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git-gui: Allow users to delete remote branches Git has supported remote branch deletion for quite some time, but I've just never gotten around to supporting it in git-gui. Some workflows have users push short-term branches to some remote Git repository, then delete them a few days/weeks later when that topic has been fully merged into the main trunk. Typically in that style of workflow the user will want to remove the branches they created. We now offer a "Delete..." option in the Push menu, right below the generic "Push..." option. When the user opens our generic delete dialog they can select a preconfigured remote, or enter a random URL. We run `git ls-remote $url` to obtain the list of branches and tags known there, and offer this list in a listbox for the user to select one or more from. Like our local branch delete dialog we offer the user a way to filter their selected branch list down to only those branches that have been merged into another branch. This is a very common operation as the user will likely want to select a range of topic branches, but only delete them if they have been merged into some sort of common trunk. Unfortunately our remote merge base detection is not nearly as strict as the local branch version. We only offer remote heads as the test commit (not any local ones) and we require that all necessary commits to successfully run git-merge-base are available locally. If one or more is missing we suggest that the user run a fetch first. Since the Git remote protocol doesn't let us specify what the tested commit was when we evaluated our decision to execute the remote delete there is a race condition here. The user could do a merge test against the trunk, determine a topic branch was fully merged, but before they can start pushing the delete request another user could fast-forward the remote topic branch to a new commit that is not merged into the trunk. The delete will arrive after, and remove the topic, even though it was not fully merged. Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
2007-05-28 21:23:32 +02:00
# git-gui remote branch deleting support
# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
class remote_branch_delete {
field w
field head_m
field urltype {url}
field remote {}
field url {}
field checktype {head}
field check_head {}
field status {}
field idle_id {}
field full_list {}
field head_list {}
field active_ls {}
field head_cache
field full_cache
field cached
constructor dialog {} {
global all_remotes M1B
make_toplevel top w
wm title $top "[appname] ([reponame]): Delete Remote Branch"
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
label $w.header -text {Delete Remote Branch} -font font_uibold
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
frame $w.buttons
button $w.buttons.delete -text Delete \
-default active \
-command [cb _delete]
pack $w.buttons.delete -side right
button $w.buttons.cancel -text {Cancel} \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
labelframe $w.dest -text {From Repository}
if {$all_remotes ne {}} {
radiobutton $w.dest.remote_r \
-text {Remote:} \
-value remote \
-variable @urltype
eval tk_optionMenu $w.dest.remote_m @remote $all_remotes
grid $w.dest.remote_r $w.dest.remote_m -sticky w
if {[lsearch -sorted -exact $all_remotes origin] != -1} {
set remote origin
} else {
set remote [lindex $all_remotes 0]
set urltype remote
trace add variable @remote write [cb _write_remote]
} else {
set urltype url
radiobutton $w.dest.url_r \
-text {Arbitrary URL:} \
-value url \
-variable @urltype
entry $w.dest.url_t \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief sunken \
-width 50 \
-textvariable @url \
-validate key \
-validatecommand {
if {%d == 1 && [regexp {\s} %S]} {return 0}
return 1
trace add variable @url write [cb _write_url]
grid $w.dest.url_r $w.dest.url_t -sticky we -padx {0 5}
grid columnconfigure $w.dest 1 -weight 1
pack $w.dest -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
labelframe $w.heads -text {Branches}
listbox $w.heads.l \
-height 10 \
-width 70 \
-listvariable @head_list \
-selectmode extended \
-yscrollcommand [list $w.heads.sby set]
scrollbar $w.heads.sby -command [list $w.heads.l yview]
frame $w.heads.footer
label $w.heads.footer.status \
-textvariable @status \
-anchor w \
-justify left
button $w.heads.footer.rescan \
-text {Rescan} \
-command [cb _rescan]
pack $w.heads.footer.status -side left -fill x
git-gui: Allow users to delete remote branches Git has supported remote branch deletion for quite some time, but I've just never gotten around to supporting it in git-gui. Some workflows have users push short-term branches to some remote Git repository, then delete them a few days/weeks later when that topic has been fully merged into the main trunk. Typically in that style of workflow the user will want to remove the branches they created. We now offer a "Delete..." option in the Push menu, right below the generic "Push..." option. When the user opens our generic delete dialog they can select a preconfigured remote, or enter a random URL. We run `git ls-remote $url` to obtain the list of branches and tags known there, and offer this list in a listbox for the user to select one or more from. Like our local branch delete dialog we offer the user a way to filter their selected branch list down to only those branches that have been merged into another branch. This is a very common operation as the user will likely want to select a range of topic branches, but only delete them if they have been merged into some sort of common trunk. Unfortunately our remote merge base detection is not nearly as strict as the local branch version. We only offer remote heads as the test commit (not any local ones) and we require that all necessary commits to successfully run git-merge-base are available locally. If one or more is missing we suggest that the user run a fetch first. Since the Git remote protocol doesn't let us specify what the tested commit was when we evaluated our decision to execute the remote delete there is a race condition here. The user could do a merge test against the trunk, determine a topic branch was fully merged, but before they can start pushing the delete request another user could fast-forward the remote topic branch to a new commit that is not merged into the trunk. The delete will arrive after, and remove the topic, even though it was not fully merged. Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
2007-05-28 21:23:32 +02:00
pack $w.heads.footer.rescan -side right
pack $w.heads.footer -side bottom -fill x
git-gui: Allow users to delete remote branches Git has supported remote branch deletion for quite some time, but I've just never gotten around to supporting it in git-gui. Some workflows have users push short-term branches to some remote Git repository, then delete them a few days/weeks later when that topic has been fully merged into the main trunk. Typically in that style of workflow the user will want to remove the branches they created. We now offer a "Delete..." option in the Push menu, right below the generic "Push..." option. When the user opens our generic delete dialog they can select a preconfigured remote, or enter a random URL. We run `git ls-remote $url` to obtain the list of branches and tags known there, and offer this list in a listbox for the user to select one or more from. Like our local branch delete dialog we offer the user a way to filter their selected branch list down to only those branches that have been merged into another branch. This is a very common operation as the user will likely want to select a range of topic branches, but only delete them if they have been merged into some sort of common trunk. Unfortunately our remote merge base detection is not nearly as strict as the local branch version. We only offer remote heads as the test commit (not any local ones) and we require that all necessary commits to successfully run git-merge-base are available locally. If one or more is missing we suggest that the user run a fetch first. Since the Git remote protocol doesn't let us specify what the tested commit was when we evaluated our decision to execute the remote delete there is a race condition here. The user could do a merge test against the trunk, determine a topic branch was fully merged, but before they can start pushing the delete request another user could fast-forward the remote topic branch to a new commit that is not merged into the trunk. The delete will arrive after, and remove the topic, even though it was not fully merged. Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
2007-05-28 21:23:32 +02:00
pack $w.heads.sby -side right -fill y
pack $w.heads.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
pack $w.heads -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
labelframe $w.validate -text {Delete Only If}
radiobutton $w.validate.head_r \
-text {Merged Into:} \
-value head \
-variable @checktype
set head_m [tk_optionMenu $w.validate.head_m @check_head {}]
trace add variable @head_list write [cb _write_head_list]
trace add variable @check_head write [cb _write_check_head]
grid $w.validate.head_r $w.validate.head_m -sticky w
radiobutton $w.validate.always_r \
-text {Always (Do not perform merge checks)} \
-value always \
-variable @checktype
grid $w.validate.always_r -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid columnconfigure $w.validate 1 -weight 1
pack $w.validate -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
trace add variable @urltype write [cb _write_urltype]
_rescan $this
bind $w <Key-F5> [cb _rescan]
bind $w <$M1B-Key-r> [cb _rescan]
bind $w <$M1B-Key-R> [cb _rescan]
bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _delete]
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
return $w
method _delete {} {
switch $urltype {
remote {set uri $remote}
url {set uri $url}
set cache $urltype:$uri
set crev {}
if {$checktype eq {head}} {
if {$check_head eq {}} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message "A branch is required for 'Merged Into'."
set crev $full_cache("$cache\nrefs/heads/$check_head")
set not_merged [list]
set need_fetch 0
set have_selection 0
set push_cmd [list git push]
lappend push_cmd -v
lappend push_cmd $uri
foreach i [$w.heads.l curselection] {
set ref [lindex $full_list $i]
if {$crev ne {}} {
set obj $full_cache("$cache\n$ref")
if {[catch {set m [git merge-base $obj $crev]}]} {
set need_fetch 1
set m {}
if {$obj ne $m} {
lappend not_merged [lindex $head_list $i]
lappend push_cmd :$ref
set have_selection 1
if {$not_merged ne {}} {
set msg "The following branches are not completely merged into $check_head:
- [join $not_merged "\n - "]"
if {$need_fetch} {
append msg "
One or more of the merge tests failed because you have not fetched the necessary commits. Try fetching from $uri first."
tk_messageBox \
-icon info \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message $msg
if {!$have_selection} return
if {!$have_selection} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message "Please select one or more branches to delete."
if {[tk_messageBox \
-icon warning \
-type yesno \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message {Recovering deleted branches is difficult.
