of emails to the given email addresses, disturbingly fast.
# Supports two formats:
# 1. mbox format files (ignoring most headers and MIME formatting - this is designed for sending patches)
# 2. The original format support by Greg's script:
# first line of the message is who to CC,
# and second line is the subject of the message.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Term::ReadLine;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use Net::SMTP;
# most mail servers generate the Date: header, but not all...
$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
my $have_email_valid = eval { require Email::Valid; 1 };
my $smtp;
sub unique_email_list(@);
sub cleanup_compose_files();
# Constants (essentially)
my $compose_filename = ".msg.$$";
# Variables we fill in automatically, or via prompting:
my (@to,@cc,@initial_cc,$initial_reply_to,$initial_subject,@files,$from,$compose,$time);
# Behavior modification variables
my ($chain_reply_to, $quiet, $suppress_from, $no_signed_off_cc) = (1, 0, 0, 0);
my $smtp_server;
# Example reply to:
#$initial_reply_to = ''; #<20050203173208.GA23964@foobar.com>';
my $term = new Term::ReadLine 'git-send-email';
# Begin by accumulating all the variables (defined above), that we will end up
# needing, first, from the command line:
my $rc = GetOptions("from=s" => \$from,
"in-reply-to=s" => \$initial_reply_to,
"subject=s" => \$initial_subject,
"to=s" => \@to,
"cc=s" => \@initial_cc,
"chain-reply-to!" => \$chain_reply_to,
"smtp-server=s" => \$smtp_server,
"compose" => \$compose,
"quiet" => \$quiet,
"suppress-from" => \$suppress_from,
"no-signed-off-cc|no-signed-off-by-cc" => \$no_signed_off_cc,
# Now, let's fill any that aren't set in with defaults:
sub gitvar {
my ($var) = @_;
my $fh;
my $pid = open($fh, '-|');
die "$!" unless defined $pid;
if (!$pid) {
exec('git-var', $var) or die "$!";
my ($val) = <$fh>;
close $fh or die "$!";
return $val;
sub gitvar_ident {
my ($name) = @_;
my $val = gitvar($name);
my @field = split(/\s+/, $val);
return join(' ', @field[0...(@field-3)]);
my ($author) = gitvar_ident('GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT');
my ($committer) = gitvar_ident('GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT');
my %aliases;
chomp(my @alias_files = `git-repo-config --get-all sendemail.aliasesfile`);
chomp(my $aliasfiletype = `git-repo-config sendemail.aliasfiletype`);
my %parse_alias = (
# multiline formats can be supported in the future
mutt => sub { my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) {
if (/^alias\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) {
my ($alias, $addr) = ($1, $2);
$addr =~ s/#.*$//; # mutt allows # comments
# commas delimit multiple addresses
$aliases{$alias} = [ split(/\s*,\s*/, $addr) ];
mailrc => sub { my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) {
if (/^alias\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) {
# spaces delimit multiple addresses
$aliases{$1} = [ split(/\s+/, $2) ];
pine => sub { my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) {
if (/^(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) {
$aliases{$1} = [ split(/\s*,\s*/, $2) ];
gnus => sub { my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) {
if (/\(define-mail-alias\s+"(\S+?)"\s+"(\S+?)"\)/) {
$aliases{$1} = [ $2 ];
if (@alias_files && defined $parse_alias{$aliasfiletype}) {
foreach my $file (@alias_files) {
open my $fh, '<', $file or die "opening $file: $!\n";
close $fh;
my $prompting = 0;
if (!defined $from) {
$from = $author || $committer;
do {
$_ = $term->readline("Who should the emails appear to be from? ",
} while (!defined $_);
$from = $_;
print "Emails will be sent from: ", $from, "\n";
if (!@to) {
do {
$_ = $term->readline("Who should the emails be sent to? ",
} while (!defined $_);
my $to = $_;
push @to, split /,/, $to;
sub expand_aliases {
my @cur = @_;
my @last;
do {
@last = @cur;
@cur = map { $aliases{$_} ? @{$aliases{$_}} : $_ } @last;
} while (join(',',@cur) ne join(',',@last));
return @cur;
@to = expand_aliases(@to);
@initial_cc = expand_aliases(@initial_cc);
if (!defined $initial_subject && $compose) {
do {
$_ = $term->readline("What subject should the emails start with? ",
} while (!defined $_);
$initial_subject = $_;
if (!defined $initial_reply_to && $prompting) {
do {
$_= $term->readline("Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email? ",
} while (!defined $_);
$initial_reply_to = $_;
$initial_reply_to =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g;
if (!$smtp_server) {
foreach (qw( /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail )) {
if (-x $_) {
$smtp_server = $_;
$smtp_server ||= 'localhost'; # could be, too... *shrug*
if ($compose) {
# Note that this does not need to be secure, but we will make a small
# effort to have it be unique
or die "Failed to open for writing $compose_filename: $!";
print C "From $from # This line is ignored.\n";
printf C "Subject: %s\n\n", $initial_subject;
printf C <<EOT;
GIT: Please enter your email below.
