# Archlinux i3-gaps Dark Solarized **i3-gaps zsh polybar** ![alt tag](https://github.com/eoli3n/dotfiles/blob/master/screenshots/i3gaps.png) **Weechat** ![alt tag](https://github.com/eoli3n/dotfiles/blob/master/screenshots/weechat.png) **Chrome App mode with O!MPD, thunar gtk** ![alt tag](https://github.com/eoli3n/dotfiles/blob/master/screenshots/thunar.png) **i3lock** ![alt tag](https://github.com/eoli3n/dotfiles/blob/master/screenshots/i3lock.png) **Connman** ![alt tag](https://github.com/eoli3n/dotfiles/blob/master/screenshots/connman.png) # Setup **Packages** ``` sudo pacman -S rxvt-unicode zsh git ttf-hack vim weechat xbindkeys powerline powerline-fonts powerline-vim xorg-xrdb xclip zsh-syntax-highlighting tmux xorg-xfd connman connman-gtk w3m lxappearance maim slop pacaur -S i3-gaps polybar-git albert compton-git powerline powerline-vim ttf-font-awesome ttf-unifont ttf-font-icons j4-dmenu-desktop siji-git menutray cower i3lock-color-git cd ~/.i3 git clone https://github.com/guimeira/i3lock-fancy-multimonitor ``` Change ``BLURTYPE="5x3"`` in ``i3lock-fancy-multimonitor/lock`` file. **Zsh deps** ``` git clone git://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ~/.zsh/zsh-autosuggestions ``` Note: zshrc needs to be adapt at your fits **Gtk+ and Qt** Run lxappearance and apply ``Vertex-Dark`` theme. To use GTK-like theme with Qt edit ``~/.config/Trolltech.conf`` and set ``` [Qt] style=GTK+ ``` **Google chrome** Open this link to set lighter scrollbar ``` chrome://flags/#overlay-scrollbars ``` To use dark theme, go to graphical configuration and click ``Use GTK+ Theme`` **Update font cache and Xresources** ``` fc-cache -f ln -s ~/.Xresources ~/.Xdefaults xrdb ~/.Xresources ``` **Enable services** ``` systemctl --user enable weechat.service systemctl --user enable ssh-agent.service ``` # Weechat solarized In weechat ``` /set weechat.bar.status.color_bg 0 /set weechat.bar.title.color_bg 0 /set weechat.color.chat_nick_colors 1,2,3,4,5,6 /set buffers.color.hotlist_message_fg 7 /set weechat.color.chat_highlight_bg red /set weechat.color.chat_highlight black /script install colorize_nicks.py buffers.pl iset.pl highmon.pl /bar toggle nicklist /bar toggle title /bar toggle status /set weechat.look.separator_horizontal " " /set buffers.color.current_bg 240 /set buffers.color.current_fg white /set buffers.look.show_number off /set weechat.bar.buffers.position top /set weechat.look.buffer_time_format ${color:252}%H${color:245}%M${color:240}%S /set env TERM screen-256color /set weechat.bar.input.items " ,[input_search],[input_paste],input_text" /set weechat.bar.input.color_delim 240 /set weechat.look.prefix_error "✘" /set weechat.look.prefix_join "" /set weechat.look.prefix_quit "" /set weechat.look.prefix_suffix " " /set weechat.look.read_marker none /upgrade ``` # Subprojects - https://github.com/Airblader/i3 - https://github.com/jaagr/polybar - https://github.com/guimeira/i3lock-fancy-multimonitor - https://github.com/chjj/compton - https://github.com/altercation/solarized **IRC** eoli3n @ freenode #archlinux-fr