mirror of https://github.com/git/git.git synced 2024-10-20 05:18:11 +02:00
Christian Couder 38368cba26 perf/aggregate: use Getopt::Long for option parsing
When passing an option '--foo' that it does not recognize, the
aggregate.perl script should die with an helpful error message

Unknown option: foo
./aggregate.perl [options] [--] [<dir_or_rev>...] [--] \
[<test_script>...] >

    --codespeed          * Format output for Codespeed
    --reponame    <str>  * Send given reponame to codespeed
    --sort-by     <str>  * Sort output (only "regression" \
criteria is supported)

rather than:

  fatal: Needed a single revision
  rev-parse --verify --foo: command returned error: 128

To implement that let's use Getopt::Long for option parsing
instead of the current manual and sloppy parsing. This should
save some code and make option parsing simpler, tighter and

This will avoid something like 'foo--sort-by=regression' to
be handled as if '--sort-by=regression' had been used, for

As Getopt::Long eats '--' at the end of options, this changes
a bit the way '--' is handled as we can now have '--' both
after the options and before the scripts.

Signed-off-by: Christian Couder <chriscool@tuxfamily.org>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
2018-04-26 11:07:16 +09:00

316 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File

use lib '../../perl/build/lib';
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Getopt::Long;
use Git;
sub get_times {
my $name = shift;
open my $fh, "<", $name or return undef;
my $line = <$fh>;
return undef if not defined $line;
close $fh or die "cannot close $name: $!";
$line =~ /^(?:(\d+):)?(\d+):(\d+(?:\.\d+)?) (\d+(?:\.\d+)?) (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)$/
or die "bad input line: $line";
my $rt = ((defined $1 ? $1 : 0.0)*60+$2)*60+$3;
return ($rt, $4, $5);
sub format_times {
my ($r, $u, $s, $firstr) = @_;
if (!defined $r) {
return "<missing>";
my $out = sprintf "%.2f(%.2f+%.2f)", $r, $u, $s;
if (defined $firstr) {
if ($firstr > 0) {
$out .= sprintf " %+.1f%%", 100.0*($r-$firstr)/$firstr;
} elsif ($r == 0) {
$out .= " =";
} else {
$out .= " +inf";
return $out;
sub usage {
print <<EOT;
./aggregate.perl [options] [--] [<dir_or_rev>...] [--] [<test_script>...] >
--codespeed * Format output for Codespeed
--reponame <str> * Send given reponame to codespeed
--sort-by <str> * Sort output (only "regression" criteria is supported)
--subsection <str> * Use results from given subsection
my (@dirs, %dirnames, %dirabbrevs, %prefixes, @tests,
$codespeed, $sortby, $subsection, $reponame);
Getopt::Long::Configure qw/ require_order /;
my $rc = GetOptions("codespeed" => \$codespeed,
"reponame=s" => \$reponame,
"sort-by=s" => \$sortby,
"subsection=s" => \$subsection);
usage() unless $rc;
while (scalar @ARGV) {
my $arg = $ARGV[0];
my $dir;
last if -f $arg or $arg eq "--";
if (! -d $arg) {
my $rev = Git::command_oneline(qw(rev-parse --verify), $arg);
$dir = "build/".$rev;
} else {
$arg =~ s{/*$}{};
$dir = $arg;
$dirabbrevs{$dir} = $dir;
push @dirs, $dir;
$dirnames{$dir} = $arg;
my $prefix = $dir;
$prefix =~ tr/^a-zA-Z0-9/_/c;
$prefixes{$dir} = $prefix . '.';
shift @ARGV;
if (not @dirs) {
@dirs = ('.');
$dirnames{'.'} = $dirabbrevs{'.'} = "this tree";
$prefixes{'.'} = '';
shift @ARGV if scalar @ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq "--";
@tests = @ARGV;
if (not @tests) {
@tests = glob "p????-*.sh";
my $resultsdir = "test-results";
if (! $subsection and
$subsection = $ENV{GIT_PERF_SUBSECTION};
if ($subsection) {
$resultsdir .= "/" . $subsection;
my @subtests;
my %shorttests;
for my $t (@tests) {
$t =~ s{(?:.*/)?(p(\d+)-[^/]+)\.sh$}{$1} or die "bad test name: $t";
my $n = $2;
my $fname = "$resultsdir/$t.subtests";
open my $fp, "<", $fname or die "cannot open $fname: $!";
for (<$fp>) {
/^(\d+)$/ or die "malformed subtest line: $_";
push @subtests, "$t.$1";
$shorttests{"$t.$1"} = "$n.$1";
close $fp or die "cannot close $fname: $!";
sub read_descr {
my $name = shift;
open my $fh, "<", $name or return "<error reading description>";