GIT: Lines beginning in "GIT: " will be removed.
GIT: Consider including an overall diffstat or table of contents
GIT: for the patch you are writing.
my $editor = $ENV{EDITOR};
$editor = 'vi' unless defined $editor;
system($editor, $compose_filename);
open(C2,">",$compose_filename . ".final")
or die "Failed to open $compose_filename.final : " . $!;
or die "Failed to open $compose_filename : " . $!;
while(<C>) {
next if m/^GIT: /;
print C2 $_;
do {
$_ = $term->readline("Send this email? (y|n) ");
} while (!defined $_);
if (uc substr($_,0,1) ne 'Y') {
@files = ($compose_filename . ".final");
# Now that all the defaults are set, process the rest of the command line
# arguments and collect up the files that need to be processed.
for my $f (@ARGV) {
if (-d $f) {
or die "Failed to opendir $f: $!";
push @files, grep { -f $_ } map { +$f . "/" . $_ }
sort readdir(DH);
} elsif (-f $f) {
push @files, $f;
} else {
print STDERR "Skipping $f - not found.\n";
if (@files) {
unless ($quiet) {
print $_,"\n" for (@files);
} else {
print <<EOT;
git-send-email [options] <file | directory> [... file | directory ]
--from Specify the "From:" line of the email to be sent.
--to Specify the primary "To:" line of the email.
--cc Specify an initial "Cc:" list for the entire series
of emails.
--compose Use \$EDITOR to edit an introductory message for the
patch series.
--subject Specify the initial "Subject:" line.
Only necessary if --compose is also set. If --compose
is not set, this will be prompted for.
--in-reply-to Specify the first "In-Reply-To:" header line.
Only used if --compose is also set. If --compose is not
set, this will be prompted for.
--chain-reply-to If set, the replies will all be to the previous
email sent, rather than to the first email sent.
Defaults to on.
--no-signed-off-cc Suppress the automatic addition of email addresses
that appear in a Signed-off-by: line, to the cc: list.
Note: Using this option is not recommended.
--smtp-server If set, specifies the outgoing SMTP server to use.
Defaults to localhost.
--suppress-from Supress sending emails to yourself if your address
appears in a From: line.
--quiet Make git-send-email less verbose. One line per email should be
all that is output.
Error: Please specify a file or a directory on the command line.
# Variables we set as part of the loop over files
our ($message_id, $cc, %mail, $subject, $reply_to, $message);
sub extract_valid_address {
my $address = shift;
# check for a local address:
return $address if ($address =~ /^([\w\-]+)$/);
if ($have_email_valid) {
return Email::Valid->address($address);
} else {
# less robust/correct than the monster regexp in Email::Valid,
# but still does a 99% job, and one less dependency
return ($address =~ /([^\"<>\s]+@[^<>\s]+)/);
