mirror of https://github.com/git/git.git synced 2024-10-20 23:58:49 +02:00
Shawn O. Pearce 3ddff72e58 git-gui: Work around random missing scrollbar in revision list
If the horizontal scrollbar isn't currently visible (because it has
not been needed) but we get an update to the scroll port we may find
the scrollbar window exists but the Tcl command doesn't.  Apparently
it is possible for Tk to have partially destroyed the scrollbar by
removing the Tcl procedure name but still leaving the widget name in
the window registry.

Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
2008-01-22 23:37:15 -05:00

629 lines
14 KiB

# git-gui revision chooser
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
class choose_rev {
field w ; # our megawidget path
field w_list ; # list of currently filtered specs
field w_filter ; # filter entry for $w_list
field c_expr {}; # current revision expression
field filter ; # current filter string
field revtype head; # type of revision chosen
field cur_specs [list]; # list of specs for $revtype
field spec_head ; # list of all head specs
field spec_trck ; # list of all tracking branch specs
field spec_tag ; # list of all tag specs
field tip_data ; # array of tip commit info by refname
field log_last ; # array of reflog date by refname
field tooltip_wm {} ; # Current tooltip toplevel, if open
field tooltip_t {} ; # Text widget in $tooltip_wm
field tooltip_timer {} ; # Current timer event for our tooltip
proc new {path {title {}}} {
return [_new $path 0 $title]
proc new_unmerged {path {title {}}} {
return [_new $path 1 $title]
constructor _new {path unmerged_only title} {
global current_branch is_detached
if {![info exists ::all_remotes]} {
set w $path
if {$title ne {}} {
labelframe $w -text $title
} else {
frame $w
bind $w <Destroy> [cb _delete %W]
if {$is_detached} {
radiobutton $w.detachedhead_r \
-anchor w \
-text [mc "This Detached Checkout"] \
-value HEAD \
-variable @revtype
grid $w.detachedhead_r -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2
radiobutton $w.expr_r \
-text [mc "Revision Expression:"] \
-value expr \
-variable @revtype
entry $w.expr_t \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief sunken \
-width 50 \
-textvariable @c_expr \
-validate key \
-validatecommand [cb _validate %d %S]
grid $w.expr_r $w.expr_t -sticky we -padx {0 5}
frame $w.types
radiobutton $w.types.head_r \
-text [mc "Local Branch"] \
-value head \
-variable @revtype
pack $w.types.head_r -side left
radiobutton $w.types.trck_r \
-text [mc "Tracking Branch"] \
-value trck \
-variable @revtype
pack $w.types.trck_r -side left
radiobutton $w.types.tag_r \
-text [mc "Tag"] \
-value tag \
-variable @revtype
pack $w.types.tag_r -side left
set w_filter $w.types.filter
entry $w_filter \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief sunken \
-width 12 \
-textvariable @filter \
-validate key \
-validatecommand [cb _filter %P]
pack $w_filter -side right
pack [label $w.types.filter_icon \
-image ::choose_rev::img_find \
] -side right
grid $w.types -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2
frame $w.list
set w_list $w.list.l
listbox $w_list \
-font font_diff \
-width 50 \
-height 10 \
-selectmode browse \
-exportselection false \
-xscrollcommand [cb _sb_set $w.list.sbx h] \
-yscrollcommand [cb _sb_set $w.list.sby v]
pack $w_list -fill both -expand 1
grid $w.list -sticky nswe -padx {20 5} -columnspan 2
bind $w_list <Any-Motion> [cb _show_tooltip @%x,%y]
bind $w_list <Any-Enter> [cb _hide_tooltip]
bind $w_list <Any-Leave> [cb _hide_tooltip]