binmode $fh, ":utf8" or die "PANIC on binmode: $!";
my $line = <$fh>;
close $fh or die "cannot close $name";
chomp $line;
return $line;
sub have_duplicate {
my %seen;
for (@_) {
return 1 if exists $seen{$_};
$seen{$_} = 1;
return 0;
sub have_slash {
for (@_) {
return 1 if m{/};
return 0;
sub display_dir {
my ($d) = @_;
return exists $dirabbrevs{$d} ? $dirabbrevs{$d} : $dirnames{$d};
sub print_default_results {
my %descrs;
my $descrlen = 4; # "Test"
for my $t (@subtests) {
$descrs{$t} = $shorttests{$t}.": ".read_descr("$resultsdir/$t.descr");
$descrlen = length $descrs{$t} if length $descrs{$t}>$descrlen;
my %newdirabbrevs = %dirabbrevs;
while (!have_duplicate(values %newdirabbrevs)) {
%dirabbrevs = %newdirabbrevs;
last if !have_slash(values %dirabbrevs);
%newdirabbrevs = %dirabbrevs;
for (values %newdirabbrevs) {
my %times;
my @colwidth = ((0)x@dirs);
for my $i (0..$#dirs) {
my $w = length display_dir($dirs[$i]);
$colwidth[$i] = $w if $w > $colwidth[$i];
for my $t (@subtests) {
my $firstr;
for my $i (0..$#dirs) {
my $d = $dirs[$i];
$times{$prefixes{$d}.$t} = [get_times("$resultsdir/$prefixes{$d}$t.times")];
my ($r,$u,$s) = @{$times{$prefixes{$d}.$t}};
my $w = length format_times($r,$u,$s,$firstr);
$colwidth[$i] = $w if $w > $colwidth[$i];
$firstr = $r unless defined $firstr;
my $totalwidth = 3*@dirs+$descrlen;
$totalwidth += $_ for (@colwidth);
printf "%-${descrlen}s", "Test";
for my $i (0..$#dirs) {
printf " %-$colwidth[$i]s", display_dir($dirs[$i]);
print "\n";
print "-"x$totalwidth, "\n";
for my $t (@subtests) {
printf "%-${descrlen}s", $descrs{$t};
my $firstr;
for my $i (0..$#dirs) {
my $d = $dirs[$i];
my ($r,$u,$s) = @{$times{$prefixes{$d}.$t}};
printf " %-$colwidth[$i]s", format_times($r,$u,$s,$firstr);
$firstr = $r unless defined $firstr;
print "\n";
sub print_sorted_results {
my ($sortby) = @_;
if ($sortby ne "regression") {
print "Only 'regression' is supported as '--sort-by' argument\n";
my @evolutions;
for my $t (@subtests) {
my ($prevr, $prevu, $prevs, $prevrev);
for my $i (0..$#dirs) {
my $d = $dirs[$i];
my ($r, $u, $s) = get_times("$resultsdir/$prefixes{$d}$t.times");
if ($i > 0 and defined $r and defined $prevr and $prevr > 0) {
my $percent = 100.0 * ($r - $prevr) / $prevr;
push @evolutions, { "percent" => $percent,
"test" => $t,
"prevrev" => $prevrev,
"rev" => $d,
"prevr" => $prevr,
"r" => $r,
"prevu" => $prevu,
"u" => $u,
"prevs" => $prevs,
"s" => $s};
($prevr, $prevu, $prevs, $prevrev) = ($r, $u, $s, $d);
my @sorted_evolutions = sort { $b->{percent} <=> $a->{percent} } @evolutions;
for my $e (@sorted_evolutions) {
printf "%+.1f%%", $e->{percent};
print " " . $e->{test};
print " " . format_times($e->{prevr}, $e->{prevu}, $e->{prevs});
print " " . format_times($e->{r}, $e->{u}, $e->{s});
print " " . display_dir($e->{prevrev});
print " " . display_dir($e->{rev});
print "\n";
sub print_codespeed_results {
my ($subsection) = @_;
my $project = "Git";
my $executable = `uname -s -m`;
chomp $executable;
if ($subsection) {
$executable .= ", " . $subsection;
my $environment;
if ($reponame) {
$environment = $reponame;
} elsif (exists $ENV{GIT_PERF_REPO_NAME} and $ENV{GIT_PERF_REPO_NAME} ne "") {
$environment = $ENV{GIT_PERF_REPO_NAME};
} elsif (exists $ENV{GIT_TEST_INSTALLED} and $ENV{GIT_TEST_INSTALLED} ne "") {
$environment = $ENV{GIT_TEST_INSTALLED};
$environment =~ s|/bin-wrappers$||;
} else {
$environment = `uname -r`;
chomp $environment;
my @data;
for my $t (@subtests) {
for my $d (@dirs) {
my $commitid = $prefixes{$d};
$commitid =~ s/^build_//;
$commitid =~ s/\.$//;
my ($result_value, $u, $s) = get_times("$resultsdir/$prefixes{$d}$t.times");
my %vals = (
"commitid" => $commitid,
"project" => $project,
"branch" => $dirnames{$d},
"executable" => $executable,
"benchmark" => $shorttests{$t} . " " . read_descr("$resultsdir/$t.descr"),
"environment" => $environment,
"result_value" => $result_value,
push @data, \%vals;
print to_json(\@data, {utf8 => 1, pretty => 1, canonical => 1}), "\n";
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8" or die "PANIC on binmode: $!";
if ($codespeed) {
} elsif (defined $sortby) {
} else {