# Usually don't need to change anything below here.
# we make a "fake" message id by taking the current number
# of seconds since the beginning of Unix time and tacking on
# a random number to the end, in case we are called quicker than
# 1 second since the last time we were called.
# We'll setup a template for the message id, using the "from" address:
my $message_id_from = extract_valid_address($from);
my $message_id_template = "<%s-git-send-email-$message_id_from>";
sub make_message_id
my $date = time;
my $pseudo_rand = int (rand(4200));
$message_id = sprintf $message_id_template, "$date$pseudo_rand";
#print "new message id = $message_id\n"; # Was useful for debugging
$cc = "";
$time = time - scalar $#files;
sub send_message
my @recipients = unique_email_list(@to);
my $to = join (",\n\t", @recipients);
@recipients = unique_email_list(@recipients,@cc);
my $date = strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z', localtime($time++));
my $gitversion = '@@GIT_VERSION@@';
if ($gitversion =~ m/..GIT_VERSION../) {
$gitversion = `git --version`;
chomp $gitversion;
# keep only what's after the last space
$gitversion =~ s/^.* //;
my $header = "From: $from
To: $to
Cc: $cc
Subject: $subject
Reply-To: $from
Date: $date
Message-Id: $message_id
X-Mailer: git-send-email $gitversion
$header .= "In-Reply-To: $reply_to\n" if $reply_to;
if ($smtp_server =~ m#^/#) {
my $pid = open my $sm, '|-';
defined $pid or die $!;
if (!$pid) {
exec($smtp_server,'-i',@recipients) or die $!;
print $sm "$header\n$message";
close $sm or die $?;
} else {
$smtp ||= Net::SMTP->new( $smtp_server );
$smtp->mail( $from ) or die $smtp->message;
$smtp->to( @recipients ) or die $smtp->message;
$smtp->data or die $smtp->message;
$smtp->datasend("$header\n$message") or die $smtp->message;
$smtp->dataend() or die $smtp->message;
$smtp->ok or die "Failed to send $subject\n".$smtp->message;
if ($quiet) {
printf "Sent %s\n", $subject;
} else {
print "OK. Log says:\nDate: $date\n";
if ($smtp) {
print "Server: $smtp_server\n";
} else {
print "Sendmail: $smtp_server\n";
print "From: $from\nSubject: $subject\nCc: $cc\nTo: $to\n\n";
if ($smtp) {
print "Result: ", $smtp->code, ' ',
($smtp->message =~ /\n([^\n]+\n)$/s), "\n";
} else {
print "Result: OK\n";
$reply_to = $initial_reply_to;
$subject = $initial_subject;
foreach my $t (@files) {
open(F,"<",$t) or die "can't open file $t";
my $author_not_sender = undef;
@cc = @initial_cc;
my $found_mbox = 0;
my $header_done = 0;
$message = "";
while(<F>) {
if (!$header_done) {
$found_mbox = 1, next if (/^From /);
if ($found_mbox) {
if (/^Subject:\s+(.*)$/) {
$subject = $1;
} elsif (/^(Cc|From):\s+(.*)$/) {
if ($2 eq $from) {
next if ($suppress_from);
else {
$author_not_sender = $2;
printf("(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n",
$2, $_) unless $quiet;
push @cc, $2;
} else {
# In the traditional
# "send lots of email" format,
# line 1 = cc
# line 2 = subject
# So let's support that, too.
if (@cc == 0) {
printf("(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n",
$_, $_) unless $quiet;
push @cc, $_;
} elsif (!defined $subject) {
$subject = $_;
# A whitespace line will terminate the headers
if (m/^\s*$/) {
$header_done = 1;
} else {
$message .= $_;
if (/^Signed-off-by: (.*)$/i && !$no_signed_off_cc) {
my $c = $1;
chomp $c;
push @cc, $c;
printf("(sob) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n",
$c, $_) unless $quiet;
close F;
if (defined $author_not_sender) {
$message = "From: $author_not_sender\n\n$message";
$cc = join(", ", unique_email_list(@cc));
# set up for the next message
if ($chain_reply_to || length($reply_to) == 0) {
$reply_to = $message_id;
if ($compose) {
sub cleanup_compose_files() {
unlink($compose_filename, $compose_filename . ".final");
$smtp->quit if $smtp;
sub unique_email_list(@) {
my %seen;
my @emails;
foreach my $entry (@_) {
if (my $clean = extract_valid_address($entry)) {
$seen{$clean} ||= 0;
next if $seen{$clean}++;
push @emails, $entry;
} else {
print STDERR "W: unable to extract a valid address",
" from: $entry\n";
return @emails;