bind $w_list <Destroy> [cb _hide_tooltip]
grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
if {$is_detached} {
grid rowconfigure $w 3 -weight 1
} else {
grid rowconfigure $w 2 -weight 1
trace add variable @revtype write [cb _select]
bind $w_filter <Key-Return> [list focus $w_list]\;break
bind $w_filter <Key-Down> [list focus $w_list]
set fmt list
append fmt { %(refname)}
append fmt { [list}
append fmt { %(objecttype)}
append fmt { %(objectname)}
append fmt { [concat %(taggername) %(authorname)]}
append fmt { [reformat_date [concat %(taggerdate) %(authordate)]]}
append fmt { %(subject)}
append fmt {] [list}
append fmt { %(*objecttype)}
append fmt { %(*objectname)}
append fmt { %(*authorname)}
append fmt { [reformat_date %(*authordate)]}
append fmt { %(*subject)}
append fmt {]}
set all_refn [list]
set fr_fd [git_read for-each-ref \
--tcl \
--sort=-taggerdate \
--format=$fmt \
refs/heads \
refs/remotes \
refs/tags \
fconfigure $fr_fd -translation lf -encoding utf-8
while {[gets $fr_fd line] > 0} {
set line [eval $line]
if {[lindex $line 1 0] eq {tag}} {
if {[lindex $line 2 0] eq {commit}} {
set sha1 [lindex $line 2 1]
} else {
} elseif {[lindex $line 1 0] eq {commit}} {
set sha1 [lindex $line 1 1]
} else {
set refn [lindex $line 0]
set tip_data($refn) [lrange $line 1 end]
lappend cmt_refn($sha1) $refn
lappend all_refn $refn
close $fr_fd
if {$unmerged_only} {
set fr_fd [git_read rev-list --all ^$::HEAD]
while {[gets $fr_fd sha1] > 0} {
if {[catch {set rlst $cmt_refn($sha1)}]} continue
foreach refn $rlst {
set inc($refn) 1
close $fr_fd
} else {
foreach refn $all_refn {
set inc($refn) 1
set spec_head [list]
foreach name [load_all_heads] {
set refn refs/heads/$name
if {[info exists inc($refn)]} {
lappend spec_head [list $name $refn]
set spec_trck [list]
foreach spec [all_tracking_branches] {
set refn [lindex $spec 0]
if {[info exists inc($refn)]} {
regsub ^refs/(heads|remotes)/ $refn {} name
lappend spec_trck [concat $name $spec]
set spec_tag [list]
foreach name [load_all_tags] {
set refn refs/tags/$name
if {[info exists inc($refn)]} {
lappend spec_tag [list $name $refn]
if {$is_detached} { set revtype HEAD
} elseif {[llength $spec_head] > 0} { set revtype head
} elseif {[llength $spec_trck] > 0} { set revtype trck
} elseif {[llength $spec_tag ] > 0} { set revtype tag
} else { set revtype expr
if {$revtype eq {head} && $current_branch ne {}} {
set i 0
foreach spec $spec_head {
if {[lindex $spec 0] eq $current_branch} {
$w_list selection clear 0 end
$w_list selection set $i
incr i
return $this
method none {text} {
if {![winfo exists $w.none_r]} {
radiobutton $w.none_r \
-anchor w \
-value none \
-variable @revtype
grid $w.none_r -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2
$w.none_r configure -text $text
method get {} {
switch -- $revtype {
head -
trck -
tag {
set i [$w_list curselection]
if {$i ne {}} {
return [lindex $cur_specs $i 0]
} else {
return {}
HEAD { return HEAD }
expr { return $c_expr }
none { return {} }
default { error "unknown type of revision" }
method pick_tracking_branch {} {
set revtype trck
method focus_filter {} {
if {[$w_filter cget -state] eq {normal}} {
focus $w_filter
method bind_listbox {event script} {
bind $w_list $event $script
method get_local_branch {} {
if {$revtype eq {head}} {
return [_expr $this]
} else {
return {}
method get_tracking_branch {} {
set i [$w_list curselection]
if {$i eq {} || $revtype ne {trck}} {
return {}
return [lrange [lindex $cur_specs $i] 1 end]
method get_commit {} {
set e [_expr $this]
if {$e eq {}} {
return {}
return [git rev-parse --verify "$e^0"]