Delete the selected branches?}] ne yes} {
destroy $w
set cons [console::new \
"push $uri" \
"Deleting branches from $uri"]
console::exec $cons $push_cmd
method _rescan {{force 1}} {
switch $urltype {
remote {set uri $remote}
url {set uri $url}
if {$force} {
unset -nocomplain cached($urltype:$uri)
if {$idle_id ne {}} {
after cancel $idle_id
set idle_id {}
_load $this $urltype:$uri $uri
method _write_remote {args} { set urltype remote }
method _write_url {args} { set urltype url }
method _write_check_head {args} { set checktype head }
method _write_head_list {args} {
$head_m delete 0 end
foreach abr $head_list {
$head_m insert end radiobutton \
-label $abr \
-value $abr \
-variable @check_head
if {[lsearch -exact -sorted $head_list $check_head] < 0} {
set check_head {}
method _write_urltype {args} {
if {$urltype eq {url}} {
if {$idle_id ne {}} {
after cancel $idle_id
_load $this none: {}
set idle_id [after 1000 [cb _rescan 0]]
} else {
_rescan $this 0
method _load {cache uri} {
if {$active_ls ne {}} {
catch {close $active_ls}
if {$uri eq {}} {
$w.heads.l conf -state disabled
set head_list [list]
set full_list [list]
set status {No repository selected.}
if {[catch {set x $cached($cache)}]} {
set status "Scanning $uri..."
$w.heads.l conf -state disabled
set head_list [list]
set full_list [list]
set head_cache($cache) [list]
set full_cache($cache) [list]
set active_ls [git_read ls-remote $uri]
git-gui: Allow users to delete remote branches Git has supported remote branch deletion for quite some time, but I've just never gotten around to supporting it in git-gui. Some workflows have users push short-term branches to some remote Git repository, then delete them a few days/weeks later when that topic has been fully merged into the main trunk. Typically in that style of workflow the user will want to remove the branches they created. We now offer a "Delete..." option in the Push menu, right below the generic "Push..." option. When the user opens our generic delete dialog they can select a preconfigured remote, or enter a random URL. We run `git ls-remote $url` to obtain the list of branches and tags known there, and offer this list in a listbox for the user to select one or more from. Like our local branch delete dialog we offer the user a way to filter their selected branch list down to only those branches that have been merged into another branch. This is a very common operation as the user will likely want to select a range of topic branches, but only delete them if they have been merged into some sort of common trunk. Unfortunately our remote merge base detection is not nearly as strict as the local branch version. We only offer remote heads as the test commit (not any local ones) and we require that all necessary commits to successfully run git-merge-base are available locally. If one or more is missing we suggest that the user run a fetch first. Since the Git remote protocol doesn't let us specify what the tested commit was when we evaluated our decision to execute the remote delete there is a race condition here. The user could do a merge test against the trunk, determine a topic branch was fully merged, but before they can start pushing the delete request another user could fast-forward the remote topic branch to a new commit that is not merged into the trunk. The delete will arrive after, and remove the topic, even though it was not fully merged. Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
2007-05-28 21:23:32 +02:00
fconfigure $active_ls \
-blocking 0 \
-translation lf \
-encoding utf-8
fileevent $active_ls readable [cb _read $cache $active_ls]
} else {
set status {}
set full_list $full_cache($cache)
set head_list $head_cache($cache)
$w.heads.l conf -state normal
method _read {cache fd} {
if {$fd ne $active_ls} {
catch {close $fd}
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
if {[string match {*^{}} $line]} continue
if {[regexp {^([0-9a-f]{40}) (.*)$} $line _junk obj ref]} {
if {[regsub ^refs/heads/ $ref {} abr]} {
lappend head_list $abr
lappend head_cache($cache) $abr
lappend full_list $ref
lappend full_cache($cache) $ref
set full_cache("$cache\n$ref") $obj
if {[eof $fd]} {
if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
set status $err
set head_list [list]
set full_list [list]
} else {
set status {}
set cached($cache) 1
$w.heads.l conf -state normal
} ifdeleted {
catch {close $fd}