delete tempdir 'git subtree rejoin' option to do the same as --rejoin, eg. after a rebase --prefix doesn't force the subtree correctly in merge/pull: "-s subtree" should be given an explicit subtree option? There doesn't seem to be a way to do this. We'd have to patch git-merge-subtree. Ugh. (but we could avoid this problem by generating squashes with exactly the right subtree structure, rather than using subtree merge...) add a 'push' subcommand to parallel 'pull' add a 'log' subcommand to see what's new in a subtree? add to-submodule and from-submodule commands automated tests for --squash stuff fails in msysgit? sort error - see Thell's email "add" command non-obviously requires a commitid; would be easier if it had a "pull" sort of mode instead "pull" and "merge" commands should fail if you've never merged that --prefix before docs should provide an example of "add" note that the initial split doesn't *have* to have a commitid specified... that's just an optimization if you try to add (or maybe merge?) with an invalid commitid, you get a misleading "prefix must end with /" message from one of the other git tools that git-subtree calls. Should detect this situation and print the *real* problem. In fact, the prefix should *not* end with slash, and we should detect (and fix) it if it does. Otherwise the log message looks weird. totally weird behavior in 'git subtree add' if --prefix matches a branch name