method commit_or_die {} {
if {[catch {set new [get_commit $this]} err]} {
# Cleanup the not-so-friendly error from rev-parse.
regsub {^fatal:\s*} $err {} err
if {$err eq {Needed a single revision}} {
set err {}
set top [winfo toplevel $w]
set msg [strcat [mc "Invalid revision: %s" [get $this]] "\n\n$err"]
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $top] \
-parent $top \
-message $msg
error $msg
return $new
method _expr {} {
switch -- $revtype {
head -
trck -
tag {
set i [$w_list curselection]
if {$i ne {}} {
return [lindex $cur_specs $i 1]
} else {
error [mc "No revision selected."]
expr {
if {$c_expr ne {}} {
return $c_expr
} else {
error [mc "Revision expression is empty."]
HEAD { return HEAD }
none { return {} }
default { error "unknown type of revision" }
method _validate {d S} {
if {$d == 1} {
if {[regexp {\s} $S]} {
return 0
if {[string length $S] > 0} {
set revtype expr
return 1
method _filter {P} {
if {[regexp {\s} $P]} {
return 0
_rebuild $this $P
return 1
method _select {args} {
_rebuild $this $filter
focus_filter $this
method _rebuild {pat} {
set ste normal
switch -- $revtype {
head { set new $spec_head }
trck { set new $spec_trck }
tag { set new $spec_tag }
expr -
none {
set new [list]
set ste disabled
if {[$w_list cget -state] eq {disabled}} {
$w_list configure -state normal
$w_list delete 0 end
if {$pat ne {}} {
set pat *${pat}*
set cur_specs [list]
foreach spec $new {
set txt [lindex $spec 0]
if {$pat eq {} || [string match $pat $txt]} {
lappend cur_specs $spec
$w_list insert end $txt
if {$cur_specs ne {}} {
$w_list selection clear 0 end
$w_list selection set 0
if {[$w_filter cget -state] ne $ste} {
$w_list configure -state $ste
$w_filter configure -state $ste
method _delete {current} {
if {$current eq $w} {
method _sb_set {sb orient first last} {
set old_focus [focus -lastfor $w]
if {$first == 0 && $last == 1} {
if {[winfo exists $sb]} {
destroy $sb
if {$old_focus ne {}} {
focus $old_focus
if {![winfo exists $sb]} {
if {$orient eq {h}} {
scrollbar $sb -orient h -command [list $w_list xview]
pack $sb -fill x -side bottom -before $w_list
} else {
scrollbar $sb -orient v -command [list $w_list yview]
pack $sb -fill y -side right -before $w_list
if {$old_focus ne {}} {
focus $old_focus
catch {$sb set $first $last}
method _show_tooltip {pos} {
if {$tooltip_wm ne {}} {
_open_tooltip $this
} elseif {$tooltip_timer eq {}} {
set tooltip_timer [after 1000 [cb _open_tooltip]]
method _open_tooltip {} {
global remote_url
set tooltip_timer {}
set pos_x [winfo pointerx $w_list]
set pos_y [winfo pointery $w_list]
if {[winfo containing $pos_x $pos_y] ne $w_list} {
_hide_tooltip $this
set pos @[join [list \
[expr {$pos_x - [winfo rootx $w_list]}] \
[expr {$pos_y - [winfo rooty $w_list]}]] ,]
set lno [$w_list index $pos]
if {$lno eq {}} {
_hide_tooltip $this
set spec [lindex $cur_specs $lno]
set refn [lindex $spec 1]
if {$refn eq {}} {
_hide_tooltip $this
if {$tooltip_wm eq {}} {
set tooltip_wm [toplevel $w_list.tooltip -borderwidth 1]
wm overrideredirect $tooltip_wm 1
wm transient $tooltip_wm [winfo toplevel $w_list]
set tooltip_t $tooltip_wm.label
text $tooltip_t \
