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mirror of https://github.com/eoli3n/dotfiles synced 2024-05-24 00:16:06 +02:00
2019-12-12 20:33:42 +01:00

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# output configuration
set $laptop "eDP-1"
set $screen "DP-3"
set $proj "DP-4"
output $laptop pos 1920 1330 res 1920x1080 scale 1.3
output $screen pos 0 1080 res 1920x1080
output $proj pos 0 0 res 1920x1080
# dpms
output * dpms on
# turn of screen when laptop closed
bindswitch --reload lid:on output $laptop disable
bindswitch --reload lid:off output $laptop enable
#assign workspace to screens
workspace $tag1 output $screen
workspace $tag2 output $laptop
workspace $tag3 output $laptop
workspace $tag4 output $laptop
workspace $tag5 output $laptop
workspace $tag6 output $laptop
workspace $tag7 output $laptop
workspace $tag8 output $laptop
workspace $tag9 output $laptop
workspace $tag10 output $laptop
# exec startup apps
exec --no-startup-id swaymsg 'exec xbindkeys &'
exec --no-startup-id swaymsg 'exec variety &'
exec --no-startup-id swaymsg 'exec google-chrome-stable'
exec --no-startup-id swaymsg 'exec google-chrome-stable --app="https://gmail.com"'
exec --no-startup-id swaymsg 'workspace $tag4; exec termite -e "screen -rd weechat &"'
exec --no-startup-id swaymsg 'workspace $tag2; exec termite -e "ssh-add" && termite'