-takefocus 0 \
-highlightthickness 0 \
-relief flat \
-borderwidth 0 \
-wrap none \
-background lightyellow \
-foreground black
$tooltip_t tag conf section_header -font font_uibold
bind $tooltip_wm <Escape> [cb _hide_tooltip]
pack $tooltip_t
} else {
$tooltip_t conf -state normal
$tooltip_t delete 0.0 end
set data $tip_data($refn)
if {[lindex $data 0 0] eq {tag}} {
set tag [lindex $data 0]
if {[lindex $data 1 0] eq {commit}} {
set cmit [lindex $data 1]
} else {
set cmit {}
} elseif {[lindex $data 0 0] eq {commit}} {
set tag {}
set cmit [lindex $data 0]
$tooltip_t insert end [lindex $spec 0]
set last [_reflog_last $this [lindex $spec 1]]
if {$last ne {}} {
$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
$tooltip_t insert end [mc "Updated"]
$tooltip_t insert end " $last"
$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
if {$tag ne {}} {
$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
$tooltip_t insert end [mc "Tag"] section_header
$tooltip_t insert end " [lindex $tag 1]\n"
$tooltip_t insert end [lindex $tag 2]
$tooltip_t insert end " ([lindex $tag 3])\n"
$tooltip_t insert end [lindex $tag 4]
$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
if {$cmit ne {}} {
$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
$tooltip_t insert end [mc "Commit@@noun"] section_header
$tooltip_t insert end " [lindex $cmit 1]\n"
$tooltip_t insert end [lindex $cmit 2]
$tooltip_t insert end " ([lindex $cmit 3])\n"
$tooltip_t insert end [lindex $cmit 4]
if {[llength $spec] > 2} {
$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
$tooltip_t insert end [mc "Remote"] section_header
$tooltip_t insert end " [lindex $spec 2]\n"
$tooltip_t insert end [mc "URL"]
$tooltip_t insert end " $remote_url([lindex $spec 2])\n"
$tooltip_t insert end [mc "Branch"]
$tooltip_t insert end " [lindex $spec 3]"
$tooltip_t conf -state disabled
_position_tooltip $this
method _reflog_last {name} {
if {[info exists reflog_last($name)]} {
return reflog_last($name)
set last {}
if {[catch {set last [file mtime [gitdir $name]]}]
&& ![catch {set g [open [gitdir logs $name] r]}]} {
fconfigure $g -translation binary
while {[gets $g line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp {> ([1-9][0-9]*) } $line line when]} {
set last $when
close $g
if {$last ne {}} {
set last [format_date $last]
set reflog_last($name) $last
return $last
method _position_tooltip {} {
set max_h [lindex [split [$tooltip_t index end] .] 0]
set max_w 0
for {set i 1} {$i <= $max_h} {incr i} {
set c [lindex [split [$tooltip_t index "$i.0 lineend"] .] 1]
if {$c > $max_w} {set max_w $c}
$tooltip_t conf -width $max_w -height $max_h
set req_w [winfo reqwidth $tooltip_t]
set req_h [winfo reqheight $tooltip_t]
set pos_x [expr {[winfo pointerx .] + 5}]
set pos_y [expr {[winfo pointery .] + 10}]
set g "${req_w}x${req_h}"
if {$pos_x >= 0} {append g +}
append g $pos_x
if {$pos_y >= 0} {append g +}
append g $pos_y
wm geometry $tooltip_wm $g
raise $tooltip_wm
method _hide_tooltip {} {
if {$tooltip_wm ne {}} {
destroy $tooltip_wm
set tooltip_wm {}
if {$tooltip_timer ne {}} {
after cancel $tooltip_timer
set tooltip_